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17:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Errol Vangill

Name: Errol Vangill of The White Glove
Age: 24

Physical Description:  At 5’11”, 175 pounds, Errol isn’t the largest person you’ve ever met but has a lean muscular physique.  He isn't the most intimidating figure having a somewhat boyish smile and clever, bright blue eyes, and graceful movements more befitting a dancer or courtesan than a warrior (which is fine by him, The White Glove isn't exactly known for it's warriors).  That said, those with a discerning eye will note those graceful movements are more akin to a snake than a bird and so maybe he's some bite to him after all.

He has light brown hair that tends to do whatever it wants, which is usually to swoop across his brow like the ocean waves and like the ocean, only a fool would try to control it.  He's no fool and is content to control other things, such as his clothes.  Like all of his family, he tends to dress well and a bit flamboyantly with Errol having adopted some of the Eastern influence of the land he's spent the bulk of his adult life before returning to The City of Thieves and enjoying looser robes and silk more than binding leather or steel.

Personality:  As a middle child there was little expected of Errol and his responsibilities were few.  That's not to say he was irresponsible.  He performed duties, well, dutifully.  Mostly, he learned to avoid the stresses (and responsibilities) of those in power, at least, that had been the plan.  He still has a certain laissez-faire attitude, bordering on the cavalier, which is perhaps more fitting since he adores fast horses (and ships and women and life in general).

Of course, to a certain degree, that's an expected attitude, not just of a middle son, but any member of The White Glove.  They had a certain distance from the other factions and embraced their reputation as the least violent faction as a matter of course.  Errol is no different in that regard and does his best to stay above the fray and only enters it to make a biting remark, clever bit of repartee or playful cut rather than seek to drawn real blood (literally or metaphorically).

Clever, inquisitive, learned and bored.  All could be said of him.  Though rarely seen in public, he studies incessantly (reading missives, practicing the arts, meditating), both in an effort to keep himself busy (i.e. boredom) and improve himself (i.e. learn).  He does not show this side of himself easily however and prefers people to think him a dilettante, which again is a misconception his family welcomes and embraces.  They are happy to keep their hands clean and their gloves white.

History:  Exchequer, banker, accountant, notary, arbiter.  These are things that could be said of the Vangill, better known colloquially as The White Glove.  That had once been thrown as an insult, mocking the family for keeping their hands so clean of the blood and work most gangs and thieves performed to make ends meet.  Vincenz Vangill, Errol's great-grandfather had taken the slight with a smile and adopted it as their name and a badge of honor.  The White Glove did not take sides, they did not cross turf, they did not take work from the other gangs, recognizing each with their own specialty and choosing as their own one of the least respectable (though more profitable), accounting, money lending, binding agreements, insurance.  Of course, most gangs handled much of that on their own, not trusting in anyone else, but for those who valued certainty, they came to The White Glove and in return, should money need to be reclaimed, promises need to be met or sums delivered, The White Glove went to the others and paid a fare price to see that it was done.  The Circle, they called it.  Always maintain The Circle, they would say and as such, they had strong ties with assassins and enforcers, and weren't beyond using the occasional thief or con artist when matters called for it or to simply strengthen their bonds.

As for Errol, he was born to Vincenz Vangill (the Third) after his elder brother (Vincenz the Fourth), sister (Viviana) and before a younger brother (Nicoli).  Only he and Nicoli shared the same mother, with Viviana's parentage in dispute (she certainly didn't take after her siblings) and Vincenz being born of a concubine.  As the eldest (the family could be said not to have moral concerns regarding 'legitimacy' so much as placing importance on blood and competence) and though their father was still with them, he served in an advisory role with Vincenz the Fourth the de-facto leader and face of The White Glove, at least, until he died.  Viviana is now in charge as the family could be said not to have concerns regarding gender so much as placing importance on blood and competence, of which she has both.

As a middle, and arguably superfluous son, Errol had been sent to study and oversee their interests in the East.  He'd gone with a trusted family advisor at the age of 11 and had not been back since, at least, not until he'd received the news of his brother's untimely death.

The letter was sparse, which was to say it said little.  It was actually quite long and beautifully written (as all of the letters he exchanged with his sister), though beyond the routine sharing of their lives apart, it made two things abundantly clear, Vincenz's death was not natural and Errol was to return.

Errol was not always the most ambitious son, nor the most responsible, he was however, always dutiful.

Possible Connections: The White Glove uses its money wisely, paying other gangs and factions for their services, whether those services include guarding the Counting Hall (the 'bank' and offices of The White Glove) or the House on the Hill (their family abode), escorting sums (locally or across the world), enforcing agreements (financial or honor-bound), etc.

As such, The White Glove has ties to most gangs, large and small and does its utmost to both honor those bonds and forge fresh ones.

Similarly, The White Glove is a money-lender and agreement-broker and as such, any gangs/groups with the need for a loan (at 'reasonable' interest) or a neutral third-party arbiter of contracts, may well have come to them.