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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

01:27, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Suna (full name: Sunayris Olathana)

Occupation: Healer - Herbalist

Actual Age/Apparent Age: Mid-twenties, she is not exactly sure

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Race/Species: Moon Elf

Appearance: Characteristically for her kind and often confused for some sort of a Dark Elf descendant, Suna is of average height and slender, with thin wrists and ankles, and sort of a willowy appearance to her. Her skin is unblemished, dark-toned though a fair amount lighter than that of a dark elf, with a bluish-lavender hue, darker on her lips and the inside of her large, pointy ears, poking through a curtain of silvery-white hair. Freckles are dotting her nose and cheeks, though they are very light in color and almost make her seem like she's dusted with starlight, when she ventures out at night.

Her eyes, however, might be the most striking part of her; clear, silvery-white, and softly glowing, surrounded by dark eyelashes.

Suna dresses as the occasion calls for it, though she can mostly be found in simple, yet obviously tailored clothing. Due to her skin's sensitivity to sunlight, when she goes out during the day, she does so covered in clothing head to toe, and wearing a white, blank mask, with no visible features, except for two thin slits for eyes.

Regardless of what she wears, she always has a light scent of herbs and flowers surrounding her.

Personality: Self-assured in her craft, yet gentle and meek in everything else, Suna inherited a lot of her behavioral patterns from her adoptive mother, ending up coming off a bit motherly herself. She values knowledge and kindness and tries to bridge the gap between the social classes of Al-Jalasa, insisting on treating people from all spheres of life. Be it a beggar or a rich merchant, if they come seeking help, she would not turn them away.

Honest to a fault, she tends to speak her mind more directly than some would like to hear, but generally tries to soften the blow, especially if she has difficult news to deliver. She has yet to make any real enemies, though, as of late, she is aware that she had drawn the attention of a certain Merciful Sister and fears that she might be taken away, to be sold into slavery. With naught but her honest work to protect her from it, the possibility seems frighteningly real.


Healing Magic - Blessed by the gift of healing, Suna can cast healing magic, though the strength of the spell depends on the severity of the wound or illness. She is self-taught, so she cannot do major things, like re-grow someone's limb, or reverse a long-lasting illness, but she can heal most of the cuts and colds that come to knock on her door. She is even capable of lessening the severity of a potentially life-threatening wound, but it drains her quite a lot and she would have to take breaks between attempts to heal it completely.

Herbalist - Continuing the legacy of her adoptive mother, Suna is an accomplished herbalist, capable of mixing potions and concoctions to help with various ailments, from bad toothaches to anxiety, though she often has to turn away hopeful youngsters seeking cures for broken hearts and bad luck. She also owns a meticulously maintained herb garden, but always seeks new plants to add to it, especially if they have any sort of healing or boosting properties.

Moon-kind - Her powers are always stronger at night, especially if the sky is clear and the moon shines bright. In turn, they weaken during the day, so her "working hours" pretty much last from sundown till dawn.

Night vision - Suna's eyesight is much, much better at night, than it is during the day. She can navigate the darkest corners of Al-Jalasa with ease, as long as there are no bright lights to mess with it.

History: Suna had heard the story of how she came to live with her adoptive parents far too many times. It was late autumn and the moon was so low in the sky that it partially hid behind some of the taller buildings in Al-Jalasa. It had a reddish hue to it and her adoptive mother knew it meant that something unusual was bound to happen. And, so it had. Awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of scraping at their front door, her mother had woken her husband and sent him to see who was at the door, thinking it might have been a patient, coming to her for aid.

But, when the husband had opened the door, there was no one there, besides what looked like a bundle of shimmering cloth, the kind of which they had never seen before. Just as the husband had leaned down to touch it, the bundle had moved and one small arm poked out, the skin oddly purplish in color, making the man step back and call to his wife. Together, they brought the bundle inside and unwrapped it, the shimmering cloth revealing an elven babe, odd in color and, by the looks of it, completely blind.

Though, soon enough, they realized that was not the case. The babe had been completely healthy and not only that, but seemed to observe them with surprising clarity. The couple, childless, though not by choice, decided to keep the babe, who soon grew into a strangely bright little girl, whose only downside had been that she could not be touched by sunlight, without sustaining severe burns.

They named her Suna, from the phrase "Sunayris Olathana", which meant "bright moon", in the wife's mother-tongue and which ended up being Suna's legal name. It was later simplified into the name she uses today.

As years have passed, Suna began showing interest in her mother's trade as a healer and a herbalist, soon discovering that she possessed a certain type of magic capable of healing wounds and fixing a wide range of ailments. Her adoptive parents, already getting on in years when they found, had passed away when Suna had not even reached her twenties, but she had taken over the family business without a second thought and turned it into a rather well-known establishment, even managing to upgrade it and earn herself enough money to live quite contently and able to afford herself a few luxuries.

Other information:

- Suna manages the Al-Jalasan Arboretum. Even though it's not her property, but issued to her as work/living space by the city council, in exchange for her taking care of it and acting as something of a groundskeeper to it, she "rents" patches of fertile soil there to a few people who have need of certain herbs, but haven't got the time or the conditions to grow it themselves, they can pay Suna to plant and upkeep their patch. She even harvests and prepares the plants, to deliver the finished product, if need be.

- The Rolling Pin gift - any item on her person can emit soft light if she wants it to, enough to light a dark room, but not enough to blind (Lasts 1 month, as long as she keeps the coin)

- "White water" potion - uninterestingly named for a reason, this substance is something Suna had discovered she could make, when she accidentally infused a cup of water with a bit of her power ("moonlight", as she calls it, lacking a better description). Since then, she had perfected the technique, but none save another healer in Al-Jalasa, named Vhen, knows about this particular skill of hers, given that the produced substance can heal as well as Suna can, even though at a slower rate.

Suna stores it in plain-looking bottles, and it gets delivered to Vhen in a sturdy wooden box, covered with a heavy lid and a thick, black cloth over the bottles, as the potion requires as less exposure to sunlight as possible, in order to preserve it's potency.

When at rest, the potion looks like white sparkling sand settled at the bottom of a water-filled bottle, but when shaken (before use), it seems to infuse and ends up looking like a bottle filled with glowing mist swirling inside.

The potion can be drunk or used externally without issue and with the same results, but when consumed, it tastes like bland tea, with a dash of salt. Not the tastiest of concoctions, but certainly gets the job done in a pinch.

The production of it is slow and somewhat complicated, but Suna does make sure to always have a batch ready for emergencies.