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Welcome to Center City and Surrounding Environs

09:54, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lite Star

Real Name: Eliza Knight
Height: 5'12
Weight: 100lbs

Code Name: Lite Star
 Height: 6'6"
 Weight: 325lbs
 Main Colour: Metallic Azure Blue

Lite Star stood at 6 and a half foot tall, the metallic azure blue coating of the hard shell was sculpted and curved to give the robotic figure a feminine aesthetic, long legged with built up heels, sleek and agile looking.  The joints had a carbon fiber like black mesh appearance to them, flexible and apparently seamless for excellent range of movement.  The domed face plate was a more reflective shade, almost giving a blue mirrored look, from either side of the head antenna gave the impression of rabbit like ears.  The back was formed like a pack, intakes at the top and directional nozzles at the base indicated flight capabilities, between the intakes a curved topped pod was mounted, tracks visible on the underside of it.  Attached to either side of this were waldo sponson units ending in pods that projected over the shoulders, each sporting a barrel and muzzle break.  The fore arms seemed to be bulked out a bit and when needed from the right three foot long metallic blade would spring forth, a towline launcher on the left forearm.
On speaking Lite Star's voice was female, a touched synthesized, but generally very pleasant enough to listen to, although it was clear enough to convey a whole gambit of emotions easily, and the body mobile enough to display a wide range of body language.

Eliza Knight is a bubbly energetic young woman of 5'1" in height and of a gymnastic build.  With a mop of messy styled black hair cut to an approximate bob, and joy filled hazel eyes many would agree that in appearance and attitude she was very attractive and amenable, with a bright sweet voice and an inquisitive friendly manner, which conceals a very sharp intellect.  A person that tried to bring people along with her in the positives of life.  Though from a very wealthy family and home schooled, the Knight family ethos of passing on their good fortune had been instilled in this the latest generation and much of her free time Eliza spent with charity activities, most notably the Water Sports Outreach program where she assisted in teaching the disadvantaged in activities on, around and under the water.
Her wardrobe was ever changing, though as her most common form of transport was a purple Kawasaki Ninja H2, the pink and black biker leathers common attire if no specific clothing was required.

For those that did a bit of research, Eliza's family were the ones behind the Knight Foundation and it's connected engineering company Knight Industries.  Well know for it's philanthropic works around the world and the development of technologies for the betterment of those in need, form clean energy developments to cheap prosthetics and water purification for use in developing countries and anywhere else that needed them.