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Welcome to The Stolen Land

06:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

_ Tatyana

Tatyana Lebeda

Name: Tatyana Lebeda
Age: 19
CG Female
5'11, 198 pounds
Race: Half Orc
Class: Bard
Role: melee striker (reach) buffs, some skills (not as many as some bards!)
Traits: fate's favored, Rostlander (campaign),

Personality: She's daring, reckless and optimistic, seeks pleasure and excitement, lives hard and fast and doesn't think much about consequences. But she's fiercely protective and loyal to the people she cares about, which up until recently included the urchins and street people of Restov. Now, run out of her old home and 'family', she's looking for a new crew to join The invitation to explore the Stolen Lands couldn't have come at a better time.

Tatyana was born in Restov to a Yala, an orc woman who had been the object of a scandalous affair with Tatyana's father, a very minor knight and adventurer from Rostland. Yala abandoned her tribe and adventured with the charming yet eccentric adventurer for a time. But it was not destined to be a long term relationship, and when they fell out, in a spectacular fashion that involved quite a lot of blood shed, her father was left alone, shunned by his family and with a young but growing daughter Tatyana.

Her father did the best he could, but Tatyana was more than a handful for a single man with a rapidly waning fortune. She was willful, stubborn and rebellious, and it just got worse as she approached her teenage years. She began spending more and more time away from him, a situation he wasn't all that keen to put a stop to, and soon they were for all practical purposes estranged from each other by the time she was thirteen. She lived on the streets of Restov with the urchins and pickpockets. As a half-orc, she was bigger and stronger than most of the others her age and was a sort of guardian and 'den mother' for the other children, watching over them and thumping those who would try to harm them. It was here she met another young woman, and the two became friends, working together to beg, scrounge and sometimes steal to keep themselves fed. They were both young, but fell into an easy rapport with each other, with Tatyana as the 'muscle' to back up the plans, and loyal partner.

Tatyana continued to grow on the streets, moving from a harmless street urchin to a leader of a gang of girls. Their exploits grew less legal and more problematic as the girls grew up, and eventually the scrounging for treasures became petty theft. Tatyana is basically a good person, but if the choice was watching her sisters-of-the-streets go hungry or lifting a brooch from a pampered noblewoman, she chose her sisters every time.

She was particularly close with one of her 'sisters'. When her friend had the opportunity to leave the life as an urchin in the streets to apprentice with a scribe and historian named Henry Lebeda, Tatyana couldn't just let her go. She managed to talk herself into a package deal, both girls would apprentice - her friend as a scribe and historian and Tatyana as the more active participant in archaeological expeditions. She was the legs and hands for the group, delving into ruins and tombs to procure items of historical importance.

Eventually Henry adopted her, and she took his last name. Now she's looking for bigger things. A new family to take care of.

Description:  Tatyana is a striking young woman with intense, piercing eyes and long green hair that she wears usually down over her shoulders. She moves with quick, deliberate strides, eating up the land like she owns it. She's a tall, powerfully built half-orc woman, with an attitude. She's, well 'thick'. Maybe a step or two past thick, but muscular and curvy with an easy grace to her movement.