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04:12, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kage Fujiwara

Name: Utsunomiya Kotaro Fujiwara no Ason Kagemusha Kayo

Nickname: Kage (pronounced Cage)

Age: By mortal realm reckoning around 1300, by time passed in prison... more.

Sex: Male

Species: Void Kitsune


Appearance: Kayo has three primary forms, a human form, a hybrid fox form, and a full fox form.

Human Form: (His initial human form will be of a Japanese man, the form he's always worn prior to imprisonment. Through gameplay, he will come to adopt a more American form, which will be represented by Jason Momoa)

In his original human form, Kayo was a man of exceeding beauty. Possessing sharp lines, high cheek bones, up-tilted eyes, and a tall (for the time) and tightly muscled body. In concert with a strong jaw and chin, he was the very essence of beauty in an Asian man. His hair, which he kept long, was often pulled up into a knot at the back of his head, but would easily fall to his waist if left down and he wore a small beard and mustache on his face, which offset the almost unreal beauty with a subtle point of masculinity. His skin was of perfect complexion, without blemish or sign of age. Though looking at him, you would never think feminine. Whether because of his strong form, or the dominant, confident bearing of him, he was decidedly male.

Considered quite tall for a man in the times, he isn't bulky with muscle, but is exceedingly defined in compact and lithe muscle all the same. Broad shoulders taper nicely into a well muscled chest, and the tight abdominal plains that most men only dream of. His legs are long, for his height, and similarly well muscled. Clearly designed for agility and speed, without sacrificing strength. Even if he were purely human, he would clearly be a man to be wary of. Being Kitsune, his strength and speed would be beyond human limits even if he presented himself as an obese middle aged man.

There always seems to exist a sparkle of mischief in his eyes, and a sly smile on his lips, like he knows something funny, and has no plans to share it with anyone. Not a dour individual, Kayo actually presents himself as fairly approachable, but he commands a room upon entrance none the less. He has a cool and easy confidence, that needs no reassurance, and overly assertive and aggressive people who feel the need to contest or challenge that confidence are often left behind as he pays them little mind. He moves like a predator, or a warrior, which is a fair assessment. Gliding, stalking through spaces like he has ill purpose on the mind, but a quick flash of smile tends to reassure those around that his intentions aren't that bad. A social creature by nature, he exudes a natural charisma that tends to draw others in, and his abnormally good looks only help this.

In his original times, he was often clad in a Kimono, as most would wear, and although it might not always be in fashion, Kayo has always favored darker patterns, especially fond of black and silver, or gray. Though he would occasionally wear black and gold. Most times he wore a tradition Hakama over his Kimono. His dress in the prison he has been subjected to stayed mostly along those lines, as it was all he knew for so long, but in recent years he has broadened his horizons through television shows and movies sent into his prison by his Kohai, which has lead to his request for more modern clothing that he can try out and grow accustomed to, on the off chance that he gets free of the prison. As a consummate impostor, he understands the importance of being able to blend in, and has always been rather adept at it.

Since his personal indoctrination into modern pop culture, he has developed a love for popular television and cinema, especially popular anime. He has thus given himself (through will) a tattoo on his left shoulder, of the Pokemon Umbreon.

Hybrid: (Once he takes on the form of Jason Momoa, he will essentially have five standard forms. His traditional Japanese Human and Hybrid, and his Momoa human and hybrid) His hybrid form is exactly like his human form, except perhaps a little bulkier, with the black furred fox ears of his fox form, and of course, his nine tails, all of which end in golden tips.

Fox Form: Unlike some Kitsune, when Kayo takes on the form of a fox, he does not display his nine tails, but instead appears as a normal fox. Normal in that he looks like any wild fox you might come across. However, he is still unique, as he appears as a mix of a standard red fox, and a black fox, which leaves him with gorgeous patches of red-orange fur amidst the predominantly black coat. He can, of course, display his tails if he so chooses, in which case the red fades, and instead he takes on gold accents in his black coat, and gold tips on the ends of his nine tails.

Face Claim: Some Japanese model guy/Jason Momoa

Personality: Prior to his wrongful incarceration in his own Kitsune ball, Kayo was, to his own mind, a perfectly pleasant individual. Sure, he was a little self-centered, and maybe a little overly ambitious. Perhaps it could be said that he was without compassion, or consideration, and was unconcerned with how he achieved his goals, and who he left in his wake. It is certainly true to say that he was stubborn, obstinate even, and was concerned more with his own pleasure and desires than with anything else.

However, he was also loyal to those who had earned and gained his trust, and ranked among those he considered friends. He was strong, and decisive in his actions. He was quick to the defense of those he valued, and true innocents fell among those, as they had not yet been tarnished by the world around them, and as such any insult they might offer could not be taken to heart. Not as an insult from a grown man or woman would be. Children didn't know better.

Some would say he was funny, with a sharp wit, sometimes incredibly subtle, leaving the victims of his humor unaware that they'd even been made fun of until later. Above all, no matter his failings, it could not be argued that Kayo was not honorable. It might be a struggle to pull his word from his lips, but once given, he upheld that promise, even if it were to cost him his very life.

But, he was mischievous, and some of his pranks and mischief fell closer to malicious and cruel than others were comfortable with. Usually, those he was so harsh with were those who deserved it, at least to his mind, but not everyone agreed with his views on the matter. Regardless, it can certainly be said that there is a cruel streak of humor in him, though he was often subtle in it's application, or at least tried to be.

After his incarceration, much of his negative personality was amplified, and those traits that were good in him seemed to disappear entirely. Initially, he was absolutely livid. His actions might have caused him unpleasant notice from the Celestial Kitsune, but this was surely an overreaction. But he had realized the truth in the end, and it boiled down to a mistake. He was imprisoned for crimes that were not his own, he was just a convenient target, likely a deliberate scapegoat by the actual Nogitsune that his captors thought he was. But they wouldn't listen, and once imprisoned, they wouldn't hear.

Rage and impotence eventually washed away to a cold resignation in his situation. For a time, this lead to a focus that would have been terrifying, if he weren't the only person there to see it. Some of that focus was in the vain hope that he might find a way out of his prison, but when it became clear that that was beyond any skill he might have, or obtain, by the very nature of the prison, it turned simply to learning as much as he could.

That calm focus and determination eventually circled back around to a slow building, but ultimately deeper, and stronger rage. With every year he was stuck alone in this prison world, he grew more and more filled with rage. Blind and passionate rage. He didn't just want free, he didn't just want to hurt those Kitsune who had imprisoned him. He wanted to hurt everyone, anyone. He wanted to dish out misery and suffering on massive scales. Why should anyone go on living their lives in peace, and happiness, while he rotted away, not in flesh, or mind, but in spirit, in this damned prison!?

Finding a young protege to guide and mold did not lessen his rage, his near insanity, his broken heart and soul. It only encouraged them, for through her, he could take some small measure of action that had been taken from him for so long. And with every thing he convinced her to do, or did through her in those rare occasions when he took possession of her body, his damnation only grew deeper and more poignant.

History: Kage was born sometime around the turn of the eighth century in the common era. Despite common mythology that all foxes are Kitsune, and that a fox has to live a hundred years to acquire the ability to take human form, there is a distinct difference between a mundane fox and one born a Kitsune. While it may be true that a mundane fox may eventually earn the ability to become a true Kitsune, those, like Kage, born to a family of Kitsune are of a different breed altogether. As such, Kage has been able to change his form since his youth.

His family was rather large, for either a true fox skulk, or even a Kitsune family, but what made them strange was their close knit affiliation. Choosing to stay together rather than wander and explore the world as they saw fit, or live in the woods like some of the other wild Kitsune did, as foxes. Still, his family tried to live peacefully on the outskirts, not wanting to draw too much attention to themselves. Preferring a simple life, in a simple village. They kept their pranks and mischief to a minimum, and didn't engage in the use of their abilities too often. And those few who might suspect that there was more to them than they let on, ignored it because they also brought good fortune and protection to the village.

But Kage was never content with such a life of peace and simplicity. He wanted more. He wanted to see the world, experience it. He wanted to be a part of the important things happening. Even if his name never made it into the annals of history, he hoped that perhaps his actions might. But ever were his parents pushing him to do exactly the opposite of the yearning of his soul. Quiet, they said. Peace, they said. Hide, they said. But that simply wasn't who he was.

For years, though, he stewed under the oppressive demands of his family. Towing the line, and behaving himself for the most part. It wasn't until his adolescence that he began acting out. Little things at first, making mischief in the village, pranks and the like. Nothing serious, but enough that people were growing irritated with his antics, and it wasn't very difficult to surmise who was behind the pranks.

Eventually, things came to a head, and a choice had to be made. He could curb his behavior, and stay in the village with his family, or he would have to leave before his actions brought the village down on them, and forced them all to flee and restart someplace else. He couldn't do that to them, knowing that they would only seek to establish themselves in some other peaceful village, and would just have to start from scratch. He might as well leave them to their boring existence and strike out on his own, however terrifying that might be. So it was with a healthy bit of trepidation, but an unwavering determination, that he gathered what meager possessions he had and left the small fishing village of his family and headed off to make a name for himself.

This was, initially, a rough path.

His time in the village hadn't taught him much, certainly not skills that were useful in the larger regions of Japan. He could fish, and he had his Kitsune magic and skills. This at least allowed him to shift his appearance, fashion things from illusion that improved his bearing. But his ability to read and write were barely functional, and his knowledge of the world itself was rudimentary. He found, early on in his independence, that it was often easier to find food and shelter as a fox than as a man. Learning a little, here and there, as he went.

This began a long life of periods of obscurity, which transitioned into periods of importance. Kage would spend years and years, decades or more, assuming a role of some measure of importance and prestige, before letting that identity die out and moving on. Sometimes into a new identity, sometimes he would wander as a nameless nomad for a time. But he loved the spotlight too much to stay away for long. He loved the hustle and bustle of politics and as he would come to find out, war.

It is hard to determine how long after his initial departure it had been, when he had finally found himself learned enough and possessing the necessary social skills to infiltrate mainstream society. Before he did so, the passage of time and it's measurement seemed of little importance. Barring anything truly bad happening, he was likely to live forever, so what did it matter. He found once he'd joined society that this attitude was unacceptable. Humans were far more dedicated to recording the passage of time. Perhaps because they only had so much of it.

His early attempts at such infiltration were rocky, but ultimately successful, and Kage managed to assume the identity of another man. He had not done anything deliberately to the man, to acquire his identity, but he had no prevented his untimely demise either. But shapeshifting and portraying a person were skills he had mastered very well, and it allowed him not only into a world more intense and fast paced than the ones he'd known before, but it allowed him into a position to actually effect change on the world around him. And that is how he found himself, somewhat unintentionally, as a Fujiwara. In those early years, much of what he did revolved around the political governance and advisement of other political bodies, and was ultimately incredibly boring, in hindsight and in the telling. It was a relatively peaceful time, however. By the very merit of his new existence, and how busy it kept him, his own mischief was far less, and by necessity often took place well outside his own primary home. He didn't want to get found out and find himself chased off, after all. He might be dabbling in the more political atmosphere of state, but the religious affairs were closely aligned, and too much attention could draw the focus of those who might disassemble his illusions entirely.

Kage lived out this role for many years, until the natural lifespan of his assumed identity was coming to a close, and his amusement at playing in politics had started to wane, at which point he faked his death and moved on for a time. Unwilling to dive back into the political atmosphere so soon, he chose instead to wander, crafting himself a new physical identity, he wandered the land seeking new sources of amusement. He could not have predicted what he would find.

In all the years he'd been alive, and all the years he had been on his own, he had yet to meet another Kitsune who was not a member of his family. But now, nearly a hundred years after his birth, he came upon a small family of Kitsune traveling in much the same fashion that he seemed to be. He did not know their story, of course, but the family were likely looking for someplace safe to settle, at least for a time. He seemed in that early discovery almost as awestruck as a human might be, for it had been so long since he'd seen anyone like himself, and had been so long among humans. Sure, he had encountered other beings of less than mortal origins, but never another fox. Most of those he had encountered weren't even fully supernatural, often half-breeds, or less. He had encountered one particularly annoying Tanuki, but nothing like this.

The young mother was of his type, he could sense almost immediately, but the man he assumed was her mate was not, and he'd never encountered one of his kind. He seemed an odd sort, reacting to the world around him in a unique fashion. The children he could not guess at, yet, and perhaps they weren't even aware themselves of which side they would take after. He found himself enamored, regardless, and though it was foolhardy, he was instantly attracted to the woman, mate or no. He followed the family for weeks after that, keeping his distance and staying out of sight, watching.

Finally, one day he decided to make his introduction. The family was wary, understandably, of some random Kitsune coming around. He was at least as old if not older than the two, and his intentions were obviously unclear. But he was charismatic, and charming, and he brought them to ease in short order. Though that would prove to be short lived. For a time, he traveled with this young family, telling them of his own adventures, and his time deeply seated among the humans, and how he'd grown bored and moved on and was wandering the lands.

As he had guessed, they sought refuge of some kind, and he conveyed his understanding, though admitted settling down certainly wasn't for him. Not yet. Not without a beautiful mate to give him cause. That was when the pair started to questions his motives, he realized, in hindsight. Growing perhaps more cautious, drawing away. Sensing that his desire was at least suspected, over the following days Kage grew bolder, more direct, finding excuses to steal a moment with this beautiful maiden, when her mate was busy elsewhere.

He woke one evening to a fire growing cold, and nobody else around him. They had waited, feigning sleep as they all bedded down for the evening. Waited until his own sleep was sound and assured, and they had gathered their things and left him lying there, alone, unprotected, with a flagging fire to warm his toes. They had at least left him his possessions, but nothing else. A wave of emotions cascaded through him. Hurt. Betrayal. Anger. Jealousy. Many of them were unfamiliar to him. He'd never really been that invested in anything before. He'd had his flings and minor romances in his time, but they were human women, and they amused him only briefly. While he had no reason to expect the return of his affections, his obsession was not founded on a sturdy bedrock of logic and reason.

And as such, his next choices were similarly flawed, and he pursued the family as they continued on in their travels. He meant them no harm, truly, but he did want an explanation, and a chance to voice his own. Somehow crafting in his mind some fantasy wherein the young woman would choose him over her mate, that it was only his insistence that had torn them away. But the family likely thought he pursued them with more malicious intent, and the chase, as they say, was on.

When he did finally catch up with the family, they had taken shelter in a Shrine to Inari. But more importantly, they had sought the favor of the Kami and been granted it. No longer was he dealing with a family of Kitsune like himself, or like enough. Still, his intentions were not violent, and he expressed that vehemently. Professing his adoration for the young mother, and begging that she come away with him. She could even bring her kits, he assured her, and he would treat them as his own. She denied him, flatly. Her decision. She had no interest in him whatsoever. She used her newfound power and prestige gifted her by the Kami to cast him out. He might have fought, he might have won, but he'd never know. He turned and left without challenge. Wallowing in his self-pity and misery.

As was often the case with him, those emotions turned darker. Jealousy, envy, anger, spite and malice. If he continued down this path, he might have gone Nogitsune then. Instead, he found himself inexplicably taking his own solace and shelter in a shrine of his own, to a Kami of a darker nature than the rice God that his ill-advised obsession had united with, and in a moment of spiteful inspiration, Kage devoted himself to the Kami, and in so doing began the line of Void Kitsune, filling his very soul with the blackness that the Kami embodied. He was not Nogitsune, nor was he evil, and such concepts were too rigid, but the already mercurial and chaotic nature of the Kitsune was personified and amplified in the Void Kitsune. The apathy to their effect on the world around them, and the consequences therein, similarly intensified.

For all that this might have been done to spite the object of his ire, he sought no further retribution against her or her family. Far more distracted by his new power and nature, and all that it might entail. While he has not populated the world with his own Void Kitsune children, his choice opened up a new option to other Kitsune to follow in his footsteps, and many did, creating a new option to greatness beside the devotion to Inari.

As previously noted, Kage fell into a period of some obscurity. He was elated at his newfound power, but he was still dejected by the experience with the now celestial Kitsune. It was during this time they he came upon another wanderer, whom he later found was a Ronin. A warrior of the early Samurai class, his master having died leaving the man without master, and without purpose, bearing the shame of failing to protect his charge, even if there was nothing he could have done. The two traveled for a long time, and in that time began the beginnings of Kage's foray into and journey down the path to become Samurai.

This lead, eventually, and after years of training and traveling with his Ronin companion, to Kage joining one of the Samurai clans that descended from the Fujiwara clan. It wasn't the only Samurai clan he would become a member of, but it was one of the first, and Kage spent a far longer period of time jumping among the Samurai than he ever did among the political powers of the times. Finding passion and amusement in the struggles of the times, the in fighting. It was his personal joy stirring trouble and dissent and conflict among the Samurai and the families they served. As powers shifted and changed, and the Samurai became more and more prominent, his own first family had begun to wane. But Kage proudly remained a Fujiwara for a long time to come, only shifting to another clan when the Fujiwara were rendered into far less importance.

It was around this same time, that Kage found himself enamored of the early antecedents of the clans that would eventually rise to prominence as spies, mercenaries, and assassins known as the Shinobi. They had a cold honor not unlike the Samurai, but their tactics were far different, and where the Samurai and admittedly his own training might suggest that these tactics were dishonorable, Kage had to admit a certain fascination. Dishonorable by Bushido standards, perhaps, but right in line with a Kitsune's mischievous nature. For the rest of his time before he was locked away from the world, Kage would exist simultaneously within the Samurai and Shinobi clans, often playing the sides against one another, or at odds with the interests and actions of one another.

It was in the early part of the thirteen hundreds, after literal centuries of playing the warrior, Ronin, Samurai, and Shinobi that Kage used his wealth, and prestige, to commission a blade from the renowned swordsmith Masamune. His current identity, the most primary one, was a notable leader of Samurai, and his wealth had grown over centuries of frugal saving, not for any real purpose beyond not having much need of the wealth he accumulated. Masamune himself was not human, though few knew that detail. He pegged Kage straight away for being Yokai, and Kage in turn acknowledged Masamune's own heritage, though they didn't actively speak of it, and silently agreed to conceal this fact for one another. Kage challenged the legend in his request, a sword unparalleled. Something fitting for a Kitsune of his nature. Masamune was hesitant at first, but after much deliberation, Kage was able to convince him that while not always the purest individual, he was by no means evil, and his decision to live the Samurai way, much of his mischief was curtailed. This wasn't untrue, for surely had he not been Samurai, far more mischief and destruction would have followed his steps.

The blade took ages to complete, but when it was finally done it was certainly worth the wait. Beautiful, from pommel to tip, with the trademark undulating lines down the length of the blade where it had been quenched. Whether through the physical mastery of his art, or the metaphysical nature he imbued so subtly and intrinsically in the blade, the sword looked like a starry sky on a stormy night, complete with arcs of lightning dancing down the length of the blade, and when Kage held it in his hand it felt like an extension of his very being. It was clear from the moment his fingers curled around the hilt, that this sword had been made specifically for his hand, and no others. It didn't radiate power, or magic, in some overt and obnoxious way, but instead conveyed strength, and confidence, and peace just from his grip on the blade. It was absolutely perfect, and he carried it with him always. While he did not broadcast the make of the sword, it certainly lended to carving himself a new legend across Japan.

It was shortly after the turn of the fifteenth century that Kage's epic tale came to an end. He was once more on the Ronin path, having tired of his games among the Samurai and the Shinobi, and growing bored with the rise of Samurai in terms of political power, forging a more rigid atmosphere and somehow drawing him back toward the political side of things. Albeit a militaristic political power, but he wanted nothing to do with it. Living the life of a Ronin could be difficult, surely, and not the least of which because the existence was a bit freer, leaving him with little to reign in his own chaotic impulses. He found himself drawn more to his mischief, and pranks. All of which had taken on a darker tone since becoming a Void Kitsune nearly six hundred years prior.

He was in a minor city, having only come in a short time before, and had been causing much strife and havoc within the city walls. Impersonating others and using his skills to cause all manner of turmoil, from convincing husbands and wives of infidelity, to actually seducing them into infidelity, or taking on their identity and performing grossly uncharacteristic actions that landed the person in trouble. Add to this that he was periodically feeding on numerous citizens of the city, though he had not drained anyone to the point of death, there was a general malaise over the city.

Meanwhile, there appeared to be a Nogitsune also active in the area, though perhaps not the city specifically. In fact, the Nogitsune was wandering between cities within a region, so as to avoid drawing too much attention in any one place. But paired with Kage's focus on the one city, and it lead a group of Celestial Kitsune to move against him, and how shocked he was when he was faced with none other than the woman who had sent him down this rabbit hole to begin with, all those many years ago. Joined by her husband, and her children, now grown and in possession of great power themselves. As beautiful as their mother, surely. He almost thought that perhaps he might find what he'd sought with their mother, in the arms of the daughter. But that surely wasn't going to happen now. Not under these conditions.

On a rainy night, in the middle of the city, Kage found himself surrounded by five Celestial Kitsune. His hand curled around the hilt of his Katana, and his eyes burned into the cold eyes of his once obsession. Her thoughts clear in her eyes, her mind already having decided his guilt. And his fate.

The ensuing battle was terrible, and Kage was not about to go down with a fight. Between the clash of blades, and the push of magic, the city was very nearly decimated. Much of it was aflame before the fights end. Entire buildings had been reduced to rubble. Many of the people had fled the clash, leaving the city behind to burn as they evacuated as quickly as possible. Even then, Kage had no desire for their pain and suffering. He never would have caused such destruction unprovoked. But he would not submit to this biased 'justice'. Railroaded by their false beliefs and preconceived bias.

After what seemed an eternity, Kage stood, blade drawn, with the woman that had started it all at his feet. Her head back, refusing to give him the joy of her fear, refusing to even look at him as he stood poised to take her life. Her husband stood nearby, battered, but ready to continue, save his fear that Kage would spill her life before he could stop him. Her children too stood frozen, waiting. Waiting. While Kage stood there, unable to make the strike. His arm began to tremble with the desire to finish this, and his own refusal to do so. With a cry of rage, and anguish, and frustration Kage drew his sword away from the killing blow, unable to take her life even now. She did not hesitate to take the advantage, nor did her loved ones. He was bombarded by their power, as they circled him, and joined hands. He hardly had a moment to wonder what they planned to do before his world shifted, turning on it's head and spinning him about in an indecipherable and convoluted ride through reality. He lost consciousness before it ceased.

When he woke, he appeared once again in the city. But it was undamaged. Unchanged. And empty. Entirely empty. His sword was gone, the people were gone, and something felt decidedly off.

He realized rather quickly that he was in a mirror image of the world outside what he surmised was now his prison. While he had his power and his magic, he had no ability to affect the prison, or the world around him, beyond physical means. Which he did, at first, only to find that the next day the world around him was restored, though time did appear to pass despite the cyclical nature of the physical world around him. He felt no hunger, but there was food to be found and had, it was empty. Devoid of taste and sating no desire. And this was now his life, and his world. For the next nearly hundred and fifty years.

That was the first time he'd felt any change. He couldn't even fully explain it. Couldn't pinpoint or identify it. Why it happened, what had changed. But one day, the same as any other day, he felt her. Felt her rage. Felt her anguish. Felt her need. He wrapped it around himself like a warm blanket of contact, and he cried out to her through the bonds of his prison, hoping against hope that she might feel him through it all. He could have wept when he felt her take the ball. He felt it the moment her hand touched it. It solidified the presence, and his own ability to perceive the world outside, but only in limited terms.

While unaware of what transpired, he knew he had been taken by this woman. A kitsune herself, no, not just a Kitsune, a Nogitsune. Distraught and fueled by her basest emotions, she had taken the darkest path a Kitsune could walk, and it was one he was not unfamiliar with. Not after over a century and a half in the ball. A century and a half for Mari and those in the real world. Closer to three hundred for him. It took time to establish a bond, not through any resistance from Mari, necessarily, but simply because neither of them really knew what they were doing. Kage had been practicing his magic for the centuries he'd been in the ball, but none of what he'd experimented with touched on this situation. They were forging into unknown territory, but for the first time in centuries, he was doing it withsomeone. Someone who could, perhaps, understand and commiserate with his pain, his anger, his suffering.

And in time, through trial and error, the two found a bond. They found that they could converse more directly, even interact, through their dreams, eventually creating their own dream world, where they could meet even when not sleeping, through meditation and practice. This began a long, dark road of tutelage, and destruction, and tragedy. Mari was angry, but Kage was a hurricane of pent up rage. And though he learned early on that he could not push Mari too directly, or too forcefully, it did not take him long to learn the best ways to coax the worst behavior out of her. And that was nothing to the things he would do with her body, when he could lure her into letting him take it, for power, for knowledge.

Now, half a millennium later, and Mari still walks that path beneath his constant influence. His rage has not ceased. His drive for destruction and suffering, to cause misery and strife, to ultimately, watch the world burn has not abated. But lately his Dark Apprentice has started to pull away from him, though clearly reluctant to rid herself of him, still unable to let him go completely, she seemed less and less inclined to follow his malicious instruction. Less inclined to let him use her body for his own gains. And he felt he was losing her, but didn't know how he might change this path she'd set herself upon. Fearing he might lose his chance altogether, he was pushing harder than ever for her to find the one item he felt might have the power to free him of this infernal cage.

Until she does, he must content himself to sit, alone, in his prison world. Albeit somewhat less mind numbingly boring for the items and creature comforts that Mari has been able to pass into his prison world. The world itself seemed to update its surroundings and technological capacity with the world outside. That too had been a trial and error adventure into learning what the evolving world outside had to offer. But at least now he could sit on a comfortable couch, watch a truly masterful box of moving pictures, and enjoy the popular culture of the world outside him. It wasn't just leisure. It was preparation. He would escape. He had to.

Profession: None yet.

Hobbies: Prior to being imprisoned, Kayo enjoyed reading, writing (especially calligraphy), sword play and martial arts, as well as all pleasures of the flesh and narcotic substances. He has always enjoyed his pranks, and is particularly fond of using his shapeshifting abilities to take on the identities of actual people. But unlike other kitsune, who have the basic skill to look like a person, Kayo actually studied his targets, every detail, every mannerism. When he took an identity, he truly became that person, and than used it to make all manner of mischief.

After being imprisoned, his primary hobby was in the study of magic. For much of his early time, this was through practice and experimentation and elaboration on things he'd learned in the past. His prison world didn't exactly come equipped with a stunning library on mysticism, so he experimented through trial and error. Essentially creating his own, unique, and specific branch of magical application. Once he was able to start bringing materials into his prison world, his study could become a more academic practice, which in many ways only sharpened the skills he'd already developed.

In the more recent years, he has also become quite taken with popular media and literature. As well as video games, which both confuse and fascinate him, but he can not deny they are enjoyable.

Sexual Orientation: Flexible