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Welcome to Transylvania Chronicles

01:56, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dar' Zanter Sokol'nikov

He was raised in Russia near the Poland border. He always took a liking to birds and when the local Lord found out how well he and the birds reacted he was bought and paid for his services. As a result at 8 years old he was sold as an indentured servant to tend his aviary. He worked training the birds, but took a special delight when dealing with falcons and hawks.

It was during his 13th year while hunting with the Lord that his life changed. It was getting dark and it was about time to summon the falcon back to take it to roost. The Lords party was attacked by something and while everyone else was running for their lives Dar was trying to protect the falcon. The beast, Haltoreth Klausner, saw a possible experiment with Dar. He killed the Lord and was about to just smash the bird to gauge just how fiercely protective of the creature Dar was, when Dar snapped. He attacked the Gangrel with an animalistic fury. All his pent up anger and frustration boiled out. Add to his care and love of the bird, it was just too much. Of course the Elder Gangrel weathered the fury with little show of damage or anger back.

Dar passed the beasts' test. He never intended to harm the bird, just to use it as part of the test. Dar was turned that evening and the bird was waiting on him upon awakening. His Sire, told him the basics of being a Gangrel. He showed him how to summon his friend, but Dar believed the bond was deeper and wouldn't need him to call her the way that his Sire did.

His Sire left saying someday they might meet again, but to go find your place in this world. He warned him about the other clans and the Lupines which for their Clan were sometimes tolerated. Respect them and they just might respect you.

Dar left with his friend and traveled through the woods and cities until he finally came to Budapest. Upon arrival he started to explore the area and saw a strange and seemingly familiar site.

While surveying the hills around the city Dar met a hermit. He kept himself hidden from the old man, but was curious. Here was someone who shied away from society similar to himself. In the hermit Dar found a kindred spirit.

One day Dar left a wounded falcon near the hermit's hut to see what he would do. The hermit slowly coaxed the bird to trust him. So far so good thought Dar from the shadows. The old hermit set the bird's wing and tried to watch over the animal until it could recover. Unbeknownst to the hermit, the falcon was one of Dar's pets and Dar had already instructed his friend how to heal from such a minor wound. The bird healed itself and left that night. The next day the old man found some rabbits on his porch, killed by an animal with taloned claws. The old man wondered if the life he saved was returning the favor by giving him life in return.

Dar watched over the old man and when soldiers came to the ruins, Dar disposed of them. Eventually they stopped coming. The old man knew something was watching over him and protecting him, he just never knew what. Anytime he was kind and respectful to a falcon or other predatory bird, he was rewarded. Anytime he was cruel or hurtful to a bird, other for nourishment, he was punished and he had talon scars to show for it. He would always survive, but it left an impression on the hermit.

Dar never knew the old man's name,  he just always referred to him as old man. Once in a while the hermit might see a dark shape or figure watching from the ruins, but could never find him when he went to look.

Currently people know about the hermit and that he lives near some haunted ruins. People who go there for pillaging or trying to establish a new outpost seeming disappear. Usually when this happens they hear a falcon's cry.