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Welcome to MSH: Catalyst

23:54, 23rd May 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:  Daniel Jennsen A.K.A:  BUBBLES
Age:   18 (22/23 October 1967) Height:  5'7"   Weight:  125#
Archetype:  Random Mutant

Physical notes:
Short and slim, almost scrawny, he is surprisingly fit and athletic.  He keeps his brown hair no longer than to the base of his neck, and is generally shorn or has stubble (it takes him two weeks to grow a five-o' clock-shadow.  His heterochromatic eyes (an uncommon mutation where the eyes are different colors, the right is sky blue, the left sea green, each with tiny flecks of the white within the iris, almost like clouds or seafoam) are deep within their sockets, but his gaze is intense, almost as if he could see straight through a person.
He usually wears ordinary clothing of a casual nature, such as jeans, tee-shirt, hoodies, etc.  However, he is considering a costume:  a sky blue tracksuit with white trim, the jacket open to reveal a gray tee-shirt covered in bubbles, with the word bubbles in blue bubble letters in the lower right (viewer's) corner.
Quietly confident, studious, a model prisoner when he doesn't feel the need to kill an abusive CO or a bullying vato.  He reads virtually anything, from novels (no romances; yuck!) to science journals to legal texts to pop culture magazines.
Despite his crimes, he seems to be quite kind and courteous, willing to make friends with almost anyone, despite being pretty much a loner.
But, make no mistake.  When Daniel has decided that someone needs to die, he is cold-blooded, cruel, and ruthless.  His preferred method involves leaving his victim gasping for air as he draws the air from their lungs, cause the cells of their body to explode from massive, catastrophic dehydration as he draws all the moisture from their body, then drowns them with it.

His costume:¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-NaJBhDsARIsAAja6dO75Yuqinn4u6gAnWj-GSoi-0sR67BhBjwajAC1uf8U63smOm0jCy4aAhZXEALw_wcB