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Welcome to The Sins of Al-Jalasa

19:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Suri’el (like some fancy well-to-do artist, though really a second name is simply too much of a mouthful and she often just forgot to mention it enough times that that's what people now think)

Occupation: Artist

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 49/ Her Exiled ancestry provides her with a much younger look, closer to that of a young woman around the age of 20

Gender: female

Sexuality: While Suri’el finds beauty in everything and everyone, she often lacks the interest to pursue anything, making her Demisexual

Coin Event Candlestick Gift: A much-simplified explanation would be that as long as she holds the coin on her person, any writing tool she picks up would somehow be able to write on any solid surface, with no dip(ink needed.

Race/Species: Exiled; a subrace of Demons who have departed from their original realm because of the abhorrent practices of their brethren. With the Demonic Realms nothing more than cesspools of pain and hardship, the Exiled gathered their strongest Topomancers, masters of spatial manipulation, in order to create a massive portal, one that would eventually lead them to the realm within which Al-Jalasa stands. Though the Exiled had little more than their names, their knowledge, and each other, they persevered and pushed forward, driven by what was their greatest strength: their Want, their desire for more, their desire to become more.

Nowadays, hundreds of years after their arrival, they are a divided people, having spread through all corners of the world. Nevertheless, they are still true to their nature to this day, with many of them climbing their way through society as merchants, traders and scholars, be it through elegant or ruthless means.

Appearance: Suri’el is shorter for her race, standing a few inches over five feet. She sports hair, often found in waves some might call messy, but look rather elegant framing her face in a way that brings out her caramel colored eyes. If not in waves, then a loose braid often with flowers tucked somewhere into the locks. And, much to the despair of her mother, the color of her hair often changes. Right now, she sports a violet hue, appearing dark until the sun hits it just right, letting the color come to life.

Much like her cousins, Suri’el sports horns, but where their’s are more impressive, hers just poke through her hair just above her temples, almost mistaken for the dainty tips of her ears, often covered by the wave of colored hair. A slim neck leads the way into a petite form, from which comes a boundless energy one might think more fitting of someone a bit larger, sliding down into slim legs. The only difference of note from her cousins,other than shorter horns, is the human-like feet and legs she gained from her father. From behind, a soft, dark brown tail flits about her as if dancing on it’s own, ending in a tuft of silkenly soft fur, often dyed the same color as the hair on her head.

Personality: Suri’el has always been quick to a smile, even as a young child, where her mother would often chastise her for taking too long on walks, having to stop and smell nearly each flower, admire every bug. She is often found admiring little things, giving her the impression of her head in the clouds, but it didn’t take long for her mother to realize the girl had already discovered her Want; sharing the joy of the simple aspects of nature everyone else overlooks with those around her, reminding them to slow down and enjoy the world around them rather than merely living in it.

She can come across as scatterbrained, when really what Suri’el finds important just doesn’t always match up with the rest of the world, a fact she views as a difference rather than a flaw on her part. She is an artist by nature, striving to capture the beauty around her, to show it through her perspective. Suri’el often finds her place easily, whether it be below a billowing tree, dancing with the branches blowing in the wind, or among society, charming those around her with her cheerful, bubbly nature.

          Artistic - First and foremost, Suri’el is an artist. Viewing the world differently and challenging the imagery into new and interesting means as part of her Want. Capturing the world through her perspective is merely the first part, the second being sharing it. She recently stumbled on a method she is working to perfect, of making the images she paints come to life, so far capturing a slight shimmer of moonlight to waves on the ocean, but has a lot to learn to get the full effect, the end goal being a painting that looks as though one is peering through one of her cousin’s portals.

          Disarming - After all, how does one feel a threat from a bubbling pool of pure joy?

          Observant - How can one enjoy the little things surrounding them, if they are not aware of them in the first place? Suri’el is excellent at picking out the finer things, noting discrepancies where others might miss them, and, at the behest other mother, has learned to use her disarming nature to ease people into talking more than they might otherwise to an Exiled, allowing her to learn things others might not know.

History: Suri’el never knew her father, only that he was human, and as such subject to human frailties. The story goes that he passed saving a family from a fire in the night, only to give his own life to do so. She understood him to be a great man worthy of the honor in which he is spoken of, but...lacks the memories of him, even in her longer span of life, other than a soft beard that would make her giggle.

Raised instead by her mother and a close-knit community, Suri’el found joy in the world around her, the companionship found in community, and a sheer delight in the rolling hills she grew up in. Her mother always assumed Suri’el’s Want would be something having to to with nature, given just how difficult it was to get the young girl to come inside at night. Or when it was was cold. Or out of a storm. She always wanted to see the way the world changed in such times, claiming it to become magical in various ways. She could - and did - go on and on about how the raindrops made the world shimmer much like the edges of a topomancer’s portal, about the trail some bug or another took to find food and go back home, always careful to observe while disturbing things as little as possible, and always found with a sketchbook in hand. A messy book stuffed to overflowing with bits of fallen leaves to match colors to, of notes and sketches, pieces of this and that, something many might consider trash, but to Suri’el, her notebooks were more priceless than the finest jewels.

A few years after reaching adulthood, Suri’el decided she wanted to see the world. She packed her bags and headed out, making a living selling her art to those that appreciated the finesse in the details, letting each new place teach her something new to grow her abilities and fulfill her Want. Now, she found herself on Al-Jalasa’s doorstep, sure her cousin’s Estate would be ripe with the best colors and details she had yet to find.

Other information:


- The pet rock's name is Pebbles - it will not respond to any attempts to rename it.

- It is semi-sentient, and once it is coaxed out of the box, it floats around the owner's head and can act as a (quite dim) conversation partner, though it only communicates in unintelligible chirping noises. (Great for making background noises during monologues!)

- It likes to fly into hugs, alas, it has no arms, nor the true concept of how much a rock flying into anything actually hurts.

- Likewise, if the owner tries to throw or kick it, especially with the intent of it being used as a weapon, it will cling to the owner's hand and sob wildly, until the owner apologizes for hurting its feelings. (It does not care that much about hurting others, as it is afraid of heights.)