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Welcome to The Devil's Best Defence

21:25, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Erika Sloane

Name: Erika Sloane
Formerly Erika Bastille

Age: 26
Occupation: Aspiring Actress
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Kinks/Style: Erika is adventurous and passionate. Though she will happily initiate a romp, she prefers her partners to be dominant. With Nate, she will do almost anything, trusting him to keep her safe.

Personality: Erika encompasses a wealth of adventurous spirit and compassion. Independent, sometimes to a fault, she enjoys taking life and getting every last bit from it. She is also hopelessly romantic, though entirely unspoiled by material things. She values the thought more than worth. Unafraid to smile or be silly, she takes enjoyment from the joy of others. However, that intense passion also means she can swing with the hot spark of anger, using her tongue as a weapon. She lives by her emotional state and hates secrets.

While Nate was carving his way up the law firm chain, she worked tirelessly at his side to help ease the long nights. Learned how to cook and host on her own, without hiring outside help, and how to make their money work together. Now that Nate is getting his feet under him, she is finally focusing on her love of acting, his support encouraging her where she might have quit.

So far she has appeared on a few walk-on roles for television, one even lasting a few episodes. Disgruntled with her agent, she's been trying hard to push that one big break. This leaves her away more than she would like, though her father-in-law's health scare has made her back out of her shooting schedule to come home to her husband.

Interests/Hobbies: Having been raised in money, Erika has found a hidden enjoyment for cooking. She loves art in all of its forms and is seen often in the gallery scene of New York and LA where her brother resides. Since dating Nate, she's also taken up the hobby of hiking, though her real joy for it comes in rock climbing. She will often be seen on a course instead of doing reps at a gym.

Appearance: The first thing most people notice about Erika is her blazing ginger hair and the freckles on her face that prove it's natural. If you asked her, she'd say the prettiest thing about her were her eyes, a bright shade of hazel green that always smiled. The rest of her was much more delicate, standing at 5'6", her frame born to be dancer thin. Sinuous muscle kept her in shape, and she prided herself on trying to remain as natural as she could in a world where plastic surgery was the only way. That said, she is entirely unashamed of her body and wears her skin well with easy confidence.

History: Born December 5th to Henry and Loretta Bastille, Erika was the youngest of two. Her older brother, Jaime, runs an art studio out of LA and is likely where she got her passion from.

Always an outgoing child, she excelled in school. Her bright temperament refusing to exclude anyone that wanted to be friends. As she went into high school, she knew she wanted to be on TV. With her name following her and her father's money, it became quickly apparent that the clout she unintentionally held was going to propel her, regardless of talent. Wanting to do it on her own, she moved from LA to NYC.

Enrolling in the New York Academy of Art, she muscled her way through, relying like most up starting actors by working as a waitress or barista. It was there that she met Nate, his blue eyes and glowing smile enchanting as she made his morning coffee in a little hole coffee shop. After a few days of back and forth flirting, she wrote her name on his to-go cup and the rest was history.