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Welcome to Wrath and Glory: Beyond

06:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kym Hackett

Kym is from the Void. There's no question about that. She's from the Void, her parents are from the Void. For generations after generations. No other way does one get the paperwhite skin that's only been under flickering Sol lamps, never a real star. The white-blond hair, with hardly a touch of pigment. Just enough in her eyes to turn them a menacing sort of pinkish-red. She's razor-thin after a thousand generations being in low-G and even lower in the ration chain.

She dresses like a poor person's idea of how a rich person dresses. Her coat hemmed in audacious gold thread. Triple rows of heavy buttons. A tri-corner hat in rich purple, the rim punched through with rings holding dozens of different coins. Mesh-molded leggings in stark white with lifts in her shoes with heavy buckles. All of it loud and bright, but stained and threadbare from constant wear.

All of that said, it comes together for a look that is quite pleasing, if you're of the taste for spacers. Delicate tattoos on her cheeks and temples show a dozen different marks of valor and award to those who know such language. Her smile reveals half of her smile replaced with shimmering silver.