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Welcome to Night City Noir

17:34, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


What's that, choombata?  Who's the Borg'd Sister on the microbike, scooting around like a Singing Nun?  You must be new here, 'cause she sure ain't.  That's Abuelita.

She's just sort of... always been here.  Decades at least.  Like she's part of the city itself, y'know?  Always looked the same, always had the same schedule, always keeping an eye on everyone.  You'd think she was a Corp bopper or something to look at her, but even if she's FBC she's still got more heart and soul than you'd think could last around here.  There's only three things you can trust - yourself, your gun, and Abuelita.  You need work done on your gear or bike?  You drag your sorry ass to granny's garage and she'll fix you up.  You need something hard to get, or someone hard to get to, or someone to run with?  She's got the connections to make it happen.  Hell, I got winged by a pig-rig and you know what she did?  Hauled my ass out of the gutter, let me sleep it off in her own bed, cooked the best meal I ever had out of PrePaks, then marched herself right into the precinct and raised so much hell I actually got an apology.

An apology.
  From a cop.  Abuelita did that.

Dunno who she was before all the chrome.  Got some bad rep behind her you hear about from time to time - people calling her a coward, saying she's got Corp in her past and blood on her hands.  But she's always looked out for us.  Always makes time to see how people are doing no matter how busy she is.  Damn near raised half the squatters, gangers, and street rats herself, seems like.  Never seen her so much as lift a hand in anger, let alone a gun.  She's taken bullets for juvies... I mean, shots just bounce off her, but still.  I don't care what's in her past; ain't none of us saints, but she's the closest I've ever seen.

::Beware the Fury of a Patient Man::
Abuelita doesn't talk about the details, but she and EBM have an old feud that runs deep and personal.  Getting on her bad side is almost impossible, so you know it's gotta be something really heinous.

::The Violence in Our Nature::
Just because she's friends with everybody doesn't mean everybody is friends with her, or each other.  Abuelita's garage and services are neutral ground, but that's getting called into question the more she's seen as favoring individuals who are part of - or against - the various gangs.

::Keep the Lights On::
Charity doesn't pay but it sure is expensive.  Abuelita doesn't like to overcharge for her work and tends to give away more than she takes in, so making ends meet is tough.  She's always managed to get by, but when the bills and costs really start piling up, desperate times can lead to desperate measures.

::You Can Run, But You Can't Hide::
Abuelita is a secretive person when it comes to her past.  Nobody's certain who she really is, where she came from, or what she used to be.  Between a fairly reliable stream of misfortune over the years and rumors that she's in hiding from past mistakes, it seems like something in the history she's running from is catching up.