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20:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jack Smith

Name: Jack Smith

Nickname: Jack

Age: 19

Birthplace: London, England


Occupation: Chimney Sweep & Fixit

Description: Jack is a 19 year old Caucasian. He's 5'0 tall and weighs lower 90's. His hair is blond, has a bit of curl to it, cut short, and is mostly unkempt. He's not exactly ruggedly handsome, but does have sharp facial structures while not having grown into facial hair yet. He has a sinewy, thin sort of frame; perfect for what he does to earn some dosh. He dresses in shoes, dark heavy wool pants, a dark cotton long sleeve shirt, dark wool jacket, red scarf, and a dark crushed top hat.

Distinguishing Features: Unless he's recently bathed, his hands and face are generally blackened from creosote.

Personality: Jack presents himself as a happy go lucky individual. He's gregarious, friendly, smiles often, and has proven to be a very good listener for his clients who always seem to want to off-load the world's cares upon him as he provides his various services. He rarely gives advice, feeling that it's not his place or station in life to tell the better-offs what they should be doing. He's a good friend to those who consider him so. He helps out when able and rarely asks for anything in return. While somewhat quiet, he would be considered much more extroverted than introverted. Quite simply, he's just Jack, and seems to realize people are going to accept him or not while not really seeming to worry about it one way or the other.

History: There's not really much to say about Jack's life. He was born among the undeserving poor in some central district of London. Doubting he's going to escape that lot in life anytime soon, he's moved to the Rookery of St' Giles to kip in a top floor flat. He's never seen anywhere beyond the streets of London and is just as happy not to do so. He got picked up as an apprentice to a master chimney sweep and has been doing that since. He is considered a journeyman now, though he's not picked up an apprentice to pass on his trade as of yet. He often wanders to more affluent areas where he goes street to street attempting at plying his trade as chimney sweep and fixit.

Likes: Dogs, working, carousing with the lads.

Dislikes: Cats, hangovers, mean people.