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22:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Lashana

Age: Don’t you know never to ask a girl her age?  Appears to be around 24, actually around 1800.

Sex: female

Species (human, vampire, shifter, witch): succubus

Powers (be reasonable, if your character is too pumped up, GM reserves the right to deflate them):

Limited Shapeshifing: Lashana is not as skilled at shapeshifting as most succubi, she can’t really change her base body height and weight but she can change her facial structure a bit, raise or lower her cheekbones, change her hair and eye colors, and is able to hide her wings by simply absorbing them inside of herself.  She can also use this to weaponize parts of her body, grow claws to defend herself with, harden her arms or legs or wings to strike with, giving them much greater force and damage potential than they would otherwise have.

Lust Pheromones: Lashana is capable of emitting pheromones that trigger lust in those who smell them.  Often the smell is not noticeable to species that don’t have a heightened sense of smell and they have no effect on someone who can’t smell at all.  While they trigger a desire to have sex it is a more general desire and only if she directly touches someone can she focus that desire solely to her.  They do not force a person to give in but make them more pliable in that regards as someone with enough will power can resist.

Succubus Kiss: Lashana is always hungry for life and devours some everytime she has sex with a mortal or pacted being.  That being said she is careful now days to not kill her meals as it arouses the anger of the mortals and, if word gets around with all the social media, it’s bad for business.  Anyone who finds out what she is and that she kills her lovers would likely refuse her advances.  She has made it a point of pride to only kill her meals when she has no other choice if she wants to live.

Flight: Lashana’s wings are fully functional and do allow her to fly.  Her speed is not great but her maneuverability is superb thanks to her innate magic end extra, smaller, pair of wings on her head.

Unholy Gift: Lashana is a servant of hell and part of that involved making pacts with mortals.  When she makes a pact, generally sealed with an act of passion, the subject finds themselves gifted with a greater charisma, a natural charm, that draws others near to them.  This then gives Lashana a new pool of possible pacts to make.  She can use this link to see through the eyes of the subject and to communicate thoughts or feelings with the subject as well as affect them with magic regardless of distance.

Demonology:  Lashan has connections in the  various underworlds, particularly Hell, but also in Tartarus, Hellheim, and various other similar locales.  She knows about the various types of demons found in each and how to contact them.  She know how to travel to these various places but the only one she can freely enter is Hell itself.

Magic: Lashaana’s magic lends itself towards mental and divination types of spells.  She can see through another’s eyes or remote magical sensors and can manipulate the minds of those around her with enchantments.  She also has some talent with the manipulation of life force directly, taking it from a target or giving it to one.  This allows her to actually heal someone if she feels like it by taking life from one person and giving it to another but does so rarely as it tends to anger the Powers Upstairs  who seem to think that is their territory alone.

Appearance (Give an idea of what you look like, distinguishing marks, style of dress, etc.): In her natural form Lashana is a curvy young woman with smooth clear skin, long pale green hair that reaches her shapely butt, and vivid purple eyes. She has two pairs of wings, the lower pair of wings are her flight wings, they allow her to get off the ground by providing lift and thrust.  Given that she is not aerodynamic this keeps her speed from being very high, around that of a hawk or eagle, the smaller pair of wings on her head act much like the flaps on a plane and enable her to be far more maneuverable than she would normally be.

In her normal form Lashana wears a pair of knee high, black leather boots with fishnet stockings that reach mid-thigh.  The rest of her clothing consists of what might be best called a body harness with built in bra and panties with lots of straps allowing her to show off her flesh. She also includes a pair of  bracers that fit over her lower arm and have a bit of fabric that goes over her middle fingers to help hold them more firmly in place.

In her more human guise Lashana looks much the same physically, sans wings, and prefers sheathe dresses that hug her curves and show off her cleavage.  Her dresses usually hug tight to her thighs but flare out starting around her knees.  She still hears her healed boots and usual the bracers become sleeve like gloves that reach up almost to her shoulders.  Her eyes  are still purple but her hair color tends to vary based on her clothing, often shifting to pure black with some streaks of color for good measure.

Today's Outfit: a dark purple, backless, sundress with a knee length skirt to that let her wings hang out easily and a pair of black heels that added a couple of inches to her height.

Face Claim (no anime or drawings): Valentina Kryp (a cosplayer)

Personality: Lashana comes across as a naughty young woman most of the time but that is largely a disguise.  She’s been around long enough to know the value of deceiving others so in truth the ditzy little lust bunny she portrays is actually a cover for a much more calculating woman.  She is very good at finding out information whether by simply making people think she isn’t paying any attention to loosening their tongues a bit with magic, to simply spying from afar whether via watching and listening through someone who has made a pact with her or simply scrying and using her magic to view things remotely.  She is often sought out as much for what she knows as for her company.

Despite being a demon from Hell Lashana is not nearly as dangerous as many others would be.  She knows the value of not killing her food sources, she knows when to fight and when to flee, and she knows that sometimes, doing a good deed, can get her a pact when she might otherwise be rejected or even save her life by making allies for herself.  This leads to her being one fo the more dangerous succubi around.

History (Give us some info on who you are, why you are here. If you are a supernatural being, perhaps how you came to be?): The first recorded evidence of Lashana comes from AD 250 when she was organizing the Franks and Goths to invade what was left of the Roman Empire.  There are reports of a woman working behind the scenes to egg the raiders on and leading their wanton raping and pillaging of the Romans as they took over the towns.  No one has ever proven it was her but Lashana it was.  It was the start of her career as a succubus and she was considered one of the up and coming powers within Hell.

The next time Lashana was spotted was during the attacks on Europe by the vikings.  There are no reports of where she was in the intervening centuries, and Lashana doesn’t talk about it, but when she came back on the scene she was manipulating various viking jarls into making their raids and aided them directly during the fighting.  Some of the most depraved acts on the part of the vikings was at Lashana’s urging and later scholars put together that the people she personally led the torture of were all connected to a common ancestor, Constantine the Great.

Lashana again disappeared from history until the mid AD 1200s when she was reported in Spain.  She had managed to corrupt the Spanish Inquisition and turn them into a force for terror in the country.  She subverted them so bad that she was able to rake in souls for Hell by simply promising to keep them out of the Inquisitions sight.

Once again Lashana disappeared from history not emerging again until a rather notorious Tea Party in the bay of Boston.  The research done into tracking her becomes vague and unclear and there were those who suggested that this was a different succubus all together, since her actions were like nothing she’d done before.  Lashana was found, rather than sowing terror and death to entice people into making bargains, helping the American Revolution succeed.  No one understood why she would do so but she had.

Lashana spent the next few centuries maintaining the US independence and helping it grow into a country.  She provided information and assistance for a price and still managed to rake in bargains enough to stay in Hell’s bad-graces but no one could seem to explain why she was acting so different from before.  They didn’t ever realize that Lashana was maybe more...human than she should have been.  She had fallen in love with Constantine the Great and had bargained for his soul so they could spend eternity together.  When he converted to Christianity at the end she lost her hold on him and spent time raging in Hell after swearing an oath of vengeance against him.  She used the vikings to wreak her revenge on his descendants but was attacked by angels and nearly killed.

Lashana manipulated the Spanish Inquisition to get her revenge on the angel responsible for her near death centuries before as he was the one who came up with the idea of the Inquisition.  What Celestiel wanted was a group to root out heresy, what he got, after Lashana’s interference was a reign of terror.  In the end the Inquisition turned on them both and it was Celestiel, acting in the self sacrificing way that angels tended to, who ended up giving her a chance to flee to safety.  Celestiel didn’t survive and his actions showed Lashana that maybe things weren’t as black and white as they seemed.  She owed him a debt for what he had done and debts were a big thing in the heirarchy of Hell..Lashana was forced to devote herself to trying to ride the line between servant of evil and repaying the debt she felt she owed Celestiel.

This led Lashana to finding less violent ways to make bargains, and to trying to make the world a “better place”, and led to her involvement in the formation of the United States.  A country built on a principle of freedom and equality but that ended up more corrupt, in some ways, than even the decadence of Rome.  She was able to guide the country in various ways through her pacts so that Religion was not in charge and to shape public perception of things.  Her proudest achievement was the introduction of the porn industry to the internet which led to looser morals in the country when it came to sex making it far easier for her to feed.

Profession: information broker

Hobbies: Lashana has been around a long time and she finds that her hobbies have evolved with the times.  She enjoys books, oddly enough, especially Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels, and going to all of the various comic and game conventions.  While she doesn’t cosplay herself she enjoys looking at he the costumes and can always find some nerdy guy or gal who is willing to sell their soul for sex with a woman such as herself making the places a smorgasbord for a succubus.

Sexual Orientation: Ummm trick question?  I’m a succubus!  Lashana is bi-sexual and has a bit of a thing for being a sub though she is really quite versatile.

Writing Sample:

Lashana looked around the nightclub in delight.  So many desperate men and women who came to party and have sex with their clothes on, she thought, or with their clothes off in their case, as she saw two men with their pants down an a woman with sandwiched between them with her skirt up and panties on the floor.  I swear nightclubs are one of the best things I ever helped invent.  It’s a shame old McGlory is long dead, he was a lot of fun back in the day.

Lashana had been sitting in a VIP booth, alone, and enjoying watching the people on the dance floor.  She’d long since learned to absorb the ambient lust in places like this to feed her hungers must of the time.  It wasn’t as good as a true feeding but it was an acceptable compromise and kept her from having to kill when she fed which was always a plus.  The music throbbed through her body as she sat and watched, sipping her glass of wine.  Not the usual drinks people ordered but she always preferred it.  Some demons would go buy the most expensive bottle of liquor they could get and guzzle it, enjoying the burn or hard drinks, but Lashana hadn’t been that way for a long time now.  For her the drink was more social than anything, an indication she was “one of them” as it were, and made her seem a bit more approachable.

Speaking of approachable, she though as Lashana watched a man walk towards her with a younger woman.  On second thought she’s more girl than woman.  I doubt she’s even legal to be here and from the way he is pulling her she doesn’t look very willing.

The man, a white guy who looked about twenty four or so, with brown hair, in an expensive shit and slacks, and a cruel look in his eyes, shoved the girl into the table so he could pin her against it.  Lashana looked at the young woman, a hispanic girl, maybe seventeen years old, in a revealing dress with reddish hair and a terrified look in her dark eyes.  Lashana knew this guy was the kind of scum she had to deal with sometimes and what he was going to ask before he said it.  ”I hear you make deals, give people what they want for a price, he said.

Lashana looked at him coldly and said, ”Yeah, if the price is right.”  She watched to see if he would make the leap, her knees uncrossed while she waited for him to get her his courage to ask her to make the girl submit to him.  He obviously couldn’t pull it off himself, couldn’t do the violence he would need to force her, and Lashana knew he wanted her to be compliant.  That, of course, went against Lashana’s own rules, she’d help someone get wealthy, or revenge, or pleasure them herself, but she had lines she would not cross, this was one of them.

Lashana saw when he reached the point, she knew he would ask her now, and she heard him say, ”Make the little bitch my slave, I want her to be willing and do everything I tell her.”  He gave her a cocky look and said, ”So can you do that, or are you just a fake?”

Eyes narrowing in distaste and anger Lashana rose from her seat, leaving her drink, and slid out of her booth.  She rose gracefully and slid an arm through the girls, deftly pulling her towards her and away from the maggot so she could slip between them and said, ”Come with me then.”  She led the frightened girl and towards the back exit and thought to her, Shhhh, play along.  I’m not letting him do what he pleases with you.  I just need us someplace quiet so I can deal with the garbage.  She knew the girl likely didn’t understand or believe her but it was the truth none the less.

When they got out into the alley behind the club Lashana looked at the man and asked, ”What are you willing to give me if I perform this service for you?”  Her tone was quite serious but her words were carefully chosen.  She knew what he wanted but she deliberately said something different enough, even though it implied what he wanted, to see if she could trick him.

The young man glared at her and said, ”I hear you only take payment in souls, is that right devil  His tone was quite insulting as he spoke down to Lashana.  ”I don’t believe in that nonsense so if that’s the price take it, it’s yours.”

Lashana nodded and said, ”Agreed then.”  Lashana stepped forward and leaned into the young man and as she did so her body changed.  From her back, through the opening in her backless dress a pair of large batlike wings sprouted from her waist and another smaller pair came out of her top of her head.  Her hair became a pale green and she tilted her head slightly as she said, ”Next time you make a deal with a devil Carl Patrick McCormick, make sure the deal is for what you want.”  With that she lunged in and kissed him full on the lips.

Carl’s eyes flared in fear when he realized his mistake but it was too late.  He couldn’t resist her because his soul was now her’s.  Lashana’s tongue forced it’s way into his mouth and then she began to drink.  While Lashana preferred not to kill her meals there were exceptions and Carl was most definitely an exception.  The kiss lasted for nearly a minute and the man was completely helpless against her and, when the kiss broke, Lashana let go of him, ”Foolish boy, he should have made sure the bargain was for the right thing.”

Lashana turned to the girl, her body morphing back into human form as Carl’s corpse disintegrated into ash and blew away.  ”Next time you want to go to a nightclub miss make sure you are old enough and understand the risks.  You may not be so lucky next time.”  She offered the girl her hand but was just given this horrified stare. Lashana shrugged and said, ”Suit yourself, I would suggest you go home and not go to another nightclub again miss, meanwhile I will be going.”  With that Lashana sauntered out of the alley, her boots clicking, no longer caring about the girl’s fate.