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Welcome to San Diego by Night: Los Espias de Negro (5th ed VtM Canon)

19:18, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kyoko Kyembogabi

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130lbs.
Hair: Almost Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Clan: Brujah
Generation: 8th
Embrace Date: 31 July 1988

Description: There is no denying that Kyoko has sex appeal. But whether or not that appeal is because of her vampiric abilities or if she was naturally that way as a mortal is up for debate. Kyoko is tall, athletic, strong, extremely nimble on her feet, and surprisingly well tanned. She is energetic and animated when agitated, but cold and almost lethargic any other time. Kyoko is intimidating, and rightfully so. She isn't a great public speaker and tends to shy away from groups in favor of being by herself. Kyoko also has a tendency to swing first and ask questions later.

While it is possible to convince her to dress up and look respectable, Kyoko usually opts for function over fashion. She typically dresses in a bad girl or I want sex style, depending on if her priorities for the night require feeding.

Brief Bio: Kyoko is best known by her street name among the Anarchs, Edge. Edge is one of the most dangerous kindred to have ever held the Anarch cause near and dear to her undead heart. Her level of aptitude and personal strength rival that of kindred centuries her senior and nobody knows how she became as strong as she is. No kindred claims to have been her mentor, and many suspect that Edge is one of the truly ancient Methuselahs or even one of their pawns set to some alien and far reaching task that even she doesn't understand.

What is known about Edge is that she has long been an enemy of both the Camarilla and the Sabbat. She has destroyed dozzens, if not hundreds of kindred from both sects and many cities have standing blood hunts on her should she even enter the domain. However, Edge's legendary status among the Anarchs has also waned along with her interest. Edge has always tried to avoid being the focal point of any movement or crusade, and this came to head sometime around October or November of 2004 in Charlotte when she just vanished in the middle of the Anarch's attempt to seize power. Her disappearance marked the inevitable defeat of that attempt by the Anarchs. Edge remained off of the grid, out of touch, and out of mind. Many kindred even suspected that she was one of the first victims of the Second Inquisition. However, on the very same night Theo Bell defected to the Anarchs, taking the vast majority of Clan Brujah with him, Edge came back out of the shadows and revealed herself in San Diego, aligning with Juan Lorenzo and the Tremere, formally casting aside her previous allegiance. This has made Edge Persona Non Grata among the Anarchs, obviously, which may have been the point since now they've stopped coming to her with problems they want her to solve and instead send an occasional kill squad too stupid to realize it's on a suicide mission.

-Silver brass knuckles
-Wooden baseball bat
-Car keys
-78 Camaro
-Camarilla membership card
-Taki on speed dial
-A pissy attitude.

Noteworthy Rumors:
-She has the rare Brujah ability of Burning Wrath.
-She is a Methuselah in hiding.
-She is the pawn of a Methuselah in hiding.
-She is a Tremere doppleganger.
-She is the lover of Octavia Rose.
-She never really existed in the first place and is a Malkavian hoax.
-She never really existed in the first place and is a Ravnos hoax.
-She was actually captured by Clan Tremere in Charlotte and her disappearance was an orchestrated event by the Warlocks.
-She was a gymnast in life as a mortal.
-She prefers to feed on black men.
-She likes to play cards & enjoys magic tricks.
-She just wants to be left alone.