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02:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kiyo Tokugawa

Name: Kiyo Tokugawa

Age: 800s stopped aging at 20 when she died

Sex: female

Species: Vampire

Appearance: A slim and petite beauty with hair as dark as black as the night sky. Deep brown almond shaped eyes.
Prefers dresses over slacks. Long hair over short. Undeniably feminine in every way.
150 centimeters tall and around 42 kilograms. Not very curvy with a small chest. Ideal beauty of her time period.

Face Claim: Kasumi Arimura

Blood bending: can use her own blood as an extension of herself as weapons such as katanas, bow and arrows, Ninja stars, kendo shinnai and things she’s used before.  Slicing her palm open gives her access to her blood though it is limited and once depleted leaves her weak, vulnerable and near bloodlust if she isn’t careful. She can use fallen soldiers blood for bending though it isn’t nearly as effective if it was her own. When fully engaged in a heated battle her eyes turn as red as the spider lily.
Can mesmerize/hypnotize humans which helps with feeding
Preternatural speed and super strength
Silent movement
Mist/smoke travel
Regeneration (it’s slower, much slower if using what can weaken her)
Power of suggestion (not mind control but can suggest things and the weak minded easily accept it. Vampire Jedi mind trick that is only as good as the intended victim.)

Silver, true silver burns and will immobilize her and weaken her.
Fire though it must be hot enough and if she’s not fully ash she can regenerate.
Dead Man’s blood can paralyze her if drunk or injected into her.
A stake through the heart won’t kill her only anger her.
If you want to kill her chop her heat off. Be quick about it because she’s faster than you!
Sunlight is the most dangerous of all. If caught in the sun she will combust and cease to exist.
Starving- withholding blood and not letting her feed. It’s torture but starve her and she will fade away To the point she is easily killed.
Western lore won’t kill her so don’t bother waving crosses or tossing holy water it’ll just annoy her.

Personality: Sweet, docile and kind. She dislikes hurting people and tries her best not to even though she knows the ways of the sword she doesn’t like to bring them into play.  Kiyo would rather be helpful to others than cause harm. She’s never turned anyone in her long existence and probably never will. She’s learned to love life so much more now that she’s deceased.

Eager to make friends though not so open about sharing her origin unless she knows you well enough. She will feed from willing friends but never enough to hurt them. She will go to the ends of the earth to protect who she cares for and can be a nightmare for those who make an enemy of her.


A long long time ago in a faraway land a powerful shogunate (samurai lord) decided stake his claim in budding Japan. The young lord was successful in conquering bits and pieces of early Nippon. Yet he wanted more.

Settling in at the base of central mountains he made his home base. Takahide took a wife, prospered and started his clan.

His wife,Hiina, bore him several children. At first he was happy. Hinna blessed him with not one, but six daughters! Chiyo, Shina, Natsu, Fuku, Haru and Kiyo.
At last the final child was a son, Ryuutarou.

Takahide trained each one of his offspring in many arts. Even the females to keep them from being easily abducted and used as pawns against him.

As his brood grew so did his empire. Expand he did. He was known by his cutthroat nature, lands, unstoppable heir and beautiful daughters. If he couldn’t win he’s marry off a daughter gaining more power. He successfully married off four out of the 6 leaving the youngest; Haru and Kiyo.

While celebrating an alliance during the otsukimi (moon viewing festival) with many of their alliances Taka and Ryo were discussing how to defeat a clan that rivaled their own power and strength. They were overheard by a mysterious and dark figure who promised a win and dark armies to win the territory after watching the festivities. He only decided to truly offer when the shogunate’s youngest caught his watchful eye. That daughter of his was skilled in archery and swordsmanship. All of his children were though the eldest was not as talented as the small one. He knew he had to have her and her skills in his coterie. It was rare to see a female that skilled at a young age.

Naturally Takahide didn’t believe him. Why would he just hand over a daughter? Especially a talented one what would be great currency to solidify lands? The strange man struck a deal.  He told him a way to defeat his enemy and even offered his charges. If they failed he’d take Haru and offer a hefty dowery in exchange for failure, but if they won he’d take Kiyo.

It was a win-win. Takahide assumed he’d get Haru off of his hands and we’d the more desirable Kiyo to a powerful southern warlord.

The deal was struck. The shogunate thought he had this deal exactly how he wanted it. In a fortnight he’d have Haru off; or so he thought. The battle was a fierce one. Bloodshed and both sides with many dead and wounded, but Takahide came out the victor.  Once the land was in his hands and during the next evenings celebrations the odd man came to collect his prize. The young prodigy. Taka was trying to change his mind and push him in Haru’s direction until he threatened to bring his entire crew against him. The stubborn shogunate relented.

That was that he sent the 15 year old off with this stranger. She never heard from her family again. The Tokugawa clan made history and had many more successes once Kiyo was gone.

Kiyo was taken to a far off land.  Frightened and alone in a new empire. Kiyo was terrified, but this man’s made it a point to make her feel welcomed. The young samurai’s daughter has freedome to roam even if it was only within this mysterious empire’s lands. Only seeing this mysterious person once the sun left the sky. With his loyal mortal charges they cared for her, taught her and trained her. At night his taught her their methods and fighting skills.

Kiyo was turning into a fine asset as the year passed. Blossoming from a rambunctious teen into a well learned adult.

Kazuhiko as he called himself took a strong liking to Kiyo and started spending more and more time with her. He was always kind and over time she started growing fonder for the man that took her from her home. Eventually she’d long for the night to come quicker so she could see him. This didn’t bode well for his brood who didn’t want his judgment to be clouded over a mortal girl. Kazuhiko payed no mind and began courting her when she came of age.

Kiyo knew he was different, but not how different. He never changed or aged. Even in battles he could return near death and still survive. It didn’t matter once she realized she fell head over heels for him as he did her. Kazu wasted no time and married her not long after her coming of age ceremony.

Not all were happy about this especially if they thought their creator was becoming soft. They really could say nothing to their leader so they left it be.

Celebrations continued and they shared a bed as husband and wife. They consummated their marriage though what was joyous was quickly detoured. During their lovemaking he had no idea she’d be a bleeder during the act. Lost innocence and the scent of her blood sent him into a frenzy.

He bit her. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Kazuhiko drained her and not wanting to kill his new bride; he turned her. Kiyo lost her innocence and humanity on her wedding night.

He fed her his blood and he held his bride as she died and was reborn.

It was a hard conversation and needless to say Kiyo thought her husband was mad. Crazy even. She couldn’t believe it. Trying to live her life as it was before she soon saw he wasn’t lying. She ate all her favorite foods only you never quell that hunger and vomit up the contents hours later. Sleeping during the day and up all night. Just like Kazuhiko.

Only when he had a loyal servant offer her the blood she needed to survive and nearly killing a favorite maid she finally believed him.

Kiyo spiraled into a deep depression since she believed herself to be an Oni (demon) and she couldn’t take it. Many failed attempts at suicide failed and her sire had to explain what she was and that in away they were oni but she wasn’t alone.

It was then she finally accepted in away. At least she wasn’t alone.  He taught her how to survive and brought her into the fold to lead beside him and travel.

She stayed with him for generations. Watching the rise and fall of the shogunate. Traveling the world by sea in the safety of darkness.

They were companions best of companions for centuries watching the world change as they stayed unchanging in the shadows. Building their own fortune as they no longer had lands to conquer they learned new trades. Lived comfortably not wanting for anything,

Traveling allowed her to meet others like her and eventually she wanted to see more of world and he wanted to settle for a bit.They parted amicably for the time being. Still as close as a husband and wife would be though open to new possibilities. He figured it would be okay to let her explore on her own knowing they were always bound to each other no matter how far apart they were. They both knew they had each other no matter what.

Kiyo ended up taking time to study and even with her affliction managed to graduate and become a doctor. Which helps people and gives her access to blood so she wouldn’t have to resort to luring her prey in.

Traveling more she’d end up in Belcoast in hopes of starting her own chapter of her death.

Profession: Night shift doctor- specialty phlebotomy

Hobbies: dancing(traditional Japanese dances, soran Bushu) , singing (Enka), Shogi (Japanese chess),kendo, weaving and dying clothing the traditional way, playing the koto, cooking, ikebana, tea ceremony(Sado), archery (kyudo), calligraphy, and sword fighting (katana)

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual