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Welcome to Mundia Gloriana

12:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Order: Adamantine Arrow   Path: Obromos

Vagrant, as he's known to the magic community, was born Thatcher Peterson on December 30, 1950. Just two days later and he could have avoided one of the most harrowing experiences of his life, being drafted into the Vietnam war.

Like many of his fellow soldiers Vagrant was frustrated when he returned home after his ordeal not to cheers, but to accusations of being a murderer. At first he railed against the hippie naysayers, but as he learned more about the real motives and methods of the men in Washington who devised the war Vagrant found himself growing more and more horrified with his role in the senseless violence.

Vagrant was never one to keep quiet about his ideals and soon enough he'd joined up with the protestors. Yet as the war drew to a close and the 70s rolled inexorably into the 80s Vagrant found himself without a cause and, having burned his bridges with his military connections, without an income.

He picked up what work he could here and there, but as the Reagan era came into full force and social programs were slashed across the board Vagrant felt the rug being pulled out from under him and he landed on the streets with little chance of getting out of them.

The worst part about it was how no one seemed to care or even really take notice, out of work veterans were so ubiquitous that they were practically a joke. Well, vagrant wasn't laughing, he decided then and there that he was going to make people pay attention. What followed was a whirlwind of years spent putting his activism experience to work. He developed a reputation for staging disruptive protests that drew just as much criticism as support, but the way he saw it he was fighting a war for his own survival against a system that was fundamentally broken.

Over the years, through the haze of tear gas, bad mushroom trips, or cold restless nights on the streets he began to see visions of strange symbols often accompanied by a pervading sense of wrongness. At the time he thought he was just another crazy bum, but in hindsight he realized he was beginning to perceive the Lie. It all came to a head during the Occupy movement in 2011. He was contemplating the incongruity of the economic disparity in the richest country on the planet and reached some kind of meditative tipping point, pushing him into a Waking World Dream.

When he came out of it as an Awakened he was greeted by a mysterious man who helped him understand what had happened and what he now was. Over the following year the man helped induct him into the Pentacle, recruiting him to the order of the Adamantine Arrow.

These days Vagrant doesn't spend as much time on activism. He still sees himself as standing with the people to fight oppression, but that fight has become a lot more literal and that oppression a lot more deadly. He spends most of his time traveling from place to place lending his support to local chapters of the Pentacle whenever a threat pops up and the less fortunate of society are stuck in its path.

Vagrant is still living the transient life and that is reflected in his appearance. He wears rough, well worn clothes and his hair is generally wild and unkempt. Despite all that he looks pretty good for his age from a physical standpoint. He's always been taller than average and years surviving on the streets has left him with a tough wiry build. His face clearly bears the marks of his many years, but his eyes still shine with an undiminished passion.

When Vagrant's Nimbus flares it manifests as the sound of distant and indistinct chanting as if from some kind of rally as well as a slight glow and a feeling of righteousness.

Fame 3:
For most of his adult life Vagrant has been involved in one activist movement or another, sometimes as a follower and supporter and sometimes as a leader and spokesperson. Primarily his focus has been on promoting the rights of the homeless, but he's marched alongside just about every social movement of the last 50 years at one point or another. His 'in your face' protest style has earned him some respect among political activist movements as well as notoriety among the political powers that be. Those who are aware of those scenes may still recognize him, though he's been less active since his awakening.