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06:03, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Duke Gorlois of Cornwall

Duke of Cornwall
Loyal Friend of Aurelius Ambrosius

Duke Gorlois is the lord of the duchy Cornwall and husband to the most beautiful woman in Britain, Lady Ygraine. Along with Duke Ulfius and Duke Corneus, he is the most powerful of King Uther’s vassal.

Duke Gorlois is a grizzled veteran of many fights, battles, and wars. He was the first from Cornwall to support Aurelius Ambrosius, who honored Gorlois with this dukedom, and has since defended it from Irish raiders and Cornish plunderers.

Gorlois is noted for his loyalty to his beautiful wife, Lady Ygraine, and his tremendous personal courage. However, he is getting old and has suffered many wounds — his sword is sharp, but his arm was weak.

Born to nobility, his early childhood is nothing extraordinary. In the year 457, he becomes one of the leaders in the Dumnonii migration to Brittany. Once arrived in Brittany, Gorlois befriends Aurelius (and tolerates the younger prince, Uther, albeit barely). Gorlois follows Aurelius to war and earns Aurelius’ trust in numerous battles with his cool head and combat prowess.

The two men become as close as brothers. Finally, in the year 465, when Aurelius is ready to return to Britain but still lacking ships, Gorlois takes on the task of gathering a fleet from Soissons and the Franks. However, while sailing off the shore of Northern Gaul, a storm suddenly comes up and Gorlois’ ship flounders and becomes shipwrecked against an island’s rocky coast.

When he awakes he looks for other survivors. Finding some and pulling them to shore, he continues seeking other survivors when he sees a beautiful young lass rising from the waves. He rushes to her thinking her to be an angel coming to aid him. However, she is the daughter of the ruler of this island and together they pull many to safety. Gorlois, who had fallen instantly in love, then travels to meet her father and the shipwrecked survivors are entertained by the ruler of this island, her father.

Gorlois spends many a day in Ygraine’s presence and eventually meets her father in a closed meeting. He declares his lineage, his prowess (to date and the father smiles), and his intention to marry her. In response, the father says he is also a king and his daughter is not marrying someone not her equal in status. Their conversation continues but eventually, Gorlois walks away with a list of what he needs to do to get the father’s permission and the use of a magical fleet to help save Cornwall from the tyrant Vortigern.

Gorlois returns to Brittany with a fleet of magnificent, beautiful beyond measure, ships which move effortlessly against the waves. With these new ships, the invasion of ten thousand is made possible. Gorlois is always at the front of the battles and Aurelius rewards him by making him the Duke of Cornwall in 468. In 470, Ygraine arrives and marries Gorlois as he has succeeded in accomplishing all tasks set by her father, thus winning her hand. Ygraine’s beauty, her stature, her demeanor, all help to win the Cornish over.

Gorlois and Ygraine have two beautiful, intelligent girls together: Margawse (474) and Elaine (476).

The death of King Riothamus of Cornwall leads to a war between Duke Gorlois and King Idres, the new King of Cornwall. Gorlois conquers Ascalon and Tintagel counties, adding them to Logres.

Lady Ygraine: Wife. The most famed beauty in Britain, almost 30 years Gorlois’ junior.
Sir Cador: Son and heir.
Lady Margawse: The eldest daughter, known for having inherited her mother’s beauty.
Lady Elaine: The middle daughter, overshadowed by her two sisters.