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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

00:24, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Raedan

Occupation: Fire dancer/fire mage

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Depends on what Alyra thinks of you

Race/Species: Human-ish

Coin Event - The Dagger Gift: Anyone who attempts to steal anything from you will always end up with a single wad of socks and nothing else. They’re not even your socks.

Appearance: Raedan is most often found in dark colors with his face hidden deep in a hood. Sometimes, Alyra gets annoyed at him for it and pushes the hood down, until he reminds her that he needs it. If not hooded, he wears a mask over half his face, twisting the color of his eyes in a way that leaves the masked one a bright blue in contrast to the dark, almost black brown. He is often found watching closely what is going on, in part out of some insecurities, but also, in a place like Al-Jalasa, one must keep your companion safe, and regardless of what she thinks, Alyra is fragile, and very dear to him.

Raedan often has a flame trailing around him...somewhere. Sometimes coiled around his wrist, sometimes resting on his shoulder, held in the palm of his hand. And sometimes...that flame is off doing other things he will likely later have to apologize for. It isn’t until one looks closely, and is deemed worthy to see, that the flame will appear much more feminine in nature, with soft glowing curves and flowing, burning tendrils of hair.

Personality: When performing, Raedan takes on the persona of The Fire Mage, taming flames and flirting with women while he does it. A bright personality that may or may not be what remains after a hard life.

When not performing, Raedan is often quiet, a dark figure in the corner brooding over times past. He mourns what could have been, often wondering what the life of a prince might have held. It isn’t until that flame of his dances her way across his neck or does some trick to bring a smile to his face. His one true friend, and the only one in a long time that has been able to pull him from any dark mood he’s found himself in.

It isn’t until someone gets to know him well that they learn he is truly a bit of both, both bright and happy as well as dark and brooding. Though, very few get to actually see this concept in reality.

Abilities/Skills: Raedan has the ability to create and tame flames, any flames, igniting them or extinguishing them with the flick of his wrist. He seems to understand it well, though, really that comes from an entirely different aspect.

History: Raedan was once a prince, heir to a throne far away from Al-Jalasa. Enemies to the throne stole him away in the might, angry with his father for not trading with them, and tried to burn him at a stake to make a statement. He stood tall at twelve years old, refusing to cry out in pain, wanting to prove his worth as the heir, to prove his strength to his father. This did not dampen the tears that flowed from his eyes as if they alone could extinguish the pain.

Yet, in the midst of the fire’s fury, he found it pushed away from his skin, the burning eased, but not before at least some damage was done. The flames slowly died out and he remained. Those around him feared for their lives, claiming him an evil sorcerer, something brought from the depths of hell to take over the form of the Heir they tried to burn.

And his own family believed it as well.

Raedan then had to find his way in life, torn from palace life and driven to the streets in shame. Though, he was not alone. It took him months to figure out why he could not douse a flame the size of his palm no matter how hard he tried. In those months, he started to believe the lie that he was something to be feared and shunned. Why else would he still be burning?

It wasn’t until one day he tried to douse the flames in a well of water and heard a tiny voice start yelling at him for such that he realized the flames were something else. He befriended the Aprite, learning her name was Alyra, and she was the one that saved him. The long nights in the streets were no longer quite so dark. He turned to Alyra, speaking the unquiet things in his heart and mind to her, and letting her unabashed happiness bring him joy.

Together, they made their way, she, the flame he “tamed” in his shows. She, the flame that kept him warm when nothing else could. She, the only true friend he had in the world.

Together, they made their way to Al-Jalasa, and he spent the last few years as a member of the Orphanage, until he aged out. From there, he took to the streets as a performer, dancing with his flame and performing for crowds for money.

Raedan recently discovered that there are people looking for him, considering his surviving the fire to have turned him into some sort of mythical being, or possibly in hopes of a payout from his family.

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