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03:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lady Koi

Lady Koi is an escort, information broker and generally someone who puts people together with other people who need or can provide something.  The consummate middle person.  The thing she values most is honor, in that most of her deals are verbal and so a person's only as good as their word.

Alias: Akari (kanji for bright red, not her birth name)

Lady Koi also goes by Akari among close friends, which a lover would count.  She grew up in the heart of the combat zone and so had a rough childhood.  Because of that she doesn't put much value in material things unless they have a purpose or cost her a lot (in effort not necessarily money) to acquire.  Her native language is Japanese, she can communicate in Streetspeak and has English chipped in also.

Friend: Partner/Co-Worker from 17th year is: 両性 (Ryosei) Netrunner
Friend: Partner/Co-Worker from 18th year is Phoenix.
Now Former Lover from Happy Love Affair earlier this year is Rip.
Knows Jonno, who was involved with the Enemy guy from two years ago.

Her parents are alive but the family is "scattered to the winds."  She has no siblings.  Those living-but-scattered parents are her adoptive parents; they fled Night City some time before Akari's 19th birthday and she was taken in or under the wing of an older woman at that point.  Before being taken in, she lived alone in her parents' place until the money ran out, the utilities were cut or she was evicted, then couch surfed with friends or lived on the street.