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Welcome to King in Crimson

18:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Suzume Kazama

Name        : Suzume "Susie" Kazama
Essence     : Questing
Nature      : Crusader
Demeanor    : Idealist
Association : Traditions, Virtual Adepts
Concept     : JRPG Mage

Age: 27
Apparent Age: 27
Date of Birth: January 1st, 1992
Age of Awakening: 25
Hair: Blue (previously black)
Eyes: Brown
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: American (Born in NYC)
Height: 7'0"
Weight: It's rude to ask.
Gender: Female.

Kazama Suzume, better known as Susan Kazama (or "Susie" to her friends) is rather hard to forget, and not just because she's a gorgeous, blue-haired amazon. She's a proud gamer who wears gaming apparel even though her 7-foot statue makes most T-shirts an awkward fit. She does have things to wear that fit better, but they're often custom-made, and saved for formal occasions. Behind her cheerful  demeanor, you get the sense of rage bubbling just below the surface. But when she looks at you the rage subsides, because she knows that you're not part of the problem.

STR xx   CHA xx   PER xx
DEX xxx  MAN x    INT xxxxx
STA xxx  APP xxx  WIT xxx (Head for Numbers)


Willpower    : 7
Arete        : 3
Quintessence : (Avatar)


Correspondence  :
Entropy         :
Forces          : xxx
Life            : x
Matter          :
Mind            :
Prime           : xx
Spirit          :
Time            :

Huge Size (4) (Book of Secrets, Page 38)

For some strange reason, Suzume is 7 feet tall. +1 Additional level of bruised.

Language: Japanese (1)


Addiction: Video Games (-1)

Suzume spends a lot of time playing video games.

Curse: Permanently Blue Hair (-1)

For unknown reasons, Suzume's hair turned bright blue upon her Awakening. On casual inspection it just lookes like she got her hair dyed, but actual hair dye doesn't work on it (nothing stops her from wearing a wig, however). She also keeps her hair color if she's transformed, whether she wants to or not.

Uncanny 3 (-3) (Book of Secrets,  Pg 86)

Being 7 feet tall with neon-blue hair, she kinda stands out in a crowd.

Phobia (Fey) (-2) (Book of Secrets, Pg 50)

Thanks to a bad experiance playing Black Dog Games' limited-run gameline "Fey: The Kidnapped", she has a skewed (and very incorrect) view of changelings, expecting them to be looking for a way to kidnapp her to the Fairie realm.


Avatar  xxx
The User Interface

This avatar appears to Suzume as a RPG text box or menu screen. It explains to Susan how to use her powers, and also appears to act as a confirmation prompt for powerful workings.

Wonder   xxx
RPG Menu (4 Arete Talisman)

A small necklace in the shape of Erdrik's crest from the Dragon Quest franchise. Supposedly Suzume made it herself while in a trance, but in actuality it was made by her mentor, in order to encourage Suzume's development as a Mage.

Inventory (3 Data, 2 Matter, 2 Prime): Convert nonliving objects into data and back. Takes a few seconds to use.
Party Status (1 Health, 1 Mind): Detect the "hit points" and "status" of your allies.
Dungeon Map (2 Correspondence, 1 Prime): Maps out the current location in the mind's eye, including the location of Nodes, Tass and Wonders within. Note that this effect does not provide names or descriptions of these objects.

Mentor (Mr. Hitchcock) xx

An enigmatic Virtual Adept from Japan, who goes by the name "Mr. Hitchock"
He rarely appears in person to important mage buisness, but Susie knows his real identity.

His main spheres are Data (Correspondence), Mind and Prime. Rumor has it that his true identity is famed game developer Hideo Kojima.

Resources xxx (Syzygy Software Solutions LLC)
Susie owns a small I.T. consulting firm, right across the street from her apartment building. Buisness is good, but not great, and she has a handful of employees, all of which are sleepers.

Destiny xxxx
Unbeknownst to Suzume, she is a Kinain. She occasionally sees into Chimerical Reality as a result of Paradox Backlashes, but as of now she only considers such visions as being a result of a Quiet-induced mental breakdown. If Suzume ever gets over her fear of the Fae, this background can evolve becomes the proper Fairie Blood background, though a strong enough Paradox backlash might cause this to happen prematurely.



Alertness     xx
Athletics     xxx
Awareness     x
Brawl         x
Empathy       xxx
Intimidation  x
Leadership    xx


Martial Arts
Melee         xxxx (Historical European Martial Arts)
Technology    x


Academics     xxx
Computer      xx
Law           x
Occult        x
Science       xx  (Computer Science)

(Unless otherwise stated, Suzume carries these objects in her RPG Inventory talisman.)

Sword: Difficulty 6, Damage S +2/L, Melee Range, Concealable in Trenchcoat
Great Sword: Difficulty 5, Damage S +6/L, Melee Range, Not Concealable

Steel Breastplate: Armor Rating 3, Pentalty -2, not concealable
Metal Shield: Difficulty 4/+2, Penalty -2, not concealable.
Steel Buckler: Difficulty 3/+1, Penalty -1, concealable in bag.

Paradigm: The World is Made Of Data
All things have hidden parameters and functions coded in them, and a mage is someone who can unleash the full potential of this hidden code.

Practice: Hero's Journey
Magic exists for "heroes", people who for whatever reason have been chosen by destiny or circumstance to rise to the occasion. It feeds on conflict (which is a natural part of life) and "levels up" through experience, guiding them to their ultimate destiny. Games like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy are digital reflections of this greater truth. This practice has elements of Reality Hacking, Craftwork and Chaos Magic.

Weapons, Staves, Shouting, Gestures and Poses, Food and Drink, Clothes, Collections of Objects in a Set (i.e. "The Four Orbs of Light"), Potions, Rings, Amulets, Violence.