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15:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Blakelyn Graves

Name: Blakelyn Mariah Graves
Nickname:Blake, Lyn
Age: 30
Faceclaim: Natalie Dormer

Theme song: This is War


Heightened Senses:  Since the virus ran its course through her body, several of her senses have been heightened.   Her eyesight is sharper; she can see things further away and more precise than your average human. Like her eyesight, her hearing is also enhanced, heightened to a point where she can hear even the quietest of footsteps and lowest of whispers. Her reflexes are also quicker than an average human but enough to be considered ‘superhuman.’

Weakness: The heightened senses cause things such as eye strain and migraines. The latter can be so bad that it puts her out of commission for days. The only way for her to recover is to sit in a room void of light and sound.


Resiliency to Injury: When it comes to injury, it takes a lot for something to affect Blake physically. She can be on the receiving end of a superhuman punch, fall from great heights, spend extended time beneath the water, etc. Things that would take out an average human barely leave scratches on the young woman.

Weakness: This doesn’t mean that she can’t die or sustain serious injuries. She still has to take it easy if she breaks certain bones; falls will knock the wind out of her initially, and a well-placed bullet is all it takes to end her life.

Useful Skill Sets:  She learned several things during her stint in the military and time working security for other high-ranking compounds, such as handling weapons and interrogation.

Occupation on the Campbell Compound: Head of Security.

Physical Description/ Distinguishing Features: There is a saying that states, "never judge a book by a cover." This statement is true regarding Campbell's Head of Security - Blakelyn Graves.  The title often deceives people who come to expect, well, your stereotypical warrior.  They are often surprised when the young woman shows up to the scene.

Nothing is intimidating about her height. She stands at an average of 5 feet and 5 inches, give or take an inch. Her frame is slender, with enough lean muscle to show that she takes care of herself, but no bulk is present.

No, it isn't her frame that draws respect; it is the way she carries herself. Blakelyn Graves carries herself in a way that shows she has confidence in herself. Along with the ability and know-how to kill a person five different ways before realizing what is happened.  From the way she walks to the way she talks, she radiates certitude.

Her smooth, soft-colored face is free of blemishes, with large blue eyes framed by thick black lashes. Her heart-shaped lips are often pressed into a thin line, but when a smile does spread across her youthful face, it radiates mischief.  Her petite nose turns up ever so slightly at the end and the right nostril glints with a piercing.

Blakelyn's most distinguishing feature is how half of her head is shaved, utterly free of the luscious blonde locks on the other side (that brush her shoulder). The skin is decorated with a thin vine of tattoos that runs down her neck, shoulder, and arm, stopping just at the elbow.

When she is not dressed in her security uniform (a black, form-fitting get-up) she can be seen in more comfortable, cotton clothes such as tank tops, looser fitting pants, and sturdy boots. It is kind of difficult to dress to impress in the middle of a global virus that has eradicated their way of life.

Personality Description:  Blakelyn is known for her stoic expressions and defensive demeanor, but those that have had the opportunity to get to know her know that she is not always like.  It is usually a persona she wears when working. Since she always seems to be working, the other side of her personality is rarely seen.

Her sense of humor tends to lean towards the drier side, and sometimes it is difficult to tell whether she is joking. The answer usually hides within the depths of her bright blue eyes. It is there where the amusement and mischievous side is revealed. Usually, the glint in her eyes will be followed by the up-turn of those lips, in a smile that could either tell she is joking or plotting someone's demise.

Blakelyn rarely laughs, but when she does, it is memorable, loud, and always comes with a head tilt.

She enjoys conversation, prefers it to silence, and enjoys getting to know those who show up at the Compound. Some claim it is simply her job to know the people, but that is not always the case with the Head of Security.  She genuinely enjoys talking, but please don't talk to her about the weather.