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11:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chloe Doyle

Chloe Doyle


Nickname: Clo


Gender: Female Birthday: Feb 18th - Pisces Age: 22

Hair: Curly Blonde Eyes: Hazel Height: 5'6 Weight: 122

General Appearance: Chloe's style is often casual and a little retro. A RNA by trade, her daily usually consists of scrubs, and she doesn't dress in anything fancier than jeans unless she's specifically going to an event. Typically her hair is styled on the shorter side and lands loose at her collar bones.


Personality: Very friendly and hospitable, she tries to help where she can and usually internalizes her frustration into a huff before letting it go. She's quick to forgive and move forward.

Sexual Preferences: Heterosexual

Employment: In-home Caregiver for her Great Aunt Doloris

About Your character: An only child of an only child, her grandmother moved out of Stillwater years ago. Early childhood memories of hazy summers are all that remain, from short visits her father made to his Aunt Doloris.

A graduate of a BSN nursing degree, Clo began her practice in the ER. After two years of watching patients suffer trauma, die, beg for pain killers and never end, she stepped away. Taking up hospice care, her great empathy and patience made her a favorite among residents. A clear path ahead, however, was disturbed by an early morning phone call from her Great Aunt to her father. Ranting about nonsense, her father made the long drive to Stillwater, only to find his Aunt barely put together while walking her small Pomeranian in nothing but a robe and a single fuzzy pink slipper. Trying to convince Doloris to come home with him failed, her mind clear enough to double down on her stubborn conviction to stay.

After some back and forth, Chloe's father called her and asked if she wouldn't mind moving to Stillwater to keep an eye on her. The only remaining living family her father had, Clo couldn't say no. Quitting her job, she packed up her small set of belongings and moved to Stillwater to assist her aging Aunt.


Doloris Conner:
Age: 76

Having grown up her whole life in Stillwater, Doloris remained behind when her sister Lilly fell in love with a young serviceman and departed. Having never found a beau good enough, Doloris was quite content to become a spinster. Earning a living as a seamstress, she made due with a meager salary until their father, Henry Conner, passed away. Having lost her mother at a very young age, Doloris found herself inheriting a large sum of money, the origins of it unknown. It was enough to keep her in a moderate lifestyle and for her sister, Lily, to afford a house and start her family.

As she's grown older, she's only become more recluse and eccentric. Her companions became plants at first, the house she owns now overrun with plants and weeds. After she grew too physically incapable to keep up, she instead bought a small dog of whom she affectionately named 'Boo'.

Boo, like most of his small breed, considers himself much larger and intimidating than his diminutive size. He is not aggressive, however, and will run at the first sign that he will lose a fight, which is common for such a small creature.

Doloris herself is showing early signs of dementia, quite often nonsensical, and she likes to wander at night. Though through her periods of lucidness, she refuses to leave her home that she's had for her entire life.

Current Outfit