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Welcome to No Rest for the Wicked: Vaultpocalypse Soon! (PbtA)

12:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Berserker

R:"I'm gonna amortize your face!"  Bandit:"What?" R:"Amortize... Amortization... the planned deduction of the perceived value of... I'm gonna BASH your face in!" *TWHACK*

Name: Regicide ... Reginald Albertson the 4th
Look: Male, Muscular, Nerdy, Twitchy, Angry
Vice: Anger: Flip your shit over nothing or for no reason at all.
Drive: Cash and Loot: It doesn’t get more simple than this. You want the money and the guns and that’s that. Pursue a rumored treasure or legendary weapon.

Stats: Cool-1 Hard+3 Hot=0 Sharp+2 Weird-1
Health: 14
Melee Damage: 1d8
Berserk: When you berserk, your fists add your Hard to melee damage. Berserk lasts until all your enemies are dead, until you fight for your life, or until you choose to end it. When berserk ends, you heal a quarter of your Health, which may restore your health to full. If berserking ends before a fight is over, you cannot berserk again until a new fight starts. If berserking ends because you fight for your life, you do not get your Health back.
Hardened: You get +1hard (hard+3)

Shotgun (2d4+2 close, messy, loud; 4 Ammo; Jakobs)
Pistol (1d6+2 hand, close; 6 Ammo; Jakobs)
SMG (1d6 close, spray; 10 Ammo; Hyperion)
Office supplies based punching aid
Patchwork office and raider Armor worth 1-armor
Heavy shield (12 shield, slow - recharge 1d12)
New-U account
ECHO Communicator
Fast Travel pass
Digistructing backpack
Oddments worth 1-barter, or 100 cash
Shotgun reload
Pistol reload

Reginald Westing Dumont Elders Albertson the 4th was a respected though mid-level accountant at the Jakobs Corporation.  The only things that made him stand out was being far more muscular and body developed than his colleagues.  A fact that saved his life when the remote facility he was sent to audit was attacked by Bandits and Raiders.  At first he cowered like the rest, but when security was shot dead and the leader came in and started to mock them something in mild mannered accountant snapped and he threw the first punch he ever had in anger.  And had the Bandit leader survived the impact he might have said it was a good punch.

The entire facility was destroyed and everyone was officially declared dead and accounts were closed.  And a month later, when Reginald returned, office supplied bound to his fists by tie remnants, carrying a Jakobs shotgun liberated from security, and his suit supplemented by armor taken from the bandits he found that the Manager of the facility he reached saw it bureaucratically easier to have Reginald killed than mark him as being a survivor after a month had gone by.  He quickly earned the name Regicide for killing all top and mid level managers in that facility and leaving him to search the worlds for enough money to buy himself back into being considered alive and go back to a quiet life as an accountant.  But that ledger does not look to balance no matter how much he wants it to.