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Welcome to Dark Heresy - Dark Stars on the Horizon

21:33, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Karan Boland
Home World: Taiid
Rank: Battle Sister
Order: Ebon Chalice
Gender: Female
Age: 23

Height: 1.62m
Weight: 51kg
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Pale Blonde
Skin: Fair

Description: With her stature and weight combined into a more or less lean build, Karan doesn't precisely stand as an imposing figure. Her kind blue eyes, fresh face framed by her blonde mane give her a rather amicable, even harmless and angelical look. This impression holds some degree of truth, not actually as harmless as she may come across, Karan possesses a very friendly disposition towards others. Her easy going character goes by the hand with her a seemingly infectious unjaded naivete with which she goes about her business, which can be both an uplifting boon or a crippling flaw. Quite gregarious and genuinely caring person, Karan is willing to go out of her way to accommodate to the needs of others, thriving in groups and taking their well being on herself, which is perhaps why she has demonstrated some interest in medicae, despite her shortcomings.

All in all, Karan's brand of happy-go-lucky disposition and simpleminded approach to life, have been a positive for the moral of those around her. Moreover, they seem to to coax a similarly friendly response out of those strangers she comes in contact with. Lastly, wether part of her nature or instilled in her during her upbringing, Karan has a relentless virtue about her, which (with some limitations) makes her unyielding in whatever purpose she is tasked with. Combined with a strong sense fo duty and steered in the right direction, Karan can be a very dependable asset. That is, if set to a task that she can handle, otherwise, she can be expected to relentlessly try and fail time and again, regardless of the lack of results, until sh wears herself down.

Abilities: Karan received a level of combat instruction for which she has shown some aptitude and actual field experience. Surprisingly flexible for her background, it is perhaps worth note and praise that this may be so due her tuition, seeing the ease with which she got herself acquainted with the various firearms which she is expected to operate. Her fighting aptitude is adequate enough, what she may lack in technique and experience, she compensates in spirit and a knack for the necessary application of force. Karan has demonstrated some observation talent and an attention to detail which may prove useful as an acolyte and were in fact, part of the cause of her recruitment, granted she lacks much of the intuition to make use of it. At the present she is very much a piece of clay, full of unattained potential, with continued drilling and accrued experience, she can be expected to overcome many of her shortcomings and turn into a better agent for the Ordos.

Weaknesses: Despite making great progress, Karan is still either not used or entirely unacquainted with many technological and societal aspects of the Imperium at large, many of which would be considered mundane and beneath notice for the average citizen. This has proven to be a very distracting issue and more importantly, stands as a great blind spot which can be exploited, hard to look for or anticipate things that 'don't exist' or 'shouldn't be possible'. Steps have been taken to educate her and correct this issue but it is an ongoing process.

Karan's friendly disposition can translate into a willingness to expect the best of those she wasn't given reason to distrust, combined with her underdeveloped background, makes her at times perilously trusting and gullible. An attitude which is hard to correct while educating her on the realities of Imperial life, but it can be limited by keeping her under supervision. Fortunately, she seems more keen on believing outlandish and downright absurd (to the average person) claims, than the more reasonable and therefore more insidious ones, which she is more likely to encounter.

A personal trait or perhaps the blended result of her other qualities, it has been noticed that Karan has a tendency to freeze up when faced with things she doesn't understand. A flaw that she has yet to truly acknowledge, although it is hoped that increased field experience will fix the problem on it's own.

Observations: It was stated and proven afterwards that Karan isn't very academically inclined and her otherwise impeccable diligence, seems to falter when she is faced with scholastic duties in which she lacks personal motivation, even struggling with the subjects in which she has it. It is suspected that this is the reason she was brought for tutelage to the Ecclesiarchal institutions of her homeworld rather than being tutored in a way more in line with her family's station.

In contrast with her easygoing and carefree demeanor, Karan has a very short fuse when she feels personally insulted in an unwarranted fashion, particularly quick to anger when the perceived offense pertains to her intellect or apparent lack of. Thankfully her temper rarely finds it's conduit through physical violence.