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15:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mystery Warrior

The Mystery Warrior is Lady Elyse Ladybright of Dorne.

Name: Elyse LadybrightHouse:         Ladybright
Gender FemaleProfession: Knight
Age: 23Homeland:  Dorne
Height: 5’5”Eye Color    Green
Weight: 125 lbsHair Color      Blonde


Elyse is 5’5” tall and weighs 125 pounds. While she does not appear Dornish, she is from a Dornish house. The Westerosi appearance is due to one of her relatives on her father’s side was one of the warriors from Westeros who came when Daeron Targaryen invaded Dorne in 157 AC (current game year is 221 AC or 64 years earlier). Her great-grandfather was from the small bodyguard contingent of Rickon Stark (son of Cregan Stark). That warrior’s name was Benjen Slate of House Slate and he was wed to  Elayna Ladybright.

When she fights, Elyse wears chainmail armor over studded leather. She carries a longsword and dagger.

Being the 4th daughter in a minor Dornish house led Elyse to understand early on that she would more than likely not be married to a good catch but whatever left over suitor may be interested in her. So, from early one Elyse sought her fortune as a fighter. Since she is smaller and lighter, Elyse relies more on her speed and agility than raw power. She has traveled around Dorne and the Reach participating in tournaments. Mostly horse riding and archery. On some rare occasions she would participate in the joust or melee. Then, decided to head to the North to visit the homeland of Benjen Slate.