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Welcome to Marvel Mania

08:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Black Cat

Felicia Hardy [Widely known]

Solo d10
Buddy d8
Team d6

Distinctions d8 or d4 + 1 PP
Dangerously Alluring
I’m No Hero
World-Class Thief

Power Sets
Bad Luck d10
SFX: Nine Lives. If your pool includes a Probability Manipulation power, spend a PP to re-roll.
Limit: Only Un-Luck. Bad Luck d10 may only be added to dice pools rolled to create complications or as part of reactions.

Enhanced Reflexes d8
Enhanced Senses d8
Enhanced Speed d8
Enhanced Strength d8
Leaping d6
Swingline d6
Wall-Crawling d6
SFX: Cat Claws. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a d6 to your pool and step up physical stress inflicted.
SFX: Focus. If your pool includes a Cat Suit power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one stepped-up die.
SFX: Multipower. Add more than one Cat Suit power to your pool. Step back each Cat Suit power die in your pool once for each die beyond the first.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Cat Suit to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.

[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6]
Acrobatic Expert d8
Combat Expert d8
Covert Expert d8
Crime Expert d8
Menace Expert d8
Psych Expert d8
Vehicle Expert d8

1 XP when you talk to someone who works closely with the item you are planning to steal.

3 XP when you incorporate an ally or enemy into your heist.

10 XP when you either give up the heist in order to bring about some justice or find a way to do the right thing and get away with the crime.

1 XP when you lie to someone who trusts you.

3 XP when you continue to hold on to a lie even though it will cause heroes to get into conflicts.

10 XP when you abandon a hero to his enemies for monetary gain, or you break an agreement in order to save another hero.