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Welcome to The Devil's Best Defence

22:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nicolet Vance

Name: Nicolet Vance
Nickname: Nikki V.
Age: 29

Occupation: Private Investigator on Retainer for the law firm-  Nikki works cases digging up information for defense and from time to time has been known to dig up dirt on people who are causing problems for the Lawyers in the firm.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero

Kinks/Style: Nikki is a sub who is into creativity in the bedroom.  Her kinks include using handcuffs for more than her job.  She enjoys a Alpha Male and does not like passivity in men.


Nikki is clever- She's spent a great deal of her life getting the edge on her career.  Having worked with her father who was a detective and her Uncle who was a PI, Nikki knows her way around the law side of the game.  The decision to become a PI was in response to the fact that she doesn't always use legal routes to find the information she needs.  She's a pretty good hacker and more than capable of going undercover to find out information.  To appease her father she completed the police training courses and got top scores on marksmanship. She then promptly dropped out and got her PI license. It's not that she minded being told what to do... she actually likes that behind closed doors.  It was the paperwork and red tape.

Nikki is pretty easy going.  She has a moral code, but chooses not to measure other people by it.  In her life she's learned that no one is perfect.  The cops that worked with her father, bent the corners of justice as much as some of the criminals they arrested.  Her Uncle was the most upstanding guy she knew, but he was considered an outsider from the halls of justice.

She is a natural puzzle solver.  She loves any sort of mental puzzle, which is why she enjoys unraveling a case.  At one time she considered being a criminal lawyer, but got bored with the paperwork and the classes.  She still enjoys getting a case file and finding the holes.  Unraveling a tightly knit police case, to her is a ball of fun.


Nikki loves a good escape room, football games (both sides of the pond) and pizza, and archery.  She is a film buff and likes to watch especially old noir movies.  Of course, she loves photography and is quite good at it and not just when she's taking pictures of people of interest.  She even once did an exhibition of her photography.


Nikki has fair skin and black hair.  When she was a child she enjoyed the fact that she was Snow White in the flesh.  In middle school she became a goth without doing anything more than just showing up to school. On the upside the kids in the computer lab welcomed her in.  Now that she's an adult she wears red lipstick to accentuate her hair and her skin.  She can see why the fairytale made it a thing.

Nikki dresses in casual clothing with a bit of an edge.  Denim, faux leather, sweaters, t-shirts.  She tends to dress in layers so that she can shift her appearance.    While she can dress up, it puts her in a mood.

Nikki's walk and demeanor is confident if not a little amused by the world.  While she is aware that the people around her are stressed, she genuinely enjoys her life and her job and it shows in the way she moves and talks to people.

Detective Arnold Vance's little girl was born in the middle of winter.  Unfortunately his lovely wife Melanie left before the spring thawed the snow.  Nikki became almost a young ward of the 34th Precinct.  Her youth was spent watching police officers and detectives work.  When she had trouble in science she was tutored by the forensics' team.  When she had trouble in PE she went out on the police training course with the cadets. By the time she was fourteen she'd been on more ridealongs than most crime novelists.  At the age of sixteen, she took a job working in the office of her Uncle, who was a Private Investigator.  The freedom Uncle Bernie had compared to her father was startling.

Her father assumed she would become a police officer, following in his footsteps, but her time watching the police, followed by her time at the academy convinced her that Uncle Bernie had the right idea.  Things were tense when she chose to get her PI license, but her father has accepted it.  He is less happy with her working for the Firm, but she does some good work with criminal investigations on the side that balances things out.