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00:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Percival Galois

Percival Galois looks like he was born and bred to attend the University of Cambridge. Long, lanky limbs are barely contained beneath a loud tweed suit. Combined with his bespectacled visage, and always proper posture, the man is painfully English. While the seventies have created students that have embraced certain aspects of the counter-culture, Percival has decidedly remained with the old and established way of doing things as most men of his education and class do. For he is not merely a man from a wealthy family. He is quite open about being of an old line of Welsh nobility.

Not that he is arrogant or superior in bearing. If anything, he has a kind of naiveté and trusting nature that is at odds with his social standing and chosen field of study. Percival man is hoping to become a doctor. And not just a general practitioner, but a full Trauma Surgeon. This singular drive almost borders on obsession, and there have been many a night where a concerned fellow student has had to practically force him out of the library and get some sleep.

These moods of intense hyper-fixation only seem to last as long as it takes him to full understand the subject in question, or he overcame some problem that vexed him. Otherwise, he is a man who seems to enjoy a strange mix of extracurricular activities. While all of the clubs that he belongs to are of a physical nature, namely the Fencing and Amateur Boxing clubs, his leisure time is almost entirely devoted to more sedentary pursuits. It is not unusual to see Percival sprawled under a tree, his nose in a book. While many of his peers might consider his choice of literature to be childish, Percival shows no shame at his love of many works of fantasy, such as Tolkein, Lewis, Howard, and Leiber. Combined with his constant seeking of interested parties to join longstanding games of AD&D, there can be only one conclusion.

Beneath all his fancy education, noble family, and honorable education pursuits, Percival is a giant nerd.