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Welcome to The North Will Not Fall!

19:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lord Goibniu Ironsmith

Goibniu stands 6’3 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has closely shaven light brown hair and blue eyes

Lord Goibniu comes from Ironsmith. Their home is a small castle near the mountains. It has a  Great Hall and a watchtower and overlooks the small town of Roundstone. There is an iron mine near the castle and town, which lead to the family name of Ironsmith. In fact, Goibniu is a master ironworker known for his ability to make both weapons and armor. He was married and lived happily with his wife. She gave him twins but, unfortunately, an untimely illness took her from Lord Goibniu too soon. The twins are now 10 years old and they are fraternal twins, a boy and girl, named  Tuatha and Danu. Tuatha is the heir apparent as the eldest son.  His household force consists mostly of cavalry. Lord Goibniu has his cavalry doing lots of patrols searching for wildling skum and Night Watch Deserters. Lord Goibniu is a skilled warrior and when he fights, he wears a set of Full Plate Armor. His ambition is to eventually become a Beacon of Trade, for both the Night's Watch and the Mountain Clans.  Doesn't have a Maester serving his house and the family still worships the old gods.  While not widely practiced, Lord Goibniu has been know to use the Law of First Night. Now, especially since his wife's passing he has been taking more advantage of the Law of the First Night.

House Ironsmith coat of arms