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08:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Meg Fury

Name: Megan Fury, Meg for short. Real name is Megaira ("the jealous one").

Age: Aeons; appears to be in 30s

Sex: Female

Species: Deity, one of the three Erinyes or Furies, a.k.a. Euminedes ("the gracious/kindly ones") and Dirae

Divine: An Erinys is a deity and as powerful as one would expect. She is the very embodiment and the literal force of jealousy, anger, retribution, and other concepts.

Madness: "Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." And the Erinyes are the ones who do it. Meg can inflict jealousy, envy, and even full madness on her foes and victims, driving them into jealous rages, self-destructive behaviour, and disturbing hallucinations. However, this can have positive effects too, with mild envy spurring people to better their lots and aspire to better things.

Fury: As embodiments of envy, betrayal, rage, violence, and murderousness, and as the retributions for these, the Erinyes only grow stronger when attacked through these means and retaliate more swiftly. For these reasons, it is nigh-impossible to defeat an Erinys in battle, and even the gods fear them. Only against the truly innocent and kind are they powerless.

Law: As an enforcer of law and morality, an Erinys cannot or will not knowingly hurt anyone who didn't break a law or a vow, not just under local legislation but common morality, or otherwise didn't ask for it. She is bound by modern conventions and a punishment must fit the crime. She also won't knowingly break a law or promise herself. She also must give a wrongdoer a chance to make amends.

Sacred: An Erinys's sacred animals are vipers, screech owls (Eurasian scops owl), and dusky turtle-doves, and her sacred tree is the yew. She can summon and command snakes of all kinds, though her favourites are vipers. She can have them poison her victims, and she can brew poisons for various outcomes. Snakes will never attack her. She often has snakes about her person and keeps them as pets.

She can turn into a snake or an owl (preferring a dark Eurasian eagle-owl) if needed. The owl is her omen of doom.

Flaming Brand: Any weapon an Erinys wields can burst into flame at her will, or simply when sufficiently angered.

Wings: An Erinys has great feathered wings she can use to fly like the wind. They are hidden in her human form.

Invisibility: An Erinys can turn herself invisible to hunt down and surprise her victims.

Appearance: As befitting a Greek goddess, Meg has a toned and athletic body and classically beautiful face, with long black hair, green eyes given to dark and moody looks, and olive skin. But hers is a severe beauty: hard not soft, rarely smiling in happiness, often scowling or sneering, and a bad case of resting bitch face. She exudes divine power and is attractive and striking enough to turn heads, provoking jealousy and envy on sight, but not love.

For clothes, she'll wear any colour, so long as it is black. Otherwise, she has some variety, aiming to be fashionable, competitive, and appropriate, albeit conservative. She has a preference for a black leather jacket or long coat, or in professional circumstances a lady's suit, with short skirt, high boots, and stockings, and in the bedroom, black leather again. The only adornments and colours are a preference for snake-themed jewellery and snakeskin or a bit of blood red. The Erinyes were once said to wear black robes or hunting attire, to be blood-soaked and adorned with live snakes, though they are subtler today.

The one bit of colour to her is her hair. The Erinyes of old were variously reported to have red, white, green, or blue hair; or to braid their hair with coloured ribbons or even live snakes; and to even have snakes instead of hair. In fact, they had dreadlocks, an ancient Greek style, giving the impression of snakes, sometimes soaked in blood or wound with ribbons or pet snakes. Nowadays, Meg tends to vary between clean dreadlocks and dyeing her hair various colours and styling it in different ways, usually after they catch her eye on someone else.

Face Claim: Stephanie Beatriz

Personality: As the embodiment of jealous rage, Meg might seem to have a fairly one-note personality, but in fact she runs the gamut of jealous and envious emotions and all that result in strong and mild and bad and good ways. Always unhappy with what she has, she aspires to improve her abilities, status, and power, to keep and protect what is hers, to have what others have, and to take it away if she must. When she cannot, she sinks into sullen, resentful, or angry moods and she can hold long-standing grudges. Broken promises and infidelity annoy her the most. She is a dominant personality, often demanding of others and competitive with her rivals while enjoying provoking jealousy or envy with her looks and own success. Even as a deity, she has much to be jealous about: her lack of status and power, and her looks compared to the lovelier goddesses.

However, her maturity, jaded attitude, and tight self-control even of herself keep her worst impulses in check and restrained, making her simply appear surly, bitter, and grumpy most of the time. Many of her habits have been developed to avoid, control, or suppress her tendencies, and she's more likely to simmer and sulk than to rage. When that control is broken, kingdoms may topple.

She is strictly by the book when it comes to law and custom, both the permissive rules of modern, western society, and some of the most ancient and integral to human morality. Beneath the jealous, angry exterior, she is deeply loyal to friends and kin, will defend them to the best of her ability, and treat them with kindness, though not necessarily patience or manners. She will seek retribution on behalf of those who have been wronged, cheated, or betrayed and reserves her true wrath and torment for evil-doers and violators. To Meg, it is simply better to be good and right than nice.

As an ancient deity, born before even the Greek gods, Meg has seen much and has an old soul beneath her still-young appearance. Much of what she might want no longer interests her. She is cynical and old-fashioned, but has seen the world change so often that she accepts the evolution of society and is far from conservative. She sees this as the aspirational side of envy driving advancement, but she remains critical, preferring to test and critique rather than blindly accept change.

In whatever her field of endeavour, Meg enjoys being successful and earning status and having nice things, and showing it. However, her tastes in dress, music, and such tend toward the old-fashioned, usually halting in the 1990s and early 2000s. Her hobbies include keeping pet snakes, deadly but tame in her hands, and as dear to her as children. They are her scale-babies. In place of hearing the complaints of mortals, Meg now reads comments sections on the internet. She gleefully smacks down trolls and fools, and trolls them maddeningly in turn. She irritates left and right, progressive and conservative in equal measure.

She trains hard in the combat arts, which burns off her anger and frustration. She is a master of weapons like the sword, club, spear, after the ancient Greek warriors, as well as various kinds of whips. After thousands of years of experience, she is an incredibly capable combatant. She is also a talented hunter when it comes to tracking down wrong-doers.

In a relationship and in the bedroom, she is inclined to be a dominatrix, for a few reasons. Normal relationships are messy and uncertain, and Meg is too quick to anger and be jealous, and to fear infidelity, to maintain one. Used to upholding vows and contracts, she prefers the structure of an alternative relationship, even an open one if established beforehand. Jealousy can even arouse her. Being the dominant one gives her a satisfying feeling of control, not just over her partner, but also over herself. She also remembers a time when slavery was accepted. But, most of all, a goddess demands to be worshipped. However, the former torturer has no desire for pain, punishment, depravity, or humiliation. Instead, Meg prefers to practice being kind and to build her partner up rather than put them down, so the Fury is rather tame for a dominatrix. She is bisexual and prefers a partner who is obedient and willing, yet nevertheless proud and aspiring. A complete submissive can be a turn off.

Her sisters are Alêktô ("unceasing/implacable anger"), now called Alexandra "Alex" Fury, last working as a psychiatrist specialising in anger management though she's always angry herself; and Tisiphonê ("avenging murder"), nicknamed "Tizzy", currently a freelance assassin targeting killers and the most amiable of the three. They are identical triplets, alike in personality and ways, except for the key aspects they embody and emphasise. Megaira is the perpetual middle sister, and is the balance between her sisters' extremes. The Erinyes argue and fight constantly, from mild squabbling to epic brawls, but love each other fiercely and none can come between them. They share everything, which annoys Meg to no end.

One of her companion snakes is Glycon, who is himself a minor god once worshipped by a cult in Rome and now only by Alan Moore.

According to Grecian myth, untold aeons ago, at his mother Gaea's encouragement, the Titan Cronus ambushed his cruel father Uranus and castrated him with a stone sickle, taking away his power to create, and thus rule, and deposed him. From the drops of blood that spilled on the earth emerged the Erinyes – embodiments of the envy, rage, betrayal, immorality, violence, and murderousness of Cronus's act. They numbered three, identical triplets, born together like a nest of vipers, named Alêktô, Megaira, and Tisiphonê. Megaira was the embodiment of jealousy and envy; as the middle sister, she found ample things to be jealous about.

The Erinyes were bound by the Titans and the Olympian gods after them to personify, incite, and punish the crimes they embodied. It was their task to carry out acts of vengeance and to hunt down and punish oath-breakers and others who committed crimes against the social order of the day. Their weapons were torture and madness, as ordered by the gods. Usually, however, they were the gaolers of Tartarus, purifying the good of their sins and punishing the wicked for theirs. They also listened to the incessant complaints of mortals about the young, children, politics, and the world these days, which was rather more irritating. Megaira's specific duty was to punish criminals, oath-breakers, and those who committed marital infidelity. More generally, she caused the feelings of jealousy and envy that drove society and relationships, that made people discontent and aspire to better things.

However, over the centuries, the power of Olympus declined, the gods no longer sent the Erinyes out to punish mortals, and fewer people made complaints to them or made oaths in their names. Their power and status waned and they whiled away their days in Erebus, brooding on their losses and old grudges, jealous of others still mighty, lofty, or happy. In more recent centuries, the world changed, and the Erinyes changed with it. The social order they'd once brutally enforced was no longer the norm, their punishments no longer fitting. Now, the Erinyes found even themselves guilty, they grew sick of torture and torment. Jealous and envious Megaira aspired to the better life and loving relationships enjoyed by others, not just other gods, but those happy humans she'd protected and incited through envy to better their lot. Why couldn't she have it too?

In time, the sisters departed Erebus, adopted guises as humans, and went their separate ways, but still kept in touch regularly. Megaira, later Megan, drifted through the world and the centuries, seeking a career and a calling. But whatever life she chose, her inherent jealousy and envy inevitably made her unhappy with her lot and desire the life of others perceived to be doing better in some other area. Starting anew put her at the bottom, and by the time she got close to the top, the world had moved on without her. Megan could never find the success she was looking for. Abandoning this course, she sought roles where she could play to her nature and adapt the Erinyes's duties to the modern world. In her time, she has been a model, a beautiful woman provoking jealousy and envy; a private detective, hunting down criminals and cheaters; a lawyer, negotiating divorces and punishing infidelity; a marriage counsellor, trying to heal the same; a businesswoman, aspiring to wealth and power; a politician, playing off the class envy of the masses. She's even been a customer service operator, hearing mortals' complaints. She's dabbled in social-media influencing, provoking jealousy among viewers. The three Furies have been socialites, suffragettes, bikers, and punks. In her time, Meg's accumulated enough wealth and influence to be comfortably well-off in any area, and even to live a life of leisure. It's just not enough for her.

Now, she's come to Belcoast, envious of the kind of free and open life enjoyed by the supernatural beings and deities there.

Profession: Newly arrived in Belcoast and still considering an occupation.

Hobbies: Keeping snakes, martial arts, hunting, BDSM, motorcycling (currently a Yamaha R1M).

Sexual Orientation: Dominant, bisexual