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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

01:03, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Jonah

Occupation: Pleasure Slave/Dancer/Entertainer

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 25/21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi with preference for men

Race/Species: Human

Appearance: Average height with slender athletic frame, long dark hair that is tied back, bright green eyes and olive skin. He is normally wearing bright coloured clothing, silks and scarves, jewellery on his wrists and ankles. Usually barefoot but sometimes with simple shoes. He is always wearing a pair of gold bracelets and a choker which have an inlay of mother of pearl. To those with a magical eye they have a faint aura, to those who know of The Dreaming Pearl know these are placed on all slaves the day they are bought by the owner Rukai and can only be removed by him.

He is an attractive young man who has a charming smile when he wants to, yet his eyes are always intense and strong in their gaze. He's been through a lot but it he will not let that hold him back.

Personality: He is very manipulative, knowing how to charm people and make them think he is attracted to them or that he is weak but in truth he is always planning other things. He does not let himself be emotionally connected to people because its exploitable. While he is willing to step over people to get what he wants inside he does want to be a good person but refuses to let good will get in the way of him becoming a free man.

Dancing - Jonah has been trained to entertain through seductive dancing however due to his passion for dancing he can adapt his style to any situation. He uses his scarves to aid in exaggerating his movements, his style a mixture of belly dancing and exotic dancing similar to modern styles.

Seduction: As a prostitute he has been taught to read peoples emotions, when he needs to he can quickly ascertain what a persons desires are so that he can adapt his behaviour to be what that person desires.

Acting/reading intentions: He knows how how to read a persons facial expressions and body language well if they normally a expressive person. He can have trouble with those good at hiding their desires however in his profession not many try hard to hide their wants and needs. But as a result of this he himself is great at acting, making people think he is vulnerable, scared, dominant or confident as needed. As a result he is hard to read at times as he is good at hiding emotions he does not wish to show.

Persuasiveness: One must be good at getting the customer to spend money if they want to survive in service of The Dreaming Pearl, reading intentions of people and exploiting them to the fullest extent becomes second nature

Willpower: despite being a slave for most of his life Jonah has never stopped wanting freedom, he has a rebellious spirit that he keeps restrained for safety when around his Master but inside his heart he is always determined to not break. He refuses to end up with the Sisters or end up being a broken slave for anyone so holds onto a strong sense of self and shows strong independence whenever he gets the chance.

*Pics of amazing cosplayer also placeholders while I draw up something*

*quick art done by me for reference*

Best examples of his dancing that I can find, a mixture of traditional belly-dancing with a little pole movements with music


Emphasis on the fluidity of the body with music