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06:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Maybelline Oakes

Name: Maybelline (Mabel) Oakes

Nickname: Dotty

Gender: Female

Age:  27

Hair: Brunette

Eyes: Hazel

Distinguishing Marks: She has a birthmark in the exact center of her right palm.

General Appearance:

If one were to see Dotty walking across the street, the last thing you would think was serious investigative reporter- and that probably would be a great observation. She has no airs of being refined.  She laughs loudly, walks without care, and is natural with her appearance both in dress and makeup.  She loves a good pair of jeans and a nice sweater in the winter and a t-shirt in the summer.  Dotty feels that it is her duty to share brightness and joy into the world and she usually does this through her clothing.

Blessed with olive skin and dark hair and lips, she doesn't require a great deal of makeup. She has bright hazel eyes that are framed by dark lashes and her pink lips, usually lightly glossed with bubble gum flavored lip gloss, pulled into a smile. She keeps her hair in loose waves reaching to her mid-back, pulling it up into a ponytail or a bun when she's working, but letting it flow so the breeze can blow through it when she's out and about.

She owns a huge collection of nail polish and it reflects her current mood and view on life.


Dotty is a believer... while she is skeptical about the almighty- she believes in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Theory of Atlantis.  Along with this Fairies, gnomes, unicorns, trolls, superstitions, and omens are heavy on her belief list, but she draws the line at Big Foot.  Chewbacca costumes are not her thing- but the Yeti... oh he exists.

She is friendly and assumes that every person is actually good but might be having a bad day, week, month, year, or life.  After all the sky is actually blue even if there are gray clouds at the time.

Dotty is an investigator- The only way to convince people is to find the proof so other people will see it too.  Of course most proof is harder to find than at first imagined.  She and her twin brother are finding proof and revealing it on their podcast that turned into a Youtube channel, that has caught the attention of something truly exciting.  In Dotty’s  mind the two of them are fighting against the big media machine that is designed to focus public sheep's attention while they are shattering that mirror.

She is deeply devoted to her brother.  They are twins and while they may not see things the same way or always agree- she has his back.  They are a duo and entertain one another.  In a way they are both brilliant and if anyone were to find proof of the supernatural- it will be the Oakes twins.  At least, that's what it said in their high school yearbook.

Sexual Preferences:  Boys it's all about the boys!

Employment (Employed/Unemployed/Out of towner etc.): "Paranormal" (Though that word is condescending and meant to make them look crazy) Investigator and Youtube celeb.  She likes to think that she and her brother are influencers.

About Your character:

Mabeline was born three seconds after her brother Mason Oakes.  Once they started talking though Mabeline changed to Mabel and from there and some playful poking from her brother she became Dot.  It took middle school to add the Dotty when some clever girl decided to call her a Dottie fool- It took Mabel about two seconds after that to decide she liked it.  After all if a person had to be given a name for an 80 year old grandmother- Dottie was a whole lot more light hearted than Mabel.

In general that has been her guide to almost everything- that and her brother Mason.  Go with the brighter choice and it will never lead you wrong.  That was how she became a believer.  In the summer of their 8th year Dotty came face to face with a ghost.  All the girls talked about the creepy feeling in the girl's 200 hallway bathroom.  It was cold and dark and there was always the feeling of someone watching, so everyone avoided it.  Well one day she had managed to drink an entire big gulp of orange strawberry soda and there was no going back.  The other bathroom was being cleaned, so she pushed open the door of the creepy bathroom, did her business, and as she was exiting the stall there it was an old woman who looked like a school marm glaring at her.  Mabel excused herself, washed her hands, and left.  It was only three days later when she was looking at the display cases that the old woman's face was there- from 1898.

Granted, Uncle Whitney's stories had fully prepped her for such an experience, but the fact that she'd just met a ghost blew her mind.  If that was real... then the door opened.  Once she was willing to see them more than stories, the research began.  Fortunately, Mason was just as eager and the best childhood in the history of the world began!  It was easy to say they were never bored.  Investigations, research, unicorn hunts! They all led her to the internet and she absorbed it.  Researching out the strange from the depths of the early world of technology was intuitive.

The rock, paper, scissors thing had more to do with their mother and father than Mason knows.  She was called to council with her parents and was summarily told that she couldn't boss Mason around- he needed to stand on his own two feet.

When they were ten the decision for a designated "Scully" occured.  It happened when the duo began reading Sherlock Holmes...or at least she began reading Sherlock Holmes- Mason may have just been humoring her.  Anyway...  One very important quote stood out to her: Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”  If that was the case... they needed a way to remove the improbable from their investigations.  That was a problem since most of what they were investigating was considered impossible.  It was then that the X-files came into Dotty’s life.  Scully was the cause of Mulder's legitimate investigations.  They needed a Scully... and thus it began.  The twin in the Scully role had to be the skeptic and do everything in their power to disprove anything they discovered.

Living life in the military was like trying to put a cat in a burrito for Dotty.  Her desires to find joy, love, freedom seemed to be curtailed by the world of structure, yelling, and khaki... or is that green?  Whatever it is as soon as she was old enough and free enough to wear her own clothes she determined never to wear bland again.  Moving from place to place was disconcerting, so she learned to rely on Mason for stability.  She has troubles with that... stability and paying attention to the outside world.

While Mason likes to think he is the follower in the group, Dotty spends a great deal of time sussing out exactly what Mason wants er... needs and making sure it finds him.  It's been a habit for as long as she can remember.  It's her job, in her mind at least, to watch out for her brother.  She's not very direct when it comes to confrontation though- most of the time her protections come from crazy straw angles.

College was like that scene in Wizard of Oz when suddenly there was color in the world.  It was difficult to choose a major but eventually she decided to focus on Journalism and IT, which made her mother happy. (Dotty didn't tell her about the course with the dead bodies.)  In College Dotty  met Edward.  She really thought she was in love.  She really thought *he* was in love.  They were both journalism together.  They both wanted to become reporters and show the world the truth.  They both took up a job working for a mass media outlet out of college and Dotty was miserable.  Edward was cheating, the job was sucking her soul out of her, and the skirts kept getting higher and the blouses lower, and it really felt that she was building lies rather than revealing them.

Mason told her she was making a mistake and the old woman showing up in time square confirmed it.  She left Edward, the job, and the wardrobe and joined her brother creating Mason and Mabel's Guide to the Unexplained.  It was healing, freeing, and more importantly Dotty found herself smiling again.  Since then, their world has only grown.

Coming to Stillwater is a strategic decision.  Dotty  has always thought of the place as the honeypot.  A place where, when they needed it, they could find that big sell.  A major provider has started negotiations with the duo.  They could be the next "Ghost Hunters" "Mythbusters" "Pawn Stars" as long as they can find that one story, but it has to be big.