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Welcome to A Pathfinder Adventure: The Demon Crown

06:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ishkanda Ajinto

Race:    Human (Kalmyran)                       Age:     Early 30's perhaps, but who can tell with Kalmyrans?
Height:  5'9" (1.75m)                           Weight:  Approximately 158 lbs (72 kg)
Eyes:    Light Hazel with flecks of Green       Skin:    Pale tan
Hair:    Black (long and straight, often tied back)

Ishkanda is a young(-ish) Kalmyran man, who is about one and three-quarters meters tall, slightly tall for a Kalmyran potentially.  His frame thin and he moves with an almost prenatural grace.  His precise movements evoke the sense that he has both training and natural agility.  The callouses and scars on his hands and forearms, attest to the long hours he must have spent with the well-kept blade that is often at his side.

Long, straight black hair cascades down Ish's shoulders (often tied back with a simple leather strap) frames a gaunt, oval-shaped face.  His piercing hazel eyes have a touch of green in them, which is decidedly not Kalmyran.  But the slight almond shape to them is definitely Kalmyran.  The yellow tinge to his skin also betray his Eastern heritage (as if his face shape didn't), while the pale pallor to that same skin is noticeably not the norm in Kalmyr.  Ishkanda's cheek bones are quite pronounced and a slight, bemused - if mischievous - smile seems to perpetually touch his lips.  Still, though he often seems ready to laugh, it is never at anyone (save his own, perhaps) expense.

Ishkanda rarely raises his voice.  And his spoken Etrian has a light lilt to it, an accent that might be part affectation and part homage to his native tongue.  He seems polite and reserved even with his friends.  He rarely imbibes, but when he does - often the hair comes down and a (slightly) more boisterous side comes out.

His clothes seem simple and well-worn, but well-constructed and meticulously cared for.  And while they seems relatively loose-fitting, their cut is tailored such that it doesn't hinder his swordplay whatsoever.  His chosen blade is a beautiful piece with many tiny etched layers along the length of its Damascus-steel patterned edge.  While the ray skin on the handle looks to be quite old, the silken thread wrapping the hilt has been replaced a number of times and is currently a deep forest green.  Perfectly balanced and cunningly constructed from a single ingot of pure Kalmyran-mined Earthryl, the dueling sword is a stunning silver blur in Ishkanda's hands.  Rumor has it that the blade is much, much older than its current owner.