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01:36, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dustin 'Dusty' Richardson

<img src=""align="right">Name: Dustin "Dusty" Richardson
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: Australian
Ethnicity: Australian
Supernatural creature type: Dingo shifter (Alpha)
Occupation: Bodyguard
Sexytimes rating: 4V

Bio: Dusty can't remember his life before he was a bodyguard, or if he can, he doesn't talk about it. He'll happily discuss his extensive training - how he met any challenge thrown at him, received glowing reports and outstripped pretty much every Alpha he began the courses with. But question further back than that and the usually lackadaisical dingo becomes suddenly bristly and standoffish.

Off duty, Dusty is companionable and easy going, ready to sit down with pretty much anyone and share a beer and a story. When he's working, though, there is no trace of this grinning larrikin. He is business-like, tough and no-nonsense and takes his work very seriously.

Appearance: Standing six feet on the nose, Dusty is built long legged and narrow-waisted. While not heavily muscled, he is nevertheless toned and fit and many an Alpha has underestimated him in their time. His left ear is pierced twice, the other not at all. His blond hair is usually worn in an artfully messy style, unless his job calls for him to tame it, in which case he slicks it neatly back.

He generally prefers jeans and simple, fitted tees, but again has a wardrobe which allows him to dress up, down or - hell - even sideways if the job calls for it. He will never stand out when he's not supposed to.