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Welcome to Land of Lost Souls

09:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Isla Williams


Name: Isla Williams (Jorgensen) (Clan Bain)
Nickname: (still working on it)
Isla Williams
DOB 3/8/1990.
Age: 35 (based on it being 2022—will adjust as needed
Gender: Female
Ethnicity:  Caucasian
Physical Appearance:
Height: 5'7
Weight: 145LBS
Body Type: Athletic
Hair Style: Medium-long
Hair Color: Black/Dark brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: White
Sexual orientation: Bi-Sexual (she had a college fling with a girl in one of her classes)


Supernatural Abnormality: Lycanthrope
Weakness: For every special ability, there needs to be a weakness.

Theme song: (Optional)
Faceclaim: Alexandra Daddario
Physical Description: 5’7, lean and tone.
Distinguishing Features: Blue eyes
Personality Description: Mostly cheerful, protective, serious when things go sideways
Isla stands a lean 5’7” tall with dark brown/black hair, piercing blue eyes and an athletic build

Husband:  Bo Williams
Children (Age 7) Wyatt and Freya (last known remaining Heirs to the Williams Estate)
Father:  Thomas  Jorgensen
Mother:  Theresa Jorgensen (Bayne) (Clan Bain)
Younger Sister: Maggie (Smith (Jorgensen)
Grandfather Paternal: Oliver (age 88
Grandmother Paternal: Lana (aged 87)
Grandfather Maternal: Reid Aged 92
Grandmother Maternal: Katherine(Aged 90)

What are some of your character's likes and dislikes?
She likes bbq and gumbo, two things her husband introduced her to.  She also likes dancing, going to clubs and her job. Huge Football (Soccer) and Rugby fan.

Any other information you would like to share:  What would you like to know?
Hobbies:  swimming, riding motorcycles, horseback riding, Hiking, Camping, playing piano and violin.
Vices: Adrenalin Junky (why she likes her job and doing dangerous things like skydiving and surfing)
Strengths: Strong-willed, loyal, fearless, cool under pressure, generous, compassionate, protective
Weaknesses: Doesn't know when to say no, outspoken, can be pushy, men in uniform, will sometimes let her need or desire to help others outweigh her common sense.
Fears/Phobias: Losing herself, not being in control, becoming the monster so many see shifters to be.
Mental Illnesses: none known

The ocean, sunrise over the water, being on the water, being in nature.  Outdoor activities -- hiking,  camping, horseback riding, skydiving, bungee jumping, cowboys (her husband), motorcycles, Country Music, Sea Shantys, video games (guilty pleasure is Call of Duty), dancing, dressing up
Trustworthy people
The feeling of job done well
Helping people

People who hurt others
People who won't help others (people who grab a phone for YouTube instead of helping)
Feeling helpless or impotent, the feeling of being caged or limited
Not being able to count on the people around her.
lazy people

How would you like to see your character grow? TBD

History: Tell me as much about your character as possible. Their parents, their childhood, how they
Isla was born in Inverness, Scotland.  Her mother, originally from Scottland worked as a detective for Scotland yard before being nearly killed in an ambush by IRA terrorists which led to her retirement after 10 years.  Her father, a first-generation Brit, whose family came from Norway, was an RAF pilot who became a successful businessman after he left the service. Due to his business dealings, she travelled a lot with her family and grew up all over Europe.
Thanks to his travels she was homeschooled and learned multiple languages including French, Dutch, German, Russian, Spanish and Swedish with a smattering of Italian and Farsi. Aside from this, she had a relatively normal childhood growing up but was instilled with a strong sense of duty from her parents.
When she graduated secondary school, she attended the University of Cambridge where she studied Linguistics and Law.

Upon graduating from Cambridge she applied for a position at MI6 as an analyst, something her ability in linguistics helped her with (along with a little pull from her parent’s old connections). She wasn’t a field agent, but she was a secret agent!

Here she learned digital forensics, analytics, as well as hand-to-hand combat (Mixture of Krav Maga and Judo) and how to use a pistol if needed.  She’s not an expert but she’ll put a real hurt on any average street punk who gets too handsy.  Her training concluded with the mandatory survival training and resistance training.
Isla's first post was in London.  From there she spent a  year in Germany before landing a cushy gig as an Attaché to the ambassador to Sweden.  Her job was to take reports from field agents, process the information, and pass it on to her superiors.   Things were going swimmingly until a chance encounter one New Year’s Eve in Stockholm where she met a smashing American under the city lights named Bo.  Turns out he was actually stationed nearby on a training assignment to help with the Swedish military’s training.  His mother was from Stockholm so he had taken some vacation to spend time with them over the new year.  He was everything she imagined about American’s, brash, cocky, a little gung-ho but also sweet and charming.  One date led to another.

They had a one-year whirlwind romance and then he was gone, swept off by his job in the military, until one day. about two years later he came back.  They had kept up on social media and in emails and letters but this was unexpected.  He had managed to get a job working for the American Ambassador. Their relationship re-kindled and things took off from there.

A trip back to Scotland and he met her parents, a trip to America and she got to meet his family. Lots of sightseeing around Europe. It all seemed to happen so fast but really, three years flew by until one day,  he asked her to marry him.  With a little pull from their Ambassadors, their request to have their wedding in the gardens at the gardens of the Swedish royal palace was granted and the King and his family actually attended!  It was a fairytale come true!

A year later they welcomed twins.  He was a Pararescue paramedic with the US Air Force and as his job was dangerous, he elected to turn down a promotion and then resigned his commission to stay with his family, a decision he didn't make lightly.  He wasn’t worried about retirement, his family had money, a trust for the kids and she had her job.  They were going to ride that out until she retired.  At least that was the plan.  So far as he knew, she simply worked for Her Majesties Diplomatic Service.

Due to his medical training, he found work as a paramedic and basically raised their kids because of her work hours at the Embassy.

One day he received word that his parents had been killed in a car accident and flew home to settle his family's affairs as he was named executor of their will.
She'd asked for leave to attend the funeral which was granted and she and the kids followed him to New Orleans a week later.

She met Mr. Ashby for the first time at the wake, a charming fellow if a little odd. The house staff’s tone had changed.  Bo was now head of the house so most of the staff referred to him as “Mr. or Master” Williams.   She was familiar with this due to her upbringing, but he was clearly not prepared for it.  The original plan was for them to straighten things out and then return to Europe so she returned to England.  That’s when Bo called and told her he thought his parents may have been murdered.  She caught the first flight back.

Some old school friends of Bo’s, now working for the police were the ones that responded to the accident that night.  They talked to Bo when he found out and their reports didn’t match up with the report he got from the police.  He hired a private investigator to look into it and that’s when things got weird.  It was as if they were in a movie.  Random bar fight on a date night, she was sure they were being followed but couldn’t quite be sure.  Then there was the crazy voodoo lady that she’d been introduced to that showed up one night as they were coming home.  She showed Bo a drawing and w while he didn’t freak out, he got serious.  Started checking all the cars, making sure the locks were good, all the weapons in the house were easily located, they even did some drills together in case their home was broken into.  This was made a little easier because this was something they had already worked on back in Europe with their children.

The home is an old Victorian-style home on some 40 acres about 20 miles north and east of New Orleans near Slidell, Lousiana.  The land, at one time more than 10,000 acres, has all been sold off over the years save for the main house, a few outbuildings and roughly 40 acres.