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Welcome to The Devil's Best Defence

04:22, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Daveed Aderoju

Name: Daveed Aderoju
Age: 50
Occupation: Police Commissioner
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Kinks/Style: Since his wife passed away he has not pursued any intimate relationships. Who's to say what does and does not do it for him nowadays.


Daveed prides himself on his job, one who upholds justice but the most important role and the one that takes precedence overall others is being a father. At work he portrays the stereotypical no nonsense sort of cop but at home he shows his true colors. A warm, loving family man who would do whatever it takes to protect his own. Buried beneath this is a darkness that at one time terrified. Every person has a breaking point and Daveed’s takes a lot to snap but when it does one would think they are dealing with a demon instead of the kind father or strict commissioner.

Interests/Hobbies:  Bowling (part of a local league), cooking (especially barbeques), spending hours at the gun range, working out, chick flicks.


Daveed stands in at around 6’2 and is in excellent shape for his age thanks to a hardy gym regimen and diet. His age is still showing, his goatee is has turned white at his chin and the lines at his eyes are becoming more prominent with each passing year. To him it makes him look more distinguished. There is a warmth to his brown, almost black eyes when he is away from his job though when on the clock a distinct coldness fills his gaze which gives more to the intimidating visage he wears.

He typically wears suits when outside his home. They are not designer or overly expensive ones but he cleans up well. The one item he always wears is his wedding band.


Like his parents, Daveed is New York City born and raised, a fact he is proud of. At a young age he was instilled with a sense of right and wrong thanks to his father who was a police officer himself. Desiring to follow in his dad’s footsteps he enrolled in college to become a detective, facing some troubles due to his race but even with these extra hurdles he graduated with honors then joined one of the precincts. Again there were setbacks, some of the old men of the police force did not like a young upstart and that went double for a black one. His determination and perseverance would not let him be dissuaded.

Daveed took every case assigned to him, many which were deemed unsolvable. Some were but majority were cracked by him, and he climbed the ranks slowly but surely. A few years into his career he met the love of his life, Kelly. Two years into their relationship and her putting up with his crazy schedule he popped the question that would change their lives forever. A year later they were married and in months Kelly was pregnant. Daveed felt like he was on top of the world.

It’s funny how life can come and knock one flat on their ass. Kelly was rushed to the hospital, there was a complication with the pregnancy and their baby girl, Cecilia was born a month premature. Daveed was relieved to know his daughter would live after the doctor assured him she would. It was as if the doctor set him up to deliver a punch straight to his gut. Kelly died, too much internal bleeding and there was nothing they could do for her.

There Daveed was, a widower and a single father trying to make sense of why this all was happening to him. The loss would have plunged him into despair if not for his daughter who he named Cecilia after Kelly’s own grandmother like she wished. He put all of his energy into raising his baby girl while still juggling his career as a detective. It was trying at times but he always made sure to never take his job with him when he came home. To give Cecilia a loving home and doing his best to love her doubly as much as one parent could.

The years went on and through hard work Daveed was able to be named police commissioner which was a surprise to him. It was not the only surprise. Cecilia decided to follow in the family’s line of being cops. Against Daveed’s wishes, Cecilia went to college and became a detective with this being the second year on the force. He naturally worries about her but he has faith that she will fine. She is smarter than he was at her age and a better detective though he questions one of her choices. Cecilia recently married which left Daveed crying after he walked his little girl down the aisle.

For the first time since Kelly was alive, Daveed feels like life is falling perfectly into place.