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Welcome to Curse of Strahd (Gestalt)

09:00, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:                    Snowy
Age:                     Appears in her early twenties
Race:                    Human
Classes/Archetypes:      Rogue (Swashbuckler)
                         Bard (Lore)
Alignment:               Chaotic Good
Homeland:                Traveling!
                Height:                  5' 4" (~163cm)
                Weight:                  120lbs (~55lg)
                Eye Colour:              Wonderfully Blue
                Hair Colour:             Pale Blonde

Tumbling, wavy locks of light blonde, almost white hair frames her soft, pretty face. Her eyes are a bright, vivid blue that turns paler the brighter it is. In the dark, her eyes are a deep, almost black, swirling blue that seems to draw people in. Soft, feathery black eyelashes, long and delicately curled, only serve to enhance her gaze. Her eyes are a bright splash of colour against her pale, porcelain skin, the only other contrast being the slight, light rosy pink of her cheeks, and the much darker glossy pink of her lips. With the softness of her features and perfectly unblemished skin, she almost appears to be a fragile doll that shouldn't be wandering around as she does.

To the touch, her hair is as soft as her features, and reaches to just about her chin. She keeps her thick hair free to tumble about as it wills. The looseness gives her something of a carefree appearance, which matches wonderfully with the soft smirk that almost constantly graces her face.

While a fan of jewelry, she doesn't often wear it, saving what she owns for unusually spectacular events. Currently she has a simple piece of interlocking plates and rings, a golden necklace that loops down to just the top of her cleavage.

She keeps her arms and shoulders bare, or as bare as she can depending on the weather, often wearing a thick and heavy coat when the weather turns cold or worse. Said coat is a soft, creamy white that fits well with her other light coloured clothing. She prefers wearing lighter clothing to keep with that dainty, soft feel she seems to exude.

Worn tightly against her body is a pair of cream coloured leather pants that reach down to barely past her calves. Seemingly made specifically for her body, they’re form fitting and extremely comfortably, though they don’t exactly hide much of her hips. The pants themselves are simple enough, with nothing stitched into them, or any other embellishment. But that doesn’t stop them from being obviously well made. Though it isn’t needed, she has a black leather belt that loops around her hips. She has what appears to be an old messenger's bag of some sort, made with the same off-white colour of her pants.

Though her pants only reach to mid-calf, her boots cover the rest of their skin. Her boots, also the soft cream colour as most of the rest of her clothes, are thick and heavy, the soles well worn, and the tops scuffed and marred from use. The boots are snug and end at the top swell of her calves, folding over into a circling flap. The black laces threaded through with silver lead down to narrow ankles and slender feet, the soles flat against the ground.

Hanging from her waist in a low, double sword belt is a rapier that matches well with her clothing. Simple, sturdy, very well made and mostly unadorned except for dull blue sapphire on the pommel that matches her eyes. It appears to be made of simple steel, and is obviously well worn from use, the grip's leather darkened with old sweat stains and oil. The blade itself thicker and heavier than what most would find in the halls of courtly nobility and sheathed in leather that matches her pants perfectly.

Hooked along her belts are a few simple pouches for holding the standard, daily sundry items. What she can't fit in those little pouches, which is most of her stuff, she keeps in a sturdy traveling pack of simple leather and light wood. Hooked to the outside of the pack is a brass lantern on a pole, a small crossbow, and a fiddle case.