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Welcome to Feast of Dust - Pathfinder

22:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Zhira al-Darea

Zhira is a Keleshite woman of clear Althameri descent, with the black hairs and bronze-colored skin typical of her people and piercing, intense hazel eyes that can be unsettling to some in how closely they can resemble those of a bird of prey. This is emphasized by the deep blue decoration around her eyes; in addition to her eyelids, it continues in a line from the corner of both eyes toward the ears, while each also has a similar one from the other corner but curving to briefly follow her cheekbones. A knowledgeable observer would recognize it as the "falcon eye" decoration followed by some Osiriani warrior sects. This matches with the thin blue lines shadowing her eyebrows and the blue lipstick to give her expression a slightly menacing, otherworldly quality.

Physically lean and taller than average for a woman, although not so much as to stand out in the warrior crowds she tend to frequent, she's exceptionally fit and athletic, walking and porting herself with a confidence that is part upbringing, part cultural, and part a result of knowing herself capable of handling anything life can throw at her. She tends to dress in the typical fashion of Qadiran travelers, with veils and flowing, almost robe-like clothes over a very traditional looking, almost drab quilted armor, with a shield on her back and a scimitar at her belt. Most of it is in various hues of gold and blue, with only the armor differing in its dull ocre color, halfway between brown and orange.

Her mannerism can often be confusing, as she seems to quickly switch between overly formal when speaking in official situations and overly gregarious in informal ones. She also has a deep love for Qadira as a country, having traveled it far and wide, and always speaking with passion and appreciation about it's beauty, culture, and traditions, always being ready to defend them. This can make her off-putting when interacting with foreigners, as her strong patriotic spirit can make her dismissive or patronizing when talking about anything originating from outside the country's borders.