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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

23:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lia'el Nashan

Name: Lia'el Nashan

Occupation: Noblewoman. Currently in the business of supplying grapes, wine and coffee from several farms just outside Al-Jalasa, which has proven to be a significantly prosperous venture.

Actual Age/Apparent Age: Though she is 63 years old, her Exiled ancestry gives her the appearance of a human in her mid-twenties.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race/Species: Lia is an Exiled, a subrace of Demons who have departed from their original realm because of the abhorrent practices of their brethren. With the Demonic Realms nothing more than cesspools of pain and hardship, the Exiled gathered their strongest Topomancers, masters of spatial manipulation, in order to create a massive portal, one that would eventually lead them to the realm within which Al-Jalasa stands. Though the Exiled had little more than their names, their knowledge, and each other, they persevered and pushed forward, driven by what was their greatest strength: their Want, their desire for more, their desire to become more.

Nowadays, hundreds of years after their arrival, they are a divided people, having spread through all corners of the world. Nevertheless, they are still true to their nature to this day, with many of them climbing their way through society as merchants, traders and scholars, be it through elegant or ruthless means.

Appearance: With a height a couple of inches shy of 6 feet, Lia is a rather tall individual for her kind, her stature further complemented by her slim figure. Like most Exiled, she sports a humanoid figure, her eyes a deep green, her hair a deep black and her skin an ivory white unfit for the desert sun.

Her appearance, however, is further adorned with inhuman traits. Upon her head lay two great bull-like horns, starting from the sides of her head and twisting so that their tips point forwards and slightly up. A black tail juts from her lower back, its length and girth about the same as her arms, its tip ending in a small tuft of black hair. Her legs start out human, yet just below her knees they turn into those of cattle, with hooves instead of feet and short, black fur instead of bare skin, similar to that coating her tail. Her ears are also pointed, so much so that they jut out from her long, straight hair.

Most importantly, a mark is placed upon her forehead, one shared among all Exiled. This mark was once branded upon those who dared not to ascribe to the laws of the Demonic Realm, which in turn became something of a rite of passage among later generations of Exiled; to have this mark upon oneself is to be considered an adult, which in turn means that one is now solely responsible for, and bearing the burden of, their fate.

In regards to her attire, Lia seems to be fond of wearing dresses and garbs that are form-fitting and pleasant to the touch. She often wears a red dress with long sleeves that hugs her form closely, yet lets itself hang loose as it travels to her ankles, leaving an opening through which her right thigh and most of her leg is exposed.

Personality: Like most Exiled, Lia is a driven individual, one who will not waver in their pursuit of a given goal. Furthermore, Exiles have a specific Want which they nourish or attempt to stamp out; in Lia's case, her Want is intrinsically tied to the city of Al-Jalasa itself.

The city has always fascinated her, be it with its tales of prosperity or with its infamous protector. It has thus been her Want to become a part of it... a notable, important part. Through her craft, she wishes to amass the wealth and power required for the Council to take note of her. And, eventually, to grant her a seat at the table.

A whisper here, a gift there... there is little that Lia will not do in order to satisfy her Want, and she will use all of the resources at her disposal to ensure that she shall attain it, even her body if she must. That being said, that does not mean that she will subject herself to suffering, for she indeed will prefer the long road of silk to the short road of spikes. With most Exiles dying of old age in their 1500s, there is no need to rush...

She will outlive her opposition, if need be.

Of course, her noble status also means that there is a certain refinement to her. She despises combat, and finds that there is no need for it; after all, whether an Exile or not, all beings have desires, and she has found that it is much easier and more... rewarding, to gain hers by helping others achieve theirs.

That being said, her wrath is a cold and calculating one. If one becomes a thorn in her side, she will find a way to dispose of it, for fools and obstacles are the two things she will absolutely not accept within her life.


Topomancy: Lia is a Topomancer, a manipulator of space itself. By using the arcane powers nested within her body, she can create small waves of gravity from her palms, which she can use to defend herself from incoming blows, or deliver quick concussive blasts to her attackers in order to ensure her escape.

However, the true power of Topomancy lies not within such basic manipulations, but within bridging gaps in space. Through the use of hand gestures or written symbols, Lia can open up temporary portals, which she can link with places she has seen. As long as her destination is clearly etched within her mind's eye, she can create a portal to it; provided, of course, that she has the required time to create it, and that her hands are not tied or restricted.

Charismatic: Though not as flashy as her Topomancy, her charisma is certainly not something that one can ignore. This is a woman whose tongue has saved her life in more ways than one, and she is most certain to use it in order to attain whatever it is that enraptures her.

Perceptive: The devil lies in the detail. Lia is not one to let a passing remark or a hushed whisper go unnoticed, and she is wise enough to not allow herself to appear as the smartest woman in the room.

History: Lia'el Nashan was born to a human father and an Exiled mother, within a more temperate region of the world. Her father was a landed noble who treated his servants justly and fairly, a man from which Lia learned much of what it meant to make others work to one's benefit. Her mother was a powerful Topomancer, a former servant turned lover, and it was from her that Lia came to learn much of the magical craft for which the Exiled were renowned. Thanks to their care and love, Lia grew to be a wise and charming young lady, one who promised to be a worthy successor to the Nashan name.

A few months after her 20th birthday, the Exiled came upon a book detailing the many stories and tales surrounding the famous city of Al-Jalasa, as well as its hidden, canine guardian. As she delved deeper and deeper into the family library, her eyes trained on as many books on the matter as she could find, her actions sparked a great degree of concern within the heart of her father. What was it, he wondered, that warranted such a sudden obsession within his girl? It was his spouse who alleviated his worries, for she explained that Lia had finally found her Want, the one purpose which would come to drive her for most of her life.

A few weeks later, the young noblewoman received her mark, a coffer of gold, a few servants, and a carriage. With both of her parents' blessing, she set off to Al-Jalasa, to the heart of her Want.

Decades later still, Lia's efforts have paid off rather well. After her arrival, the woman used her considerable monetary assets to acquire a mansion and a few fields a few hours on horseback away from the main city; she would use this land to grow grapes and coffee, for she had acquired a taste for both, and had seen the high demand for the former. So successful was she, in fact, that a saying had begun to surface among the common people: "Nashan Coffee to wake your mind, Nashan Wine to leave it behind." Needless to say, she was quick to capitalize on her newfound saying, and thus her name had achieved some small measure of popularity... though nowhere near enough to satisfy her Want. Not yet.