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19:44, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)




Name:  "Hikari" Stottmeister-Tatsukichi Hikari - [ JUSTICAR / JUSTAR ]
Alignment:  Principled (Good)
Level:  6 / 4;  Experience/Level {HU p.27/p.353}: {Robotics: Exoskeleton Pilot-6th} 29,718 [35,921 - 7th] / {Mutant-4th} 8,557 [16,501 - 5th]
{LESPOf CI} '583p'/ {LESP-R} 42/ {RP} '362'/ {M-DCC} '159' 177; {Chnly} 30/ {Syntch} 3/ {SSI} 278/ {LESPOf} '971p'/ {CCtHB} '187'/
{SSI-H} '243/258', 262-448 {430p}/ {SSI-S} [172] '256' {84p}/ NY-HCA '9'/ NY-CAAO '6'/ BBfwDoW '41'/ {AtG} 156/ {TIoA} '277'/ {IDrPS} 57

Origin:  Mutant / Robot Exoskeleton - Pilot
Birth Order:  1st -Only
Race:  Human {Ethnicity - Mixed}

WT:  145lbs <JUSTICAR{w/accessories}: <Dry WT: 676.2{821.2}lbs [suit-alone: 704.2{849.2}], Full WT: 1,014.2{1,159.2}lbs, w/4x Fuel Pods: 1,126.2{1,271.2}lbs>
- Light Armor Configuration: <Dry WT: 376.2{521.2}lbs [suit-alone: 404.2{549.2}], Full WT: 714.2{859.2}lbs, w/4x Fuel Pods: 826.2.2{971.2}lbs>
+ {Hikari can move in light Armor Configuration with own strength}
- Load: 'Hikari' 13.5lbs <JUSTICAR: 52.81lbs / w/Drones 252.81lbs>

HT:  5'10" <6'2 - JUSTICAR Suit>
Eyes:  Green;  Hair:  Short - Platinum Blonde;  Ethnicity:  Mixed German/Japanese
Age:  17;  Gender:  Male

Disposition:  Calm, Prideful, VERY independent
Life Savings: $5,000 / {$5.244,059} 'remaining budget'
Salary/Investments {1} 'Allowance':  $2,000/month;  Available Ready Cash: {5}  $5,000
Land of Origin:  Japan
Childhood Environment:  City
Social/Economic Background:  Wealthy
Powers Manifested:  Early Teens
LESP Badge Number:  10072#
Team: Center City SENTINELS

MA 15       30% Trust/Intimidate
PB 14 '17d' / '20sl' 10% '35%d' / '50%sl' Charm/Impress

CHI:  18
HP:   55 [6; 5, 1, 3, 6, 4/ 6; 1, 5, ?]
{personal} SDC:  77 / {137} '+60d' {Energy Body +40 [116 '176d']};
- JUSTAR - Sentinel MKII Costume AR: 10; Armor SDC: +70
AR: 10;  Armor SDC:  +50

<JUSTICAR Mk IV> AR:  15;  Frag Cape/Vest - Cloak:  13 {covers 2}
<JUSTICAR Mk IV> SDC: by location - MB/Armor: 700;  2x Legs: 175,  Hover Jet Backpack: 100,  'Winged' Hover Fan Backpack: 100,  2x Arm/Hand: 70,
Integral Weapons: 35, Head/Helmet: 70,  Telemental Helmet: 40,  Frag Cape/Vest - Cloak: 120;  Riot Shield: 40;
4x Remote Probes: MB- 60/ Hover 'Jet' Fan System- 100 {-3 called shot}/ {2x} Arms & Hands- 70 {-3 called shot [15+]}

- Light Armor Configuration: MB/Armor: 400

<JUSTICAR - PALADIN> SDC: by location - MB/Armor: 2,000 / 2,000;  2x Legs: 500,  Hover Jet Backpack: 100,
Hover Fan Backpack: 100,  2x Giant Arm/Hand: 200,  2x Giant Weapon Arms:  200,  2x Concealed Utility Arms: 200;  Handheld 'Large' Weapons: 70, Head/Helmet: 200;
6x Remote Probes: MB- 60/ Hover 'Jet' Fan System- 100 {-3 called shot}/ {2x} Arms & Hands- 70 {-3 called shot [15+]}

- Drone Damage: None

Combat Bonuses:
- {R:GMG, p.39-40} 60'ft Ranged Aimed, Burst, wild shot: TN5; 61'ft+ Ranged Aimed, Burst, wild shot: TN8;
-1ST/per 25'ft+ effective RangeFast Moving target {40mph+}: TN10
Called Shot, small target/stationary: TN12; Called Shot, Moving Target: TN15; Called Shot, Fast Moving: TN17;
- {R:GMG, p.41} 400’ft Dodge Modern Weapons: -10DG, 500’ft+ -8DG; Full Melee Dodge-All Attacks: -6DG {must have cover}
- 400’ft Parry Bullets & Energy Blasts: -10PY; 500’ft+ -12DG

Decapitation:  21 dam/HP, ‘Called Shot’ {R:WB1 VK-r, p.72}, Nat 20, or TN24 ‘modified’, Surprise/behind +3 ST
Stake Heart: ‘Stationary’ {R:WB1 VK-r, p.82}, TN10 {P.S. 28 normal, 18 robotic, 10 sn}
Stake Heart: ‘Close Combat’ {R:WB1 VK-r, p.83}, “Called Shot” TN16
Stake Heart: ‘Long Range’ {R:WB1 VK-r, p.83}, ‘Called Shot’, Nat 20, or TN24 ‘modified’

Background Data:
- Sponsoring Organization: Military - Lockheed Aerospace {93}
- Status: Allowed to leave after Great Antagonism/Conflict - Strained Relations {42}
- Exoskelaton Quality:  Abandoned due to lack of funds {64}
- [1st Lvl] Budget [ Sponsoring Organization: Lockheed-Martin Aerospace 'Miniaturized Avionics/Flight Systems' Contract {$15.5M} / $2,313,649 unspent
* JUSTICAR MK I Exoskeleton Armor
- [2nd Lvl] Budget [ Sponsoring Organization: GE/DoJ 'Stronghold' GUARDIAN Contract {$15.5M Additional Budget} / $6,568,459 unspent
* JUSTICAR MK II Exoskeleton Armor, "Sea Sentinel" ~ 1994 100' Azimut 100, PALADIN MK V Robot Vehicle {In-progress}
- [3rd Lvl] Budget [ Sponsoring Organization: Raytheon/DoD 'US Special Forces - Battlesuits' MYRMIDON Contract {$15.5M Additional Budget} / $899,059 unspent
* PALADIN MK V Robot Vehicle
- [4th Lvl] Budget [ Sponsoring Organization: Johnson & Johnson – ‘Hopolite’ Medical Exoskel {very light, cheaply-3D printed, Exoskelton with telemental crown control for paraplegic patients and miniaturized super-solar power system}{$15.5M Additional Budget} / $8.842,479M unspent
* JUSTICAR MK III Exoskeleton Armor 'Modifications' / $+1.357,521M
* PALADIN MK V Robot Vehicle {Upgrades} / $5.3M
* STAR SENTINEL Robot Vehicle-Space Plane
- [5th Lvl] Budget [ Sponsoring Organization: Military 'Lockheed-Martin Aerospace' Robot Vehicle-Space Plane
* Project: SUN DIAL S & T Energy Systems International / $8.4M
- [6th Lvl] Budget [ Sponsoring Organization: Rich World-wide Industrialists – 2x Combination Fusion/Super-Solar Power Plants
* JUSTICAR MK IV Exoskeleton Armor 'Modifications' / $+1.5M]

MUTANT {HU 2e Rev, p.158}:
{41-60} Genetic aberration. Mutant gene structure (a million in one chance of fate) is responsible for the mutation and powers.
Unusual Characteristics Roll -
{40-43} Ambidextrous: These characters can use the right and left hands with equal skill and dexterity. {44-47} Odd Hair Color: {41-50} Stark White
{91-00} Unstable Powers! This mutant's powers are unpredictable and constantly change! At level one, the mutant selects one Major Super Ability and two Minor Super Abilities.
Then roll on the Unstable Powers Table.
Grows in power with experience and age. Gets a new power at levels 3, 6, 10, and 15.
Roll percentile dice: {01-70} one new Minor ability surfaces, {71-00} one Major ability appears.

{MAJOR Powers}
Alter Physical Structure : Energy
The superbeing turns into a being composed of raw energy. His appearance can be any color (red, yellow, blue, green, blue-white, etc.) and h e can take the form of a sphere or humanoid shape made of energy.
- Abilities include flight, firing energy bolts, impervious to energy, and having a semi-intangible body.
+ Semi-Intangible and Impervious to Most Attacks
+ Energy Flight
- Because the character does not need to breathe in energy form he is even able to fly into outer space under his own power.
+ Energy Punch/Strike
- In human form create an energy field on fists
- In energy form the character can strike out with his arms and hands (even though they are composed of energy)
+ Energy Bolts
- The character is capable of firing bolts of pure energy from his eyes/face, hands or energy tendrils
+ High-Powered Energy Bolts
- The character is capable of firing a heavy energy blast from his eyes/face, hands or energy tendrils.
+ Additional Bonuses and Abilities: Impervious to radiation, does not need to breathe while in energy form, can fly through small openings, between bars, under doors where there is at least a quarter of an inch (6 mm) space between floor and door, and similar, etc.

Control Static Electricity
+ Joy Buzzer Shock
- A startling jolt of electricity.
+ Static Cling
- On the amusing end, this static charge can cause hair to stand on end, dresses to ride up, and clothing to cling and crinkle, making them look messy and feel uncomfortable.
- On the more menacing end of the spectrum , static cling can be used to manipulate clothing, like capes, jackets, scarves, ties, shoelaces, and hats, to cover, untie, and/or enwrap a person's head or wave in his face, temporarily blinding and/or distracting the individual. Likewise, the clothing and shoelaces can encircle
the legs, causing the person to stumble (reduce speed by 25%), or around the arms, impairing movement.
+ Static Charge
- Charges the air with static electricity, causing hair to stand on end and bristle, paper to rustle and fly into the air, and clothing to cling and undulate. The charge creates a very uncomfortable, chaotic and distracting environment where things are moving into the air, across the floor, and along one's
body. It can also do all the things that can be done with Static Cling, above, only on a larger scale.
+ Static Energy Bolt
- It also disrupts power tools and electrical equipment. A static energy bolt will erase computer disks, cause distortion on audio tapes, and if directed at electronic devices, like televisions, computer monitors, radios,
clocks, simple power tools, and similar, it causes a sudden energy overload, temporarily (1D6 minutes) rendering the item useless.
+ Crackling Static Electrical Field
- Other superpowers can be used while it is in place.
- Streams of crackling electricity and sparks of energy encircle the superbeing . The field appears to be a protective force field or that the individual is supercharged with energy. The spectacle is impressive and frightening, scaring away the average citizen. The crackling field makes an impressive light show but offers no defense except that anybody touching the person is shocked, and there is a chance of being knocked off one's feet.
+ Static Dust Cloud
- As well as the disruption of power tools and electrical equipment a static [dust cloud ‘energy bolt’] will erase computer disks, cause distortion to audio tapes, and if directed at electronic devices, like televisions, computer monitors, radios, clocks, simple power tools, and similar, it causes a sudden energy overload temporarily rendering the item useless while in the cloud.
- A sphere of static electricity collects particles of dust and lint into a large cloud. The movement of the
cloud can be directed by its creator and used to obscure the vision of opponents and to cover a getaway.
Only shadowy forms can be seen of the people inside the cloud or on the other side of the cloud (-4 ST a shadow image)
- Entering the cloud causes one's hair to stand on end and lint and dust to cover the body and get into the eyes, causing blindness (-8 ST/ PY/ DG while in the cloud)
- It takes one full melee (15 seconds) to become unblended once having exited the cloud. Even after emerging from the cloud, the lint and dust will cover the body like a dusting of powder. Mutant animals with fur will find this particularly annoying and will have to bathe to get undusty. This power can also be used to cover glass and plastic like computer and TV screens, camera lenses, eye glasses, windows, etc.

{Minor Powers}
Extraordinary Intelligence
Area of Expertise(Special) [Robot Mechanics & Robot Electronics ]
- The character's extraordinary intelligence shines in one particular area of expertise.
- To reflect this, the character's skill percentages in his area of expertise continue to increase with experience and go well beyond the normal 98% skill rating cap!

Lightning Reflexes = The character possesses an accelerated metabolism that makes everything around the hero seem to move in slow motion, while he moves with startling quickness.
Limitations & Penalties : Tends to be fidgety, has trouble sleeping, and is often cocky.

Level 3:
Solar Powered
- The character is able to absorb solar energy such as Sunlight or very bright artificial light (at least 1,000 watts) Instead of eating or drinking normal food. Requires at least six hours of sunlight per day. The character never gets hungry, nor fatigues when exposed to sufficient sunlight and can supplement his nutritional needs with solid food and water whenever necessary.

ROBOTICS - Exoskeleton Pilot
JUSTICAR Mk IV Exoskeleton Armor {Modified Mk II Suit - upgraded} = $24.501,931M
- {Styling:  Silver with Blue paneling;  Attached at shoulders is a Sky Blue Flowing Cloak of heat resistant woven ballistic/frag metal mesh;
Suit: Has 2 Weapon Arms, one to each shoulder with variable hand and weapon configurations - Think War Machine}
The Mark II suit has a pair of Mechanical vectored Fan 'Wings' as part of the flight Rocket Jet pack
Suit carries a two sheathed swords - a German-styled Bastard Sword and a Katana, also a Clear Plastic Riot Shield

{Justicar Drones}

JUSTICAR-PALADIN Mk V Robot Vehicle Cost/Suit = $27,230,600, {Styling:  White w/Gold trimming}

“Onikoroshi” ~ 鬼殺し {Oni-killer} Mecha – ‘12’ft LT’ Greatsword

JUSTICAR-POLYMER Mk VI Exoskeleton Armor

"Sea Sentinel" ~ 1994 100' Azimut 100 [$2,176,190]

{'Original' Deckplans - Now modified}

"XB-70A Valkyrie" 2XS-72A – Star Sentinel [$23.915M]

Project: SUN DIAL

2x Solar/Fusion Power Plants {1x Germany, 1x Japan}

ANGEL {Autonomous Neural-net Gyno-Endoskeletal Lifeform} Android Sophants:
All are a uniform 5’5” feet in height ~ shorter than Hikari, but all massed an equal 235lbs.  All strikingly lovely [PB:20] with startling pale green eyes.

Aya The Investigator, was cosmetically Caucasian of Germanic ethnicity with long blonde hair and a slight Germanic accent. Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Gung-ho, friendly, dynamic, cheerful; quick to act.


Aki The Pilot, was cosmetically Asian with long flowing raven dark hair her speech had no accent.
Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Bold, confident, speaks with an air of superiority.


Ako The Spy, cosmetically a Caucasian of Irish ethnicity with curling tresses of strawberry red and a distinct Irish accent. Her initial personality matrix was the most ‘flexible’ ~ Teen Girl - Always prim and proper; letter perfect in appearance manner, language and demeanor ~ all a surface mask.


Secret Base Creation Rules -
1. Independent Hero: Life Savings: $5,000 [5pts] / Salary/Investments {1} 'Allowance':  $2,000/mo [2pts];  Available Ready Cash: {5}  $5,000 [5pts] - [57CP]
- Owns Vehicle {2}: Utility Full Van {$24,000};  Racing Heavy Motorycle {$35,000} [+50pts]
2. Sponsored hero: Robotics - Power Armor [600CP]
Total: 657CP/$657,000]
+ 3x Secret Base: $657k ea ‘$1.971M’

Justicar's Secret Bases - Total Cost: $0.657M ea ‘$1.971M’
US California ~ South of LA {5 miles}, Tatsukichi Beachfront Villa Estate [582pts]
- Description:  This is Hikari's Mother's Villa in California when she is handling business on the US West coast.  His mother is rarely there.  Hikari is not changing the estate merely building a manufacturing and construction facility beneath the house in it's multi-level sub-basements built into the beach cliff face.

US Colorado ~ East of Aspen {10 miles}, Decommissioned ICBM Silo [648pts]
- Description:  Underground ICBM Silo

Japan ~ Sapporo city of Hokkaido Prefecture and Ishikari Subprefecture, Converted Yakuza Drug Manufacture & Preparation Brownstone [642pts]
- Description:  Building was seized from the Yakuza in a sting operation, was thoroughly searched, cleaned out and auctioned off.

History:  The Justicar
Hikari is the son of two very career-minded Industrialists.  His father was Karl Stottmeister a German business Executive for Krupp Aerospace and his mother Yumiyo Tatsukichi was a high ranking executive for the Japanese Corporation Mitsuhama Telecommunications.

They met in Brussels during a trade conference and hit it off immediately.  From that point on they regularly saw each other – as regularly as two very busy business executives could, and had planned to get engaged... when Yumiyo became pregnant with Hikari.  Hikari was unexpected... but not unwanted, so a month later Karl and Yumiyo were married.

Hikari always had the best of everything; his parent’s combined wealth made him the heir to a very rich inheritance!  They were happy for many years. But then Karl discovered Yumiyo’s secret... she was the world class super-villainess POLARIS!  Polaris was a superpowered technological bandit, she possessed the power to control machines with her mind by controlling and generating electrical current from her very body - able to fly, erect powerful static electric force fields and emit highly destructive bursts of electricity and sometimes even magnetism!  Karl tried to convince Yumiyo to give up her life of crime but, when she refused ~ Karl tried to flee with their 6 year old Hikari!  Yumiyo was so angered she accidentally killed Karl with her powers.  She was deeply grieved at what she’d done.  She thought with her intelligence and powers she could still pursue her goals and have a family.  Despite her secret life of crime she did indeed love Karl and was ashamed she had killed the father of her dear son Hikari.

It was at this point that Yumiyo became more of a hand’s off mother she tried to keep Hikari at a distance rarely showing much emotion in dealing with him for fear of hurting him.  She did not give up her life as a villainess but was resolved to let Hikari live his own life without risk of her hurting him.  What Yumiyo doesn’t realize is that Karl was much smarter than she gave him credit for.  Karl was a super inventor he had developed a nano-machine process for manufacturing advanced adaptive materials for Krupp Aerospace.  But Karl discovered that the nano-machines could be introduced to a living creature and programmed to not only act like an internal internet terminal but also repair and maintain life functions even improve the physical body.  Karl knew if something happened to him his son would be in danger from his own mother so he set up certain protocols.  One of which was to store a cube of nano-machines designed for his son in a safety deposit box paid from his estate, and an uploaded immortal ‘ghost’ of his personality to the world internet ~ waiting.  When Hikari turned 13, Karls uploaded limited A.I. “ghost” of his personality in the internet cloud of data began to follow his instructions.  This limited A.I. Ghost of Karl had been monitoring and watching Hikari.  The A.I. made contact with Hikari and told him everything – except the fact that Yumiyo killed him.  The ‘ghost’ mailed him the ‘cube’ of nano-machines.  When Hikari opened the package the nano-machines invaded his body and began to dump all the data and technical knowledge of his father into his mind … the process was stunning for the boy but he learned to access the data and it is the source of his Super-Inventor and vast IQ increase.  There are other functions of the nano-machines that are intentionally dormant until Hikari is older~ all the while following the A.I. ‘Ghosts’ instructions.

Hikari was shocked to learn of his mother’s secret career as a super villainess… but decided that he was going to become a superhero and try to convince her to turn aside from the life of crime.  Using his Super-Inventor knowledge and built the JUSTICAR battle suit uploading his father Karl’s ‘Ghost’ A.I. to the suit with funds Hikari acquired from inventions he made for Lockheed Aerospace {a military tech firm his mother would not likely be monitoring} and their resources to build his suit.  So now Hikari attend the schools learning all he can to become as power as possible to try to save his mother from herself.

* Note:  Hikari was not as sneaky as he thought selling some minor inventions to Lockheed Aerospace to fund his construction of his Battlesuit… some of his base designs were copied .. not his refined and final designs.. and now GUARDIAN, and MYRMIDON suit knock-offs of his JUSTICAR final model are starting to appear on the market for highest bidders.  Too often in criminal hands!