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Welcome to Of Rites & Privilage, Adventure & Scribbalage

22:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


He is known as the Monk of the Mountain or the Immortal Monk, depending on whom you heard the tale from. 山和尚, Shān Héshàng, or just "Shan" to friends (pronounced Shan Hua-Shahng in the common tongue), is known for his supernatural fighting prowess. He was once rumored to have "lifted a mountain" to save a small village near his temple and known to be "gifted by the spirits" or "the gods". When questioned about his motives, he simply states he's traveled to the west to "learn the ways of mankind" and "help others fulfill their dreams".

He appears to be one of the monks from the east known for practicing mystical martial arts. He wears a grey gi with green and gold trimming and has piercing green eyes and a shaved head. He wears silvery gauntlets and bracers or both his arms and legs and some golden jewelry reminiscent of various countries in the east including an eerie amulet and golden earrings. He often has strange-looking beasts following him around as well as magical trinkets floating around his person such as crystals, glittering lights, and even bones. He warns people not to touch them...for their own safety.

Shan is currently working as a sell-sword, but is humble enough to take nearly any job from someone he considers "honest in their trade". He's very strict about the deals he makes and ensuring all parties are true to their word. He often says strange things like, "Be careful what you wish for. You just may get it" and "People show who they truly are when they gain or lose everything. Especially when both happen." He's often meditating and mumbling to himself when not in someone's service or a conversation. Despite his immense size, strict rules, etiquette, and ascetic monk-like lifestyle, he's rather friendly and has a cheeky sense of humor that could almost be called childish.

Shan has made it clear he has no intention of starting a business or empire of any sort, but rather likes to observe others doing so. Inspired by the way others create industry from nothing, he's always asking questions that may seem obvious or awkward to others. He often chuckles at the mention of serious sociopolitical topics, shrugging them off as the "strange hobbies" of rulers and leaders.

OOC: DC15 Wisdom check to notice something strange about him. DC15 Knowledge (Planes) to know what this strange thing is and DC25 Knowledge (Planes) to fully understand it. Anyone who figures out his secret will instantly be granted a free favor. No retries!