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04:33, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Claira Liadon

Claira "Clair" Liadon                                   
Concept: Highborn Scholar-Engineer
Vitals: High Elf Female; Age ~95; 5'4", ~110 lbs.
Class: Artificer (Artillerist)
Image Gallery: Link
Distinctive Features: A strange magical tablet, gear in remarkably good repair.

    Tall among her kind, with pointed ears angled more backward than outward, she has notably soft features rather than the sharper, angled lines more common to high elves. She also isn't as willowy or dainty-looking as the typical elven lady one might immediately bring to mind. She's healthy and fit, though there's very little hint of muscle tone to her, giving her a soft but vibrant overall appearance. Her golden hair is short, about chin-length and worn back but loose, with hair braided into a headband. Her eyes are a vivid green, large and bright. She is definitely attractive, even though her typical attire downplays that somewhat.

    Her typical attire is both practical and fashionable, clearly expensive wear that also seems suited to the intricate work she does. Her fine blue and white tunic covers a finely-made chain shirt, with short sleeves, worn over a lighter, white blouse beneath, the longer sleeves covering her arms to the wrists. Her left wrist is host to a delicate-looking, minimalist bracer with metalwork and jewels forming an eye-like pattern. Her hands are both covered by soft leather gloves, lacking the fingers for improved finesse with delicate work while still protecting her hands. About her neck, a hooded midnight blue half-mantle cloak rests, patterned with a woven but nondescript geometric pattern. A belt secures a dagger to her waist, as well as a finely-crafted leather satchel, vaguely resembling a caster's component pouch, though it seems less eclectic, cleaner, more organized, and smells more of oils, leather, and metals than bat guano and salt. A rolled leather kit and another, slightly larger satchel completes the ensemble. Her legs are clad in snug-fitting black leggings, the waist covered by the tunic's length, while the legs vanish down into her fine leather boots, featuring a snug-fitting cuff at the top of each to keep the interior dry and comfortable. The boots have a modest half-inch heel and a polished steel toe, are are made of strong but supple leather.

    The most distinctive thing about her clothing is how incredibly new it always seems - clean, fresh, perfectly maintained, as if it had just been made yesterday and put on for the very first time just that morning.

    She has an unusual device on her person - a tablet made of unusual material, about eight inches long, four inches wide, and half an inch deep. The frame of the device is contoured like a grip, with a durable impression, though there is also a perfectly flat surface on one side. It has a handle for secure grip, and also seems to be able to fasten into the bracer on her left arm, facing inward. The device sometimes displays visual images or even makes sounds, and it seems to be an important tool in its own right.
Background: Academy Alumni
    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Feature: Graduate with Honors: Similar to Guild Membership, allowing room and board at the academy and satellite campuses, gain funding and assistance for research materials and expeditions, the ability to access the academy libraries and archives (though some materials may still be restricted) or consult with experts in a large number of fields. You gain favorable reception at other academic institutions or places of learning, and also know how to navigate the bureaucracy of academia. If you don't know something based on facts, study, or research, you probably have some sort of idea of where to find that information.
    Personality Trait: I can be overly-excitable about sharing my knowledge.
    Personality Trait: I have something of a streak of perfectionism.
    Personality Trait: I think that my creations are better company than some people.
    Ideal: Knowledge is most valuable when it is used to practical and good ends.
    Ideal: Innovation in all aspects of life is important to progress and perfect oneself and the world.
    Bond: My passion is the discovery of knowledge and techniques both ancient and new.
    Flaw: The demands of my noble family are a tiresome burden.