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Welcome to Green Star Rising

12:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Ancestry: Human
Class: Winter Witch / Arctic Druid

Aniyu's most striking figures would be his extremely pale skin and hair; both used to bundling and coverage that the harsh colds require. His hair is such a pure white it occasionally reflects blue tones, and his skin sometimes shows looks like a person with frostbite. His eyes shine a bright, ice blue -- them, and his warm smile, the only thing that makes it clear he is alive at all. The air around him is impossible crisp and cold; invigorating and exciting like a dip into cold water. Despite this, his breath never seems to leave fog, despite those who get close to them having a normal affect to the cold environment around Aniyu.

He dresses in loose furs that seem more luxurious and comfortable than they provide warmth, draped over broad shoulders. His neck, wrists, and fingers occasionally adorned with crude jewelry; bones, shells, and crude gems instead of worked, cut gemstones. Despite his clearly primal appearance, he stands with a proud nobility.

Outside of the frozen wastelands he comes from, outside of the nomadic tribes that explore that land, Aniyu has no lands or titles to speak of. Those from the northern tundras may have heard of those wild witches out in the tundra who aide those who need it and punish those who take advantage. Aniyu's family has always served their family's patron spirit and the tundra themselves. Aniyu left his post as a wild witch of the North to follow the destiny that formed on his hand -- the symbol of the Green Star on his hand guiding him towards his noble calling.