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Welcome to The Harvest

00:35, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bross Tallcut

[The picture's close.]

Bross Tallcut is a young farmhand from the Greenlands, a few days travel Southeast from Greenest. His (huge) family owns and runs Tallcut Farm, where he's used to turning in twelve-hour-plus work days. It's the family custom for older sons and daughters, until they get a Household of their own, to leave after Harvest (so there's fewer mouths to feed in winter) and turn in whatever fortunes they made when they return in Spring.

[Bross could have anything from a sibling to a cousin-twice-removed in all sorts of places, doing all sorts of things.]

This is Bross' first turn doing this- doing a lot of things. He's only even been to Greenest a few times in his life.

His plan: Say goodbye to his family, find something legal and profitable to do for the winter, then enjoy the faire. A common job for his folk, "wintering", is to head down the Uldoon Trail with one of the trade caravans, doing whatever work they have, and stopping when something good turns up (sometimes heading out as far as Baldur's Gate). Bross can do all sorts of useful things, from guard-work to mending boots, so he'll also be looking for a workshop or merchant looking for help.

Appearance: He has the great height, green eyes and dark hair of a Chondathan, but is broader and more muscular than most. [Height, 6'4" "and still growing!", weight 'About 20 stone' (286 lb). This makes him about the size of (rl) Brock Lesnar, if not quite as muscular. He's as strong as a bear.]

Bross' hair is fairly long and not fussed-over. He looks a bit older than his age- not just due to his size, but due to being out in the elements a lot more than your average townfolk. (He looks a bit 'weathered'.)

His typical clothing is a commoner's linen tunic, belt, chausses, knee-height boots, and (if it's raining or cold) a cap. He's never worn any man's colors or seal, and takes some pride in this (though nobles might see that as being "unemployed").


This is Bross Tallcut's first time out in the larger world. He's proud (of the responsibility) and excited (for everything else). He's big-hearted, optimistic.

He loves his family, way out to the 'cousins' level, and they return it. His father is a savvy haggler as much as a farmer, his siblings and cousins have turned their hands to all kinds of things, and he's proud to be part of their company.

Bross is not naive or dumb, but there's simply a lot he hasn't encountered yet: The highest-ranking person he's ever met was a village headman (let alone a proper noble or even mayor), so courtly manners aren't his strong suit.

 He also hasn't drunk anything stronger than what they brewed around the farm. He's also never wagered much "for keeps", or properly gambled. (They 'bet' on things, all the time, but not, say, played dice or cards.). His first instinct on being asked for help is to give it- which would make him a prime target for several types of frauds, until he learns better.

 He's used to being among "just folk"- everyone pitches in as best they can, no one puts on airs. He believes that everyone deserves respect, and actively despises bullies.

He's smart enough for 'everyday uses', but clams up if he feels he's in the presence of "the Wise". (If they turn out to be a different brand of bully, that ends quickly.) He doesn't know much about mages or magic.

In Combat: Bross has two main weapons- a dagger (An "every day use" model that most people carry), and a Great Axe from the farm (used for everything from felling trees to slaughtering animals- it has bloodstains to prove it). He has some proper training, but defaults to two handed weapons swung big, like it was a tool instead of a weapon. While he can use the sling, he mainly uses it to hunt small game using stones he finds in the woods, rather than to launch bullets at people. He can also 'tussle' (Unarmed combat).

Religion: His people's tradition is that "god-talking is for householders". (His father's faith is in Chauntea, so that's what they did.)
This makes the people he came from as close to 'agnostic' as you'll see in the Realms- when Bross sets up his own household, he'll set up a shrine and deal with it then. (His brother took up a war-god when he went marching, etc) Tallcut hasn't been in a temple larger than his neighbors' cairns or chapels, and they may do things differently than their larger counterparts.


Specific Characters:

Alleycat: There's a bit of a height difference: ( ). He's not sure if he wholly trusts Alleycat yet. They recently had a whole conversation where it wasn't clear whether Bross thinks Alleycat was at the Harvest Festival for hooking or thieving, or if he just pulling Alleycat's leg.

Catrina: [About the same size] The first time they met, they fought. And it was great. He's stronger but she's much better-trained in unarmed combat. He respects that- but also believes she got a lucky shot in. He recently attempted to procure her freedom from the Greenest town jail.

Taria: He's spoken a bit with Taria- she strikes him as a Local Girl (to Greenest, making her "sort of a neighbor"), and he treats her as such. He's shown care for her, such as checking the 'lists of the fallen' for her family's names as well as his family's.

Sora: Large height difference (  He's awkward as hell around Sora. He's  alternated between treating her gingerly and almost awestruck (he isn't used to magic use for one thing, and she's more 'foreign' than Taria.)

Faim: (Bross is easily twice Faim's height) Bross has a great deal of respect for Faim, even if he doesn't always understand what he's talking about.

Hargrin: [Hasn't really spoken much, yet] Bross' people venerate Chauntea, but he himself is not comfortable talking to Hargrin yet.
Amorette Springspell: Gnomes mean "home" to Bross, whose family farm wasn't far from a mill-village run by Rock Gnomes. He's glad she's here.
Antru: Antru's sole interaction was calling Bross a "Dumb Ox". He was wounded at the time, but that is the only conversation they've had. Bross thinks he was brave to fight a rearguard action for them, but, all the same...