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Welcome to The Devil's Best Defence

23:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jason Walls

Name: Jason Walls
Age: 24

Occupation: On paper, Jason is an Administrative Assistant at the Sloane family law firm, and has in fact done that job, even to the point of making copies when asked.  He does just about anything he's asked to do, which is in fact, his real job.  Jason does whatever the family needs, generally when it's something they don't want to be personally associated with or has ethical challenges that might deter others.

Sexual Orientation:  Straight, but open-minded.
Kinks/Style: He's still trying to 'find himself' and experimenting.  He's also open to exploring just about any kink someone else might have.  Beyond that, he's discovered a bit of voyeuristic streak all his own.

Personality:  Jason is a work in progress.  Diagnosed with a variety of personality disorders, he's managed (through the help of a mentor and therapist) to mold these disorders into a functional and beneficial worldview that makes him an ideal employee for the cutthroat law firm founded by Richard Sloane.  More amoral than immoral, he doesn't generally question the right or wrong of things.  This isn't to say he's a monster, in fact, there's a certain innocence to him.  He generally believes what people say, does what people ask, and doesn't judge even the worst humanity has to offer.  If he does run into any conflicting ideas, he generally resolves them through a hierarchical map of relationships more than any personal cost/benefit or right/wrong determinations.  In other words, whoever's opinion he values more is 'right'.  This hierarchical map isn't carved in stone, it does shift some, just not easily, even if he's told to shift it by someone near the top.  In general, this list goes, Richard Sloane, then anyone with the last name Sloane, then anyone on the Sloane family payroll, then anyone on the Sloane family client list, and finally, anyone designated important by any of the above.

His deeply rooted loyalty is not to say he's a pushover.  In fact, he's not beyond pointing out something someone is doing that's bad for the family or firm.  That's not to say he won't help them do it, whatever it is, he'll just point out it's bad.  Depending on what it is, he might point this out a lot.

Despite that, he's trustworthy (and someone you can generally share your secrets with without fear of them being betrayed, even when they are bad), reliable (while he's not always able to do what someone wants, he'll try his best), and generally honest (unless he's keeping someone's secret or on some task that requires deception, which is often, so strike that); or at least, he seems honest.

Something of a chameleon, he's capable of adopting personalities to fit in just about anywhere, high or low.  He's also a great 'roleplayer' though he doesn't pretend so much as adapt to give someone what they want or need, when appropriate or more often when they ask.

Interests/Hobbies: Jason is an avid reader.  Rumor is he's studying for the Bar, but he's just as likely to be seen reading fiction or philosophy or medical journals.  He likes art, but doesn't 'get it'.  He studies people, mostly from a distance, but if he gets a chance, he can almost come across as a reporter or investigator, asking a lot of questions, sometimes personal ones, with those questions often leading to other questions, almost without end.

He's a good cook, though he doesn't have much opportunity to show it off much, and a good dancer which he does get to show off as he's sometimes used as an 'escort' for clients, fill-in arm candy for co-workers needing a date to some event, etc.

He doesn't particularly like it, but he's been taking golf lessons, mostly to try and 'fit in', and at the suggestion of both Richard Sloane and his therapist, he's taking acting classes.  In this, he's shown a genuine talent.

Appearance: At 5’11”, 170 pounds, Jason isn’t the largest person you’ve ever met but has a lean muscular physique.  He has dark blonde hair that tends to do whatever it wants and dark brown eyes that seem warm despite his occasional confusion regarding emotions.  He dresses well and comes across as 'put together'.  He gets most of his fashion sense from magazines and watching those around him, generally striving to impress people with his choices without being flashy.  He's fairly graceful and comfortable in his body, but looks a little goofy when he smiles, like it doesn't come naturally, but he's sincerely trying.

History:  Jason was born to a single mom who always seemed to struggle to make ends meet, though managed to always make sure they did.  At least, that's what he recalls.  He doesn't actually remember a lot from his childhood, snippets, and flashes mostly, just enough to know his mom had terrible taste in men and to remember the smell of her favorite drink, cheap Rosé, and seltzer.  He doesn't drink himself, except for show.

He'd gotten into a lot of trouble as a kid, fights in school, shoplifting in the neighborhood, nothing too serious, and mostly just looking for attention.  He finally got it when he was sixteen and was arrested running packages for a local crime family.  The prosecutors were pushing him hard to testify against the people above him, the sort of people with names that mattered.  They promised to treat him as a minor if he did, but even back then, he was good at keeping a secret.  Even when they switched from good cop to bad and warned they were going to just let him go, see how long he lasted back on the street before someone took him out, he wasn't a snitch.

That was when he first met Richard Sloane.  He still doesn't know if someone hired Sloane or he really was doing pro bono work for the 'good of his soul'.  It didn't much matter, Jason was let out, his record was expunged and Mister Sloane promised to help him get his life on track.  Sloane kept his word, making sure Jason and his mom were taken care of, helping Jason get into college, not a fancy one or anything, but still, it was more than he'd ever expected in life.

Of course, nothing in the world was free.  There were a lot of rumors as to what it cost Jason.  Some were salacious, some were ridiculous, but the truth was fairly simple.  Sloane had seen something in the boy, a certain moral flexibility that was useful if channeled.  The Sloane family was going to need a new fixer, someone to do the family's dirty work, someone for the future.  Soon enough, word got around, you needed something, unofficial, off the books, whatever it was, Jason was the guy, hell, even the big man himself trusted the kid with his dirty laundry (sometimes literally, since he usually did the dry cleaning runs).

Jason didn't have an office, he wasn't even sure if he had a desk, but he didn't need one, everyone knew how to reach him, knew he was discrete, and knew he was willing to do just about anything, salacious, ridiculous or simple; whatever they needed.

The news was troubling.  He wasn't normally one to think too much about the future.  He was happy, or as happy as he could be, just having a place where he fit in and didn't feel like a freak.  That wasn't to say everyone at the firm was nice, most were monsters, and more than a few treated him like shit, but the ones that mattered knew his value.  They were the ones that confided in him, that trusted him, that asked him for things.  They were the people he did things for and he felt good when he did.  It almost didn't matter what it was.  It didn't even really matter if they appreciated it.  He knew.

He owed that all to Mister Sloane; Richard Sloane.  Richard hadn't just gotten him out of trouble all those years ago, he'd given him a purpose, given him training, given him money, had taken care of him in ways his mother hadn't, let alone another man.  Mister Sloane was like a father figure and mentor.  His children were like Jason's, well, not exactly siblings, but they mattered too.  The news was troubling.  He hadn't ever worried about the future, but now he thought about Jack, Nate, Anna.  None of them were their father and Jason wasn't sure what he'd do without the firm to give him purpose.  He hadn't ever had to think about the future much, but that was about to change.