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Welcome to Sins of Stark City

10:18, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Miracle most often appears as an uncannily perfect woman with a Barbie-like face, average height, and an incredibly (and almost unnaturally) pronounced hourglass figure. Her dishwater-blonde hair is often raised in a pair of curly spiral pigtails, and she dresses in a style reminiscent of a Japanese high school's winter uniform; frilly white blouse, pale pink blazer, short black pleat skirt, snow-white thigh-high stockings, and a cute little lavender ribbon around the collar. This typical outfit is marred by three oddities; a finishing belt across her waist to accentuate her figure, a black choker around her neck, and a pair of brown leather four-inch stiletto boots on her feet.

She is also a shapeshifter, so bollocks to all that.

Unless deliberately acting otherwise (and she is a good actor), Mirabelle tends to be extremely sunny, optimistic, comically naive, and ditzy to the point of stupidity. None can deny that she has a good heart, but she is prone to acting without considering the consequences.

Mirabelle is never far from her "master," Marigold.

Marigold is a woman of slightly above average height, overweight though not to the point of obesity, with square black glasses and a row of freckles across her face. Although far from the Hollywood ideal Marigold is nonetheless attractive in a rather nerdy way, especially when she gets excited about something. She is often seen wearing a black sweater, jeans, and work boots, her wavy chestnut hair tied back in a low ponytail. She is rarely seen without a day pack bearing innumerable anime pins and a box of Pocky in her hand.

Marigold is somewhat reclusive, shying away from most human contact. If one is able to strike up a conversation with her she proves incredibly passionate about wanting to change the world, taking down the robber-barons that stifle it, protecting the people from so-called super-criminals, and generally empowering humanity. Her opinions are a perfect mirror for Mirabelle's but, unlike the giggly ditz, Marigold seems to have a much better grasp of the societal ramifications of her views. It is perhaps this cynical understanding of the consequences that stifle her to inaction, while the idealistic Mirabelle has no such barriers to action.