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Welcome to Pioneers of Rimewood

18:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Stennan Sacredmaw

Name: Stennan Sacredmaw
Age: 23
Height: roughly around 6 ft.
Weight: 165 lbs.
Class: Paladin of Pelor

Stennan is what you'd expect of an idealistic, young paladin. He's brave, sure, kind, charitable, and all those good qualities. However, he is still naive, and far too trusting of folks, especially of those who claim faith in Pelor the sun god. He's also a little too idealistic for his own good, not fully knowing the horrors of the world. But, despite being an idealistic paladin, he isn't uptight, and has been known to have fun, and enjoy things like festivals and music. One can expect Stennan to be a stalwart friend and ally both on and off the battlefield.

Stennan is a human, standing at around 6 feet, and clocking in at around 165 pounds of muscle. He has a head full of of brown hair, with a short-trimmed beard, and his eyes are of a light sky blue. Compared to those around him, Stennan is a fairly imposing figure, a result of his training with the Order of the Radiant Sun, a paladin order in service of Pelor. Despite this, he's very easy-going, and cheerful, especially with friends. Stennan normally dresses in mail armor, covered by a sky blue surcoat, featuring a stylized sun; the symbol of the Sunfather Pelor. He also carries a longsword and a heater shield, emblazoned with the symbol of Pelor.

Stennan Sacredmaw was born to a minor noble family in the Kingdom of Altesia, a land across the sea, in the war-torn continent of Artemisia. However, despite being born a noble, Stennan was never raised as one. His family was killed by assassins when he was young, and the infant Stennan was turned over to the Church of Light, who sheltered orphans. There, he was raised in the church, reading about the gods and the mythology of the world. Stennan would also pick up swordsmanship from a traveling knight, and upon seeing his talent, the church would make him a page to a Crusader in one of the church's holy orders of paladins, the Order of the Radiant Sun. There, Stennan would hone his combat skills, learning to fight the evils of the darkness and the night, and protect and serve the light. Having completed his squireship, Stennan was inducted into the order as a full member after a night vigil, where Pelor Himself visited him, and gave him His blessing, much as He did with previous paladins. Stennan would be charged with defending a holy text, "The Sunfather's Commands", from a heretical order, the Order of the Vengeful Sun, who believes Pelor to be a vengeful god who will destroy all the "heathens" in the coming days, and would be sent to the Rimewood frontier to keep it safe, while also bringing the glory of the Sunfather and the Pantheon of Light to the new wilderness. Wary, but calm, Stennan hopes to keep these texts safe, and to help settle the Rimewood, away from the petty wars of Artemisia.

(Rough approximation of his appearance)