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Welcome to Darkness Hides Many Sins [Blades in the Dark]

09:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Vibrona Prisca

Alias: Vib

Look: Woman - Bright, Fair, Slim - Long Coat, Tricorner Hat, Tall Boots -

Heritage: Akoros

Background: Noble - The Prisca are a family with ancient nobility and lengthy history in the military of Akoros. However, they have little to show for it in terms of wealth or power. More honor than coin, more reputation than influence. They are all but destitute.

Vice: Luxury - Vib knows the finer things in life, and wishes to have them.

Purveyor: Harvale  Brogan - The Centuralia Club is where Vib would rather spend her evenings.

Description: It's easy to forget that Vib is small. She tends to speak loudly, in a variety of voices and accents. It makes her loom larger in the memory, despite the fact she's really quite petite. Under the heavy Imperial officer's jacket she wears, there isn't much to her. Just a scrawny, pale young woman. But she smiles wide, and often. Making up in volume what she lacks in mass. She's well taken care of, maybe from money. Her hair is pale, almost snowy. Worn short and boyish. She dresses in pants and men's shirts, mostly- or maybe boys' shirts, given her size.