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Welcome to Belcoast

03:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


She is beauty. She is grace. She will kick you in your face!

Name: Luna

Age: Ancient but knowledge of her existence was documented around 400 BCE in Greece
Apparent Age: Mid 20s

While she is ancient and an eternal being and all. Chopping off her magical horn turns her human and susceptible to a very painful and moral death if given medical attention. She loses all of her fae gifts if she survives, but unicorns who suffer this fate end up killing themselves since living a human life is unbearable.

Sex: Lady

Species: Unicorn. Not the first , not the last but obviously the most pure of them all, maybe....
Fae yes?
Goddess? Maybe never really bothered to find out the logistics, but most definitely a unicorn!

All the ones you’d assume a unicorn would have.  SHE’S A UNICORN BABY!

Healing (sickness and wounds. If it’s a curse not of her mythos she can’t cure it but can hold it off for a short while).

Purifies water; can make that water wine as well (unicorns need booze too and Jesus stole that trick from her kind!)

Glamour (can use it to conceal herself and change her fashion because she’s a one horned fashionista!)

Human disguise (can look human but not all her features are able to appear not ethereal)

Flight: she has Pegasus wings that she can call on in both human and unicorn form as well as all in between.

Gift of flora and fauna: she is in harmony with nature and all it’s creatures especially the fae.
When she walks barefooted flowers spring from each step she takes in both forms. It’s hard to turn off that gift so rarely runs around barefooted touching earth with witnesses around. Dance shoes are her best friend.
Luckily paved roads save her from always having flowers spring up, but the moment her feet make true contact with the Earth fauna sprouts freely. Concrete she can walk barefoot on but who wants to? Eww...

Befriending innocent and fair maidens and sometimes letting them tame her for a bit.
Butterflies always seem to be near her when the season is right.

Can speak to your mind. Unicorn whispering.

Telekinesis. It’s a unicorn thing.

Can she grant wishes? Who knows!

Is being flexible a power? Luna would say yes.
Does stabbing bad people with her horn count as a power???

Capoeira and a mixed bag of martial arts from circus folk.

Making dreams come true!


Human form:
Luna is a pixie of a girl falling at 4’10. Slim, small and delicate though she has very toned legs. Maybe she didn’t skip leg days at all.

The first thing anyone notices from afar is her ankle length sliver blue and white hair mix. Everyone assumes she just has a damn good hair dresser. She joked saying it’s natural, but jokes on is!

Once you get over her magical hair and get closer to this petite fairy looking girl are her eyes. Luna’s heterochromia is hard to miss with left eye an emerald green and her right eye an icy blue. Most people who see her assume she’s a weird person obsessed with cosplay and wears contacts but if you get to know her or at least sleep over her place you’ll see that she doesn’t need contact lenses.

Many children see her as a real life Rapunzel with her long flowing hair that falls to her ankles. It’s usually worn down though if it annoys her in two long braided handle bars over each shoulder. If you ask nicely she might let you play with it.

With her C cup chest it makes her look unbalanced but hey that’s the way she was built and the way the gods decided she’d be Luna doesn’t complain, but does wish that the goddesses gave her a smaller chest, but hey what can you do?

If she wants to not be noticed and keep a lower profile she chooses to use glamor and hide herself as a redhead though even with glamor she can’t change her eyes unless she used the human invention called contacts.

Unicorn form:

With a small human form she morphs into a medium sized pony of a unicorn. Pure white with an iridescent pearly horn.
Her angelic Pegasus wings can be retracted and summoned at will. Her mane and tail keep the same silver, white and blue color. Her eyes still stay emerald green and ice blue.

In this form she loves to visit children and maidens to snuggle and bask in their innocent aura that she’s drawn to. Or just to soar in a starry sky with the wind beneath her wings. Luna will only let innocents ride her in this form and I’d you happen to not be in that category and she lets you mount her like that you must be very special to her.

Face Claim:  Maria Amanda (instagramer)

A free spirited hippy with the ability to hold down a full time job. That’s how most anyone would describe Luna. A free spirit. A free sprit who needs socks or shoes. Everyone has their quirks.

Always friendly unless pushed to her limit which is hard to to with how chill she is. Luna has seen and lived through so much she’d rather make love and not war. Lots and lots and lots of love.

Loyal and protective of anyone she has decided is a friend. Friends are like family to Luna and if you hurt her family; depending on how badly she might trample, shank you with her horn or outright kick your ass.

Very touchy feely if you let her Luna is a hugger and a snuggler you might not escape her. You just need to be firm on your boundaries and she’ll respect them.

Now come here and give her a hug! You know you want to! Don’t you wanna hug the short girl? Yea ya do!


When you’ve existed as long as Luna has it’s hard to remember every single memory. Born in the time where gods and goddesses had their temples and worshipers were plenty.

Her birth was blurry and so was childhood but she remembers being happy. Happy and loved and free. Existing for as long as she had meant it was hard to remember every tiny detail. Her parents faces were clear as day. Their names not so much. The city she was born hazy, but being surrounded by so many like her and all sorts of other beings in between.

Luna had a herd and a place among the legends that thrived in her time. She was worshiped and given offerings. Food was bountiful as well as maidens and virgins who adorned them with flowers and fruits in exchange for their blessings.

All was right in the world. Unicorns, fairies, pixies, fauns, centaurs, the great gods of old were feared and loved. Father Time passed slowly as some gods ascended and others forgotten.

When you think of unicorns you think of purity and innocence. They stood for that and more but if unicorns themselves remained as pure as their charges they’d have gone extinct eons ago!

In their human forms and unicorn forms they were amorous. Male, female and every sexuality in between. They marked with each other and made more unicorns. In human form they enjoyed the orgies that were quite normal in that era. No one questioned mystical creatures especially when you got to get frisky. Of course their were beautiful accidents with human mixes though human and unicorn offspring were aplenty most hybrids were either full human, full unicorn or the hybrid itself was sterile and short lived miracle keeping the line as pure as their beloved charges.

Luna lost track of her own offspring throughout the years. Once old enough in unicorn form they went on their own path in life. That was nature for you.

The legend of the unicorn remained strong no matter how many deities came and went. Many began to seek out the unicorn from far and wide. To see something that was told in stories was a sight to see. Unicorns kept their elusiveness and only showed themselves yo a select few. Luna ended up as one would say; a mascot for Artemis herself.

She loved spending time with her vestidlas virgins and being adored my such lovely innocent ladies. Luna made her home there for, she forgot how long to be honest with a cluster of other unicorns. Her herd roamed free with their god of choice since there were so many. Life was a peaceful groundhogs day. Be fed by virgins, petted, dotted on....she didn’t need to use her human form much if at all.

The peaceful times sadly didn’t last for her. Humans and wars. Artemis’ peaceful sanctum was raided. Men. It was always men wasn’t it?

As they slept they were raided by followers of Ares. Who wouldn’t want a den of virgins? Her herd wasn’t going to allow them to be defiled. They fought valiantly.

There was blood, so much blood but even with Ares’ blessings they lost to horned warriors. Any injured virgins were healed and Artemis showed her gratuity by blessing all in that herd with wings. Were they angels now?

Life went on. The world kept turning. The pantheon was slowly fading.

The once adored and protected unicorn became the hunted. Killed for their horns. Nearly to extinction. They became what you’d call fairytales along with other fae that were once prayed and sacrificed to. The world no longer needed them.

 The humans now had technology became the new Gods. Steam engines, trains , cars, TVs, frozen dinners, etc. They forgotten how Prometheus gave them the gift of fire. Most forgot about magic. Children remembered but they were now mostly bedtime stories.

Constantly hunted and on the run from poachers Luna fled. Joined a traveling circus as “The UNBELIEVABLE nature woman”. That became her life. Traveling, tricks, tiring water into wine. Hey it was better than having her horn sawed off and sold.

Luna saw the world. Learned many crafts. Hell picked up capoeira along the way. Luna was never going to be powerless against hunters again.

The world was vast. From Greece to Egypt to Russia Luna joined numerous traveling performers as a part of the freak show. It was safety in numbers, shelter, food and freedom. It wasn’t a bad life.  Luna learned all sorts of things along the way and met so many creatures and even a few unicorns here and there who escaped the purge.

In fact that’s how this Jane of all trades ended up in Belcoast. It was here when Luna finally retired the life. Got a job and settled down. She couldn’t tell you why it had to be here it was just a feeling. Luna      said goodbye to her nomad life for the time being and made a stationary home in this town that drew so many mythical creatures hoping she could find more of her own.....

Primary school teacher and moonlights as a librarian to read aloud to children. Those sweet innocents make her feel happy and loved.
During summer vacations when school is out she’s often performing magic in the park entertaining the out of school kids and earning performance tips because why not? It’s fun!

Running nude through the forests when no one is around because why not?
Enticing maidens to hang out with her and keep her company. In this century it keeps becoming more difficult to find pure maidens.
Does that make her an energy vampire?
Making headbands out of flowers and lazing about as mystical unicorns do.
Climbing trees with. I thing but socks on. The law in this century is so strict on naked women!

Sexual Orientation: Why waste time with the gender? Love everyone...pan....pansexual