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13:28, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Searlait Saoirse

Gender: Female          Eyes  : Pale Blue-Grey
Age   : 33              Hair  : Strawberry Blonde
Height: 1.91M           Skin  : Pale, Caucasian
Weight: 62 kg           Hand  : Ambidextrous

Homeworld  :  Deathworld
 - Hailing from Forest world of Cuyayale with the arbours and creatures surrounding the villages and towns of the arboreal surface.

Birthright :  Scavenger
 - Having been born an outcast due to her mother being a latent psyker (Iota class) and being suspected herself caused her to be forced to scavenge to survive until she joined the military.

Lure       :  Crusade (Call to War)
 - With such a harsh background she joined the Imperial Guard as soon as she was able to attempt a better life, or at least a quick end.

Trials     :  Hand of War
 - Having fought the (insert enemy here) on (insert planet here) the regiment she was attached to suffered a staggering 91% casualties and the Imperium decided it wasn't worth the effort to reinforce the regiment or collect them so they were mustered them out where many joined the forces of a passing Rogue Trader who also lost significant forces attached to the campaign.

Motivation :  Pride
 - During the conflict on (Planet) Saint Ashildr the Rune-Marked was killed by the (Enemy) and infuriated at the death and the enemies attempts to butcher the remains she gathered a force of guardsmen and fought tooth and nail to get to the body shooting, stabbing and clubbing them until the formed a cordon around the saint's body, killing the enemy. Attached Ecclesiarchy representatives said that a glowing halo of the God-Emperor's light encompassed Searlait as she led the recovery of the saint and was blessed with their repaired and reconsecrated armour.

Career        :  Arch-Militant
 - After several years of serving the Lord-Captain she rose through the ranks to attain the rank of Arch Militant and Mistress at Arms.

Lineage       :  Witchborn - Proven to be Pure
 - Her mother was captured by the Arbites and tested by the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and was taken into custody. Searlait was tested as well and deemed Pi class, non-psyker.

Major NPC Relations
Medb Saoirse           - Wife
Shireen Fajra-Saoirse  - Adoptive Daughter
Kauri Tamati           - Leader of Drakon Guard Praetorian Squad
Ă“rlaith Ita            - Leader of Fomorian Guard Praetorian Squad
Amyr Lestari           - Leader of Efrit Guard Praetorian Squad
Katya Dragorska        - Leader of Tigris Guard Praetorian Squad

Menial - Shireen Fajra-Saoirse
25 20 30 30 30 25  25  25 30
Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 9
Skills: Awareness (Int), Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Drive (Ground vehicle) (Ag), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Trade (pick one) (Int).
Talents: Basic Weapon Training (SP), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive).
Gear: Poor quality clothing, Locket from birth-parents
NameClassDamageTypePenRangeROFClipReloadSpecial Rules
Stub RevolverPistol1D10+3I030S/-/-62FReliable
NameClassDamageTypePenRangeSpecial Rules   